#Небензя: #ВСУ 🇺🇦 не дают жителям #Мариуполя покинуть город, удерживают их, насильно доставляют всех обратно. Также известно о планируемых националистическими батальонами провокациях, которые они заготовили с участием населения, с тем, чтобы впоследствии обвинить в этом 🇷🇺. https://t.co/J4SXKMSzZA
#Небензя: Вопреки нормам #гумправа в жилых кварталах размещается военная техника и артиллерийские установки. Ответственность за это полностью лежит на властях🇺🇦, так же как за безответственную и преступную раздачу оружия всем желающим, включая выпущенных из тюрем заключенных. https://t.co/Cjx5yT2Yl2
#Небензя на #ГАООН по #Украине: Мы сегодня слышали от 🇺🇦представителя слова о нацизме, но он стыдливо умолчал о разгуле неонацизма на самой #Украине, о бесчинствах неонацистских и националистических радикальных организации, о факельных шествиях и прославления пособников Гитлера. https://t.co/ojZOoLmjjt
#Небензя: Действуя сегодня мы прежде всего стремились остановить 8-летнюю войну майданного режима с населением #Донбасса. За прошедшие годы #Россия сделала все возможное и невозможное, чтобы избежать такого сценария. https://t.co/zokLUqlycC https://t.co/OGaKNwdTEv
#Небензя на #ГАООН по🇺🇦: Многие не хотят ничего слышать о трагедии, которая началась на Украине после майданного переворота, о заживо сожженных людях в Одессе, о преследованиях и убийствах несогласных. Самым ярким проявление этого - стала развязанная Киевом война против #Донбасса https://t.co/xWzXZzVBTi
#Evstigneeva: The situation in Afghanistan is constantly changing. The new 🇦🇫authorities demonstrate readiness to establish constructive interaction with intn'l community. We note efforts that they take to address political, socio-economic, #humanitarian, #HumanRights problems. https://t.co/frQ69cgDOz
#Evstigneeva: We expect Talibs to take measures to uphold their obligations. First of all in terms of finalizing the process of inter-#Afghan settlement and forming truly inclusive power authorities that should account for interests of all major ethnical & political forces of 🇦🇫. https://t.co/B0wyMpIPHv
#Evstigneeva at #UNSC briefing on 🇦🇫: Our common priority remains unchanged. It is preserving of stability in #Afghanistan. This is the task that we share with the Afghans🇦🇫, and the situation in the region will largely depend on how we approach this. https://t.co/SK8ati1zm3 https://t.co/91avGTZo2h
#Evstigneeva: 20 years ago 🇺🇸entered Afghanistan with a special mission–fight against #terrorism. But their arrival only stepped up Afghanistan’s status as a hotbed of drugs & terrorists. Apart from Al-Qaida & its affiliates, another terrorist group gained a foothold in 🇦🇫–#ISIL. https://t.co/0bg8BxfNqY
#Evstigneeva: 20 years of #US presence in 🇦🇫cost thousands of lives of ordinary Afghans and American soldiers, and billions dollars spent. Then they double-heartedly abandoned the #Afghan people, and left them one-on-one with devastation, poverty, #terrorism, and hunger. https://t.co/wnvUqaPJ5W
#Evstigneeva: We support regular contacts of #UNAMA and the new Afghan authorities. We took note of SG's recommendations as to modalities of UNAMA’s future engagement in 🇦🇫. We agree that the mission plays an important role as coordinator of intn'l assistance to #Afghanistan. https://t.co/LvZ3uVrHTl
#Evstigneeva: Good relations w/host country and trust of host authorities are key to #UNAMA’s effectiveness. Its success will depend on whether its mandate is realistic, clear & attainable, and whether it accounts for concrete regional specifics rather than some abstract notions. https://t.co/jTbLBmo8Tx
#Nebenzia before #UNGA vote on a draft resolution on 🇺🇦: Peaceful scenario for 🇺🇦 can be expedited if radicals start caring for the lives of their fellow citizens and stop hiding behind them. The draft under our consideration today contains no such call. https://t.co/NDywiWfpNR https://t.co/KYVmQZKQ8z
#Nebenzia: Those who ever looked into history of 🇺🇦crises, understand its genesis perfectly well. By our actions, we first of all sought to stop the war of the Maidan regime on the people of #Donbas that lasted for 8 years. Over that time, 🇷🇺did everything to avoid this scenario. https://t.co/7jkwxtNG9Z
#Nebenzia at #UNGA on #Ukraine: As reported today, 🇺🇦Armed Forced do not let civilians out of #Mariupol, keeping them, including women and children, in one of local schools. They force back all those who try to leave the city via the established #humanitarian corridors. https://t.co/urh5pJHsvu
#Nebenzia: The draft [GA resolution on #Ukraine] does not mention that the new nationalist authorities limited the usage of 🇷🇺language, which started a sequence of violations of fundamental rights of the people of eastern Ukraine, including the core right – the right to life. https://t.co/QpRhRXVTmy
#Nebenzia: Draft resolution [on #Ukraine] is an attempt of those who over past 10 years committed countless acts of aggression, military operations that were illegal in terms of IL, and takeovers (#Maidan coup one of them), to present themselves as guardians of intn'l legitimacy. https://t.co/lUnU5vjjBT
#Chumakov on "Our Common Agenda" report: 🇷🇺supports the idea of strengthening the #WHO and its coordinating role in #healthcare. But WHO is a separate 🇺🇳agency w/ its own governing bodies. It regulates this process by itself. A targeted discussion at UNGA'd be counter-productive. https://t.co/K9A4vpsmC0
#Chumakov: #OurCommonAgenda report loosely interprets the #ParisAgreement on #climate, promoting ambitios & hardly attainable goals, especially with regard to carbon neutrality & rejection of coal energy. It ignores the gap between states in their levels of economic development. https://t.co/4FZbLxzcg3
#Чумаков: Озабочены планами по созданию «платформы чрезвычайного реагирования» для обсуждения неотложных глобальных проблем, к которой будут привлекаться неправительственные структуры. Подобная инициатива входит в противоречие с прерогативами #ГА и #СБ. https://t.co/mtHJcPuWmZ https://t.co/PCwT8OBDrj