Союз Африканских Диаспор
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🇪🇹🇪🇷🌼 В Эфиопии и Эритрее наступил Новый 2017 год! С праздником, друзья!

В обеих странах наступление Нового года - Ынкутаташ (እንቁጣጣሽ) совпадает с окончанием сезона дождей, это праздник обновления и надежды. Церкви обеих стран в этот день отмечают день памяти Иоанна Предтечи (በዓል ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ), который также считается символом смены года.

В Эфиопии принято поздравлять именно с наступлением Нового года (መልካም አዲስ ዓመት!), а вот в Эритрее - с Днем Святого Иоанна (ርሑስ በዓል ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ!)

#Эфиопия #Эритрея
Только три африканские страны никогда не брали кредит у Международного валютного фонда

Либерия, Кения, Марокко, Сенегал, Мавритания, Мадагаскар и Мали занимали у МВФ по 20 и более раз, в то время как Ливия, Эритрея и Ботсвана еще не делали этого.

Программы МВФ часто предусматривают условия для правительств по сокращению расходов и реструктуризации существующего долга, как в случае с Ганой, которая согласилась на программу расширенного кредитования на сумму 3 миллиарда долларов, которая реализуется в течение трехлетнего периода. МВФ заявил, что “усилия Ганы по проведению реформ приносят свои плоды” после последнего пересмотра программы в июне.

Индекс Африки
Forwarded from NIDO Russia (НИДО)
#Tomorrow 18.09.2024 at 7pm, is a fantastic day to join us in Saint Petersburg to celebrate Nigerian art in Russia. Our very own artists Ben Ibebe and his works will be celebrated and he will receive awards from Russia State Organisations.

Venue: Stieglitz Academy
Time: 19:00
Venue: Solyanoy Ln, 13, St Petersburg, Russia

This project was initiated by #NIDO Russia and #GATINGO to facilitate cultural exchange as well as improve bilateral relations.

From September 10, the St. Petersburg art community have been getting acquainted with the work of the Laureate of the XXXII International Arts Festival "MASTER CLASS", Laureate of the International Festival "Around the World: Art Without Borders" - the world-famous Nigerian artist Ben Ibebe, presented in the museum of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after A.L. Stieglitz)

You can visit the exhibition on the days and hours of the museum (Tuesday-Saturday, until 6 p.m.). Unique works are available to collectors.

Another event will hold in Moscow on the 28th for those who are interested but can't make it to Saint Petersburg.


#nidorussia #NIDO_Russia, #GatingoArtNews #ArtFutureGallery #СовременноеАфриканскоеИскусство
#Afrofuturism #МирАфрикиСегодняЗавтраВчера #РоссияАфрика #Гатинго
Forwarded from NIDO Russia (НИДО)
✈️🇳🇬 Avoiding Discomfort Associated with Denial of Entry and Deportation

I commend everyone in the community who has shown interests in the plight of the Nigerians who were recently refused entry.
Unfortunately, as we have seen from cases like these, if the traveler doesn't plan well for such disappointments, he/she may be left without food/water till the next available flight back home, and this may last many days.

To avoid potential discomfort associated with refusal of entry, we advise the following:

1. Remember: Visa is not a birthright but a priviledge, so do not assume that by getting a visa, entry across the border is guaranteed. Selling of landed property or taking short term loans for flight ticket remains a huge financial risk.

2. For students, ensure that your university is aware of your arrival/flight route and that they have sent your name, passport data, visa details and flight route to the appropriate border control at the point of entry. Do not assume, rather confirm.

3. Ensure that your activities online and offline are in line with national interests and local laws of the host country.

4. Ensure that you know detailed information about your purpose of visit. For example, the name of your course/University, accommodation arrangement, etc.

5. Some airports or point of entry has shown a higher refusal rate than others based on the sample data revealed to us. You may consult with us at NIDO Russia to help you plan your flight routes.

6. Keep in mind that when refused entry, it might take a while before an available return flight is found. This means that some people spend a lot of time, up to a few days, sometimes without food/water. In such cases, necessary expenses need to be made.

7. Nigerian cards do not work in Russia, so come with cash. Payment by online transfer is forbidden in the airport, so only cash payment or Russian bank cards work. It is unlikely that a new student/tourist has a Russian bank card, so cash is the usually the only feasible option.

8. If you are on medications, have available stock for at least a few days.

9. Things are more expensive than average in the airport so expenses on necessities such as food/water must be optimized/economized
A. Consider buying high nutrient snacks, rather than hot meals
B. Consider buying larger bottles of water, as the cost per litres reduces and it can last longer
C. Compare prices at different shops to get the best possible price.

10. Optimize your carry-on luggage.
A. Dress warmly or keep warm dressing in your carry-on luggage to self regulate your temperature. The conditioned air in the airport may not be conformable for everyone for extended periods of time, especially for days.
B. Keep toiletries and changeable clothes in your carry-on luggage. It may not be convenient to be in the same clothes for many days.
C. Consider bringing along your charger or power bank in your carry-on luggage. Keep an eye for available charging stations. It is important to be reachable especially in cases where information needs to be passed across.

Remember denial of entry is not the end of the world, read our previous article on steps you can take after refusal of entry and securing your return.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Godwin Ibe
Chairman, NIDO Russia


#visa #education #education #fsb
Forwarded from NIDO Russia (НИДО)
Media is too big
Channels TV interviews Dr. Godwin Ibe, the Chairman of Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation Russia (NIDO) on
"US & Russian Officials Meet In Istanbul For Talks towards ending the Russia Ukraine conflict".

VK: https://vk.com/wall7393587_549
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZY0nN4nwhgo
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v6pxpvi-us-and-russian-officials-meet-in-istanbul-for-talks-more.html

Post Link: https://yangx.top/nido_russia/1944

#NewsInNigeria #ChannelsTV #ChannelTVNews #News #Russia #Ukraine #Trump #Putin #USA #Russia #Zelensky #NidoRussia #NIDO