Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Небензя: 8⃣ лет 🇺🇦 продолжала и продолжает бомбить своих же граждан и уклоняться от прямого диалога с #Донбассом, а все мировое сообщество #Киев «водил за нос», уверяя в приверженности Минским соглашениям и готовности их выполнять, но только в своей интерпретации. https://t.co/knep6pSIEv
#Небензя: Именно из-за нежелания #Киева учитывать интересы широких слоев населения,🇺🇦находится в состоянии войны со своими гражданами, несогласными с нынешней политикой властей. А западные покровители #Украине ничего не сделали, чтобы убедить Киев услышать собственный народ. https://t.co/0DDY3TAJmr
#Небензя НА #ГАООН по #Украине: . В любой другой кризисной ситуации государства-члены #ООН призывают к инклюзивному прямому #диалогу конфликтующих сторон. В противном случае внутренний #конфликт не подлежит урегулированию. Однако в случае на 🇺🇦 все было с точностью до наоборот. https://t.co/sQ2zKIKcuF
#Небензя: За эти годы #Украина прочно превратилась в «Анти-Россию» и возвела борьбу с русским языком и всем русским в ранг госполитики. В стране появилась языковая инквизиция, сфера употребления русского языка неуклонно сжималась, подвергалась #репрессиям. https://t.co/Rl3FV16e2N
Небензя: Все эти годы против #Донбасса действует экономическая, транспортная и продовольственная блокада. Пожилые люди и дети прячутся от обстрелов по подвалам. Счет #беженцев, которые спасаются в🇷🇺, а не на🇺🇦, идет на десятки тысяч, более конкретно – сегодня их 96 тысяч человек. https://t.co/c32AczVKwg
#Небензя: #Киеву нужны не донбассцы, а только их земля. Об этом🇺🇦говорила прямо, предложив им убираться в🇷🇺. При этом, презрительно именуя этих людей террористами. Убедившись в безнадежности ситуации, мы приняли решение, что народ #Донбасса имеет право считать себя независимым. https://t.co/AJnaGkSmDN
#Polyanskiy: Stagnation & de facto stalemate of🇵🇸🇮🇱settlement provoke an outbreak of violence in #WestBank & Eastern Jerusalem. Against this backdrop, construction of settlements continues, as well as confiscation of lands, eviction of Palestinians, demolition of houses, etc. https://t.co/xKMh6uBK51
#Polyanskiy: We're concerned over Tel Aviv’s announced plans for expanding settlement activity in the occupied #GolanHeights, which contradicts the provisions of the 1949 Geneva Convention. Russia doesn't recognize Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights that are part of #Syria. https://t.co/slHQSefJp5
#Polyanskiy: We reiterate the importance of holding a ministerial meeting of the Quartet [of international mediators for the #MiddleEast] and making this mechanism work closely with Palestinians, Isarelis, and key regional stakeholders. https://t.co/Ujr6l0O5qa https://t.co/nttXz3CHDK
#Polyanskiy: We draw attention to #UNRWA’s appeals to the global community and calls to accumulate the much-needed funds so that the Agency could keep rendering humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees in the #MiddleEast. 🇷🇺 will set forth its financial support for UNRWA. https://t.co/dXOrRr2AlO
#Polyanskiy: Conditions for resolving a conflict and starting collective efforts can never be perfect. If they could, there would be no conflicts at all. However if one chooses to stay idle saying that the environment is not favorable yet, there will be no progress. #MiddleEast https://t.co/bbAVngYJUg
#Nebenzia: #Kiev spent eight years bombing its nationals and evading direct dialogue with #Donbas, while also managing to “fool” the intn'l community by proclaiming its commitment to the #MinskAgreements and readiness to implement them, but in a very particular interpretation. https://t.co/QZbVW6fXCo
#HappeningNow 🇺🇳Security Council will meet at 09.30 pm🕘 (New York time) today to convene a meeting on #Ukraine. https://t.co/P9GF0jdB1T
#Nebenzia: #Ukraine’s Western sponsors did nothing to make #Kiev listen to its people, thus showing double standards. With any other crisis, 🇺🇳members call on conflicting sides to start direct dialogue, otherwise conflict can't be settled. But it's the direct opposite with 🇺🇦. https://t.co/Cmw0YTyEFl
#Nebenzia: #Kiev basically sabotaged the work of the Contact Group in #Minsk. Most of you have no idea what those meetings looked like, and how #Ukrainian representatives undermined the decision-making not only on political, but also on economic & humanitarian issues. @mfa_russia https://t.co/Bn3U2N1sdI
#Nebenzia: #UNSG never spoke up to stress the need for implementing provisions of the #MinskPackage or UNSCR 2202 that demand that all problems must be solved through Kiev-Donetsk-Lugansk coordination. No one in the West ever mentioned this. Unfortunately SG chose to follow suit. https://t.co/PmCWeD05TW
#Nebenzia: #Donetsk and #Lugansk clearly saw what Ukraine🇺🇦 they were offered to get back to. Nevertheless, they never defied the #MinskAgreements, they believed they would be implemented and the two regions would receive special status https://t.co/qu4dSSFPYS https://t.co/NMPwYs3W1H
#Nebenzia: All these years, #Donbas has been under an economic, transportation, and #food blockade. Elderly people and children hide from shells in basements. #Refugee count stands at dozens of thousands these past days, most specifically – 96 thousand people as of now. https://t.co/q7ob3v1gOw
#Nebenzia: In the course of 8⃣ years, the Maidan authorities carried out two appalling deadly military ventures that ended in a crushing defeat of the Ukrainian🇺🇦 army and signing of the #MinskAgreements. But instead of implementing the accords, #Kiev plotted plans for a revenge. https://t.co/uSj2e0quz0
#Nebenzia: It's self-evident to any civilized state that you cannot do such things to your people. It means that #Kiev does not need the people of Donbas, it only wants their land. 🇺🇦President overtly said that, offering the people of #Donbas to get out to Russia🇷🇺. @mfa_russia https://t.co/bQBtAOgmay