Demo Store
77.3K subscribers
2 links
This test store features the most exotic imaginary goods no money can buy, so you can test how Telegram Payments 2.0 work without spending a penny.
Channel created
Available Goods
Anti-Gravity Boots
Fountain of Youth
Inflatable Flower Bed
Prepper Spray
Koomsday Device
Keyboard of the Ancients
“Genuine” Dragon
DIY Hunter-Gatherer Kit

Available Services
Gelatin Hair Treatment

To “buy” something, update your Telegram app to the latest version, use the Pay button and enter the following test card details:

Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Security Code: Any 3 digits.
Expiry Date: Any date in the future.

To send one of these products to any chat, start a message with @ShopBot followed by a space – and pick one of the suggestions.

Developers interested in integrating payments can find all the details in the Payments Manual.