Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Евстигнеева: Навязывание извне #Судан|ским властям сомнительных социально-экономических схем и «демократизаторских» шаблонов, политизация вопросов, связанных с финпомощью, уже привели к расколу в обществе. Это спровоцировало нестабильность и виток центробежных тенденций. @MID_RF https://t.co/s4Q3kEeRje
#Polyanskiy: #Peacekeepers are facing the extremely challenging epidemiological situation caused by #COVID19 pandemic. We support the idea of immunization of peacekeepers before their deployment on the ground. TCCs should have an opportunity to use any #vaccine at their disposal. https://t.co/fWaV1GnXza
#Polyanskiy: The blue helmets’ contribution to #peace is invaluable: they carry out their duty in difficult and dangerous environments, risking their lives on. Issues related to their security appear to be among the most important in the operation of PKOs. https://t.co/ykd7zgzJw9 https://t.co/VKoOEow6dl
#Polyanskiy: Future belongs to the new technologies but at the same time their use by #peacekeepers should not become a threat to the sovereignty of a host state, its neighboring countries or violate privacy of citizens. https://t.co/lXWJnBkDHC
#Polyanskiy: It is the host state that is responsible for providing safe conditions for #BlueHelmets.It’s impossible to attain progress in ensuring security for #peacekeepers without moving forward the peace process, achievement of political settlement of the conflict @mfa_russia https://t.co/kjyOYTCWU6
Deputy Prime Minister of 🇷🇺 mDmitry #Chernyshenko: In Russia, the #digital technology industry is actively developing. Digital transformation is our national development goal. And position in STEM education is among the strongest in the world. https://t.co/uWIX5hVx2z https://t.co/gcCVaLAmuj
🇷🇺will host the2️⃣0️⃣@UN Internet Governance Forum in 2025. The choice of #Russia as a venue for the anniversary is a great honor for us and evidence of recognition of the confident positions of 🇷🇺 in the development of the information society and digital technologies. @mfa_russia https://t.co/Pc8zrrMEBh
#Чумаков: На ежегодной основе #Россия вносит свой вклад как путем регулярных донорских взносов в бюджеты гумагентств🇺🇳в размере порядка 90 млн. долл., так и посредством направления гумгрузов и 🇷🇺 спасателей в регионы с наиболее острыми потребностями. https://t.co/CUqhINJiAb https://t.co/w1nlAAGHIR
#Evstigneeva: Agreements made by the Sudanese leadership were a significant step towards settling the acute internal crisis in🇸🇩. We trust that once implemented, the agreements'll promote stabilization in #Sudan and create favorable conditions to facilitate the transition period. https://t.co/BQFowbiAaX
#Evstigneeva: #Sudan lives through a very complicated historical period. The controversies in the 🇸🇩society can and should be addressed only through dialogue bringing together all major political forces of the country in the interests of security, stability & national accord. https://t.co/y280X3dmYV
#Evstigneeva: We positively assess the statement made by Chair of the Sovereignty Council of #Sudan A.Burhan who proclaimed an intention to hold general elections in July 2023 and recommitted to the Juba Agreement for Peace in #Sudan. @mfa_russia @Rus_Emb_Sudan https://t.co/GuUSnQcnEm
#Evstigneeva: We assume that #UNITAMS will continue assisting the 🇸🇩leadership at a number of tracks, incl. settlement in #Darfur, relevant economic reforms, maintenance of domestic peace & legal order, reach-out to the donors in order to ensure unimpeded financial assistance. https://t.co/obfohB44t7
#Evstigneeva: Russia🇷🇺 cannot approve of political pressure and straightforward economic blackmail that #Sudan is faced with. Attempts to shake loose the Sudanese🇸🇩 track are fraught with further destabilization. 🔗https://t.co/T9xdRwHEzr https://t.co/ihYpkQGAZ4
#Evstigneeva: We believe that West-initiated special session of the #HumanRights Council dedicated to discussing the situation in Sudan that convened on 5 November was untimely. We are opposed to the institution of a mandate of #HRC Special Rapporteur on #Sudan. https://t.co/hvYkitLoWc
#Chumakov: Russia🇷🇺 actively participates in global humanitarian response system, i.a. through the #UN, by making contributions to the budgets of🇺🇳humanitarian agencies (ca.💲90 mln yearly), dispatching humanitarian aid & sending emergency response groups to the areas in need. https://t.co/fZJppJAtWb
🔵 #Россия проголосовала против внесенного 🇮🇪 и 🇳🇪 проекта резолюции #СБООН «Климат и безопасность». Вызывает сожаление, что предметом раскола стала объединительная по сути климатическая повестка, свидетельством чему явился недавний консенсус в Глазго. https://t.co/j6dvo1i3om https://t.co/PItd94Kvr9
В проекте резолюции #СБООН усматриваем попытку ряда стран создать новый рычаг, посредством которого диктовать свое видение исполнения #климат|ических обязательств, в перспективе – инициировать включение в повестку СБ практически любой страны по климатическим соображениям. @MID_RF https://t.co/tGETAGtZkV
Как ответственный член🇺🇳и СБ #Россия, совместно с Индией и Китаем, не разделяет подход, навязываемый западными государствами, которые уже заставили в него уверовать большое число ждущих помощь стран. Настроены на поиск комплексных решений в борьбе с изменением #климат|а. @MID_RF https://t.co/NJZav5Oxfc
🔶#Russia voted against the draft #UNSCR on climate and security submitted by Ireland and Niger. The divide was #climate which, by its nature, is a unifying agenda, as was demonstrated by the recent consensus achieved in Glasgow. https://t.co/m49kCgBBzt https://t.co/fn6tsEhLoq
In this draft resolution we see an attempt of some states to gain leverage in the #UNSC to impose a particular vision with regard to fulfilment of climate commitments and ultimately to initiate putting any country on the SC’s agenda under the #climate pretext. @mfa_russia https://t.co/ctNmZQmmaC