Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
Призываем #США, последнюю в мире страну, обладающую заявленным химоружием, ликвидировать свои запасы в кратчайшие сроки. У американской стороны для этого имеются все финансовые и технологические возможности. @MID_RF @RussiaInUSA https://t.co/1SfhQofugT
#FirstCommittee With all responsibility we assure that🇷🇺's never possessed intermediate- or shorter-range land-based missiles. To state the opposite is to paint a false picture and cover up for those who're responsible for the breakdown of the #INF Treaty. https://t.co/GWbADCfvOn https://t.co/P1vyCIUEP6
For these reasons, we consider the adoption of the Treaty for the Prohibition of #NuclearWeapons as misguided and counter-productive in its essence. It only aggravates the situation provoking deep divisions in 🌍community, undermining the foundations of the #NPT. @mfa_russia https://t.co/bM9PSQgoVj
Such approach is particularly relevant against the background of attempts of certain countries & civil society reps to appeal to #humanitarian aspects as the only absolutely sufficient condition for imposing restrictions on specific types of #ConventionalWeapons. @mfa_russia https://t.co/3dVuCmnL8X
#FirstCommittee Russia 🇷🇺 proposes that the #UNGA should proclaim the historic responsibility of all States to ensure that the exploration of outer #space is carried out exclusively for peaceful purposes and for the benefit of humankind. 📸by @roscosmos ➡️https://t.co/avBSzk89zO https://t.co/DPJcurJmT2
Peaceful exploration of outer #space serves is an effective means for solving global challenges, e.g. the study & wider use of 🌍natural resources, natural disaster management, food security, improved transportation & communications, creation of advanced materials & technologies. https://t.co/9rLynzr3Qa
#FirstCommittee 🇷🇺supports the intn'l regime of prohibition of chemical, biological&toxin weapons and consistently advocates its universalization and strengthening. We strictly adhere to obligations under the BWC which outlawed an entire category of #WMD. https://t.co/1itb6xWd67 https://t.co/S0YPQfYvn4
The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention #BWC should remain a reliable instrument for reducing the threat of the use of biological agents as weapons and promote international cooperation in the biological field for peaceful purposes. @mfa_russia @armscontrol_rus https://t.co/FXaqYPPdnL
#Chumakov: Following the expiration of the trial basis term for the annual budget in 2022, Member States will need a cost-benefit analysis. It's important to make a balanced & informed decision: keep the annual budget or return to a biennial one next year. https://t.co/93impgTnI9 https://t.co/tJsLGbA0u6
#Chumakov at #FifthCommittee: Russia🇷🇺 believes that the Committee for Programme and Coordination as the main subsidiary organ of the #UNGA and #ECOSOC for planning, programming and coordination, carries out its mandate in a very effective manner. ➡️https://t.co/eBoAUnpmvZ https://t.co/nSz7rnhJmp
Что касается военной деятельности в #Крыму и Азовско-Черноморском регионе, то, как и в отношении других частей🇷🇺, она осуществляется на основе принципа оборонной достаточности и направлена лишь на защиту целостности🇷🇺и граждан проживающих на ее территории. https://t.co/IowJEz9pT4 https://t.co/tDCDaPXXCi
Призываем заинтересованные государства приложить дополнительные усилия для скорейшего завершения реформирования многосторонней торговой системы с центральной ролью #ВТО, действующей на недискриминационной основе. https://t.co/kAF3IaIiF7 https://t.co/CbTneh3bwx
#Чумаков: Вновь выражаем сожаление, что многолетняя практика утверждения регулярного бюджета #ООН консенсусом была нарушена в 2019 г. Причина – включение в общую смету незаконных т.н. следственных механизмов по #Сирии и #Мьянме. https://t.co/Lx0aTFwykF https://t.co/Cv3y8fI3PW
🇷🇺активно вовлечена в налаживание партнерства с деловыми кругами во имя достижения всеобщего благополучия. Хотя крупные🇷🇺 компании придерживаются принципов социальной корпоративной ответственности @Pravitelstvo_RF принимает меры по институционализации #ЦУР https://t.co/U8quYh6ZG9 https://t.co/TeslFVmxJ2
🇷🇺is committed to unconditionally implementing the objectives of the Istanbul and the Vienna PoAs, such as productive capacities and infrastructure development, export diversification and growth; access to innovation, technologies and financial services. https://t.co/zOPCi1ZCiu https://t.co/jiSckE1EWo
#SecondCommittee The long-standing reluctance of a number of major economies to respond to the growing role of developing countries & their associations in🌐economic processes does not allow to quickly and deeply reform the intn'l #financial architecture. https://t.co/hstJU8XFTF https://t.co/L1VO1rAUcg
Осуждаем попытки🇺🇦 вынести крымский сюжет на #ГАООН посредством политизированной резолюции о милитаризации полуострова, частей Черного и Азовского морей. Она построена на безосновательных обвинениях в адрес🇷🇺и призвана списать проблемы #Украины на мифическую 🇷🇺агрессию.@MID_RF https://t.co/zrcyZ6DmK6
#Polyanskiy: We keep track of the acute military & political crisis in #Yemen. We are particularly concerned by the situation at the Marib-Shabwa border, where deadly clashed btw Houthis and formations that're loyal to the president have resumed recently. https://t.co/5VSwWghi1f https://t.co/KGYgBKsbn2
#Polyanskiy: We will keep supporting the UN🇺🇳 efforts [in #Yemen]. It is our intention to continue encouraging the 🇾🇪authorities and the leadership of the Houthi movement “Ansar Allah” to demonstrate a constructive approach and be ready for compromise. https://t.co/wheF0BLM6j
#Polyanskiy: The dire socio-economic situation in #Yemen raises great concern. The distressing statistics provided by @UNOCHA is self-explanatory. We reiterate the need to lift restrictions on deliveries of food, medicines, and other basic items to all districts of Yemen🇾🇪. https://t.co/3Uqca70YKd