Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy: The developments in #Afghanistan will inevitably impact the future of #UNAMA. We expect that in his next report the SG🇺🇳 will provide well-considered assessments, recommendations and proposals as to what should be part of UNAMA's mandate in these new circumstances. https://t.co/dFjjjHSE58
#Polyanskiy: We have said on many occasions that support for a political dialogue'd let us receive effective answers to the pressing questions that we have. The extended “troika” remains an example of such successful cooperation that promotes peaceful settlement in #Afghanistan. https://t.co/G4cTmWajJF
#Polyanskiy: We maintain regular contacts with all 5 #CentralAsia states. Cooperation at the level of regional organizations, within #CSTO & #SCO, remains in high demand. This includes CSTO Working Group on #Afghanistan and renewed mechanism of “SCO-Afghanistan” contact group. https://t.co/4bYl2VvFgl
#Polyanskiy: Given #Afghanistan’s looming economic disaster, the current humanitarian steps are a “drop in the ocean”. Paralyzed #banking system, deficit of cash and #unemployment bring to naught prospects for post-conflict recovery. Humanitarian community also confirms this. https://t.co/ldKTaXeVyb
#Polyanskiy: Against the lack of relevant potential and resources, including financial resources, the new #Afghan🇦🇫 authorities will hardly be able to resolve all the longstanding problems and new challenges rapidly and effectively while acting alone. 🔗https://t.co/KbrxBAmHh5 https://t.co/NaCYDq7WUC
#Полянский о ситуации в #Сирии: Выступаем за продолжение межсирийских консультаций в #Женеве в рамках Конституционного комитета. Считаем, что у продвижения процесса урегулирования, ведомого и осуществляемого сирийцами при поддержке #ООН нет альтернативы. https://t.co/NQnn2q1ooa https://t.co/ytKFVjju4P
#Полянский: Исходим из того, что достижение долгосрочного мира и безопасности в #САР возможно только через полное восстановление суверенитета и территориальной целостности, включая контроль сирийских властей над национальными границами и природными ресурсами. https://t.co/rm1NPrrTDM
#Полянский: Общему оздоровлению ситуации в #Сирии и вокруг нее способствовало бы возобновление естественных связей этой страны с арабскими соседями, в том числе в политической и экономической плоскости, а также полное возвращение #Дамаска в «арабскую семью». https://t.co/BInsrES7Mj
#Polyanskiy: We advocate for continuation of consultations of the Constitutional Committee. We believe there is no alternative to promoting #Syrian-led and Syrian-owned settlement with support of the #UnitedNations, without external interference & creating artificial deadlines. https://t.co/p7pxJvBMYL
#Polyanskiy: The situation in a number of #Syria|n regions remains tense, which makes political efforts even more demanded. There are difficulties in the regions out of control of Damascus – #Idlib, cross-#Euphrates area, and the zone of Turkish operations in 🇸🇾north. https://t.co/Pw5BSx0OJN
#Polyanskiy: #Syria can achieve lasting peace & security once it fully recovers its sovereignty & territorial integrity. It includes restoring control of🇸🇾authorities over the national border & natural resources, while continuing fight against terrorism. https://t.co/esj0wHevlO https://t.co/svEakERtAt
#Polyanskiy: Recovery of natural ties with the #Arab neighbors, i.a. in the political and economic domains, as well as the return of #Damascus to the Arab family would add to the overall improvement of the situation within and around #Syria. https://t.co/yJjbX1Wztu
#Polyanskiy: The🇺🇳mandate for cross-border humanitarian deliveries to #Syria through “Bab al-Hawa” crossing will remain effective until 10 July. There're a lot of things that we need to do in the remaining months, so we have no time to get started slowly. https://t.co/bbyYgPW6lr https://t.co/bbiLeyOYLV
#Polyanskiy: It is crucial to build up efforts to ensure early recovery of infrastructure that should provide essential services to the #Syria|ns. No humanitarian assistance can be as effective as unimpeded functioning of #hospitals, power stations, plants and factories. https://t.co/CTuUYSbSdU
#Polyanskiy: When working on🇸🇾humanitarian file, we must not ignore the problem of negative impact of unilateral #sanctions & coercive measures on the lives of #Syria|ns. Hopefully, SG will pay more attention to this issue in his reports– until the problem's fully eradicated. https://t.co/4XzG6aNRVv
#Polyanskiy: Donor contributions to these works will not only help improve the status of ordinary #Syria|ns, but also reduce cost of #humanitarian works while increasing their added value. In our view, this simple math-based logic is hard to argue with. @mfa_russia https://t.co/Y1iRDUBhDM
#Polyanskiy: From the most recent documents, we can cite the reports by #FAO and #WHO, which address the devastating impact of sanctions on agricultural production and deliveries of medicines and medical equipment to #Syria. Those who suffer from that are ordinary Syrians🇸🇾. https://t.co/ffOhNa6asA
#Полянский: Мандат #ООН на осуществление трансграничных поставок гуманитарной помощи в #Сирию через КПП «Баб Аль-Хава» теперь рассчитан до 10 июля с.г. За остающееся время нам предстоит сделать очень и очень многое, времени для «раскачки» у нас нет. https://t.co/l8H30An2Ex https://t.co/2J1NGwqBag
#Полянский: Важно наращивать работы по восстановлению объектов инфраструктуры для обеспечения условий жизнеобеспечения #сирийцев. Гуманитарные организации устали разъяснять, что по своей эффективности #гумпомощь не заменит работающие больницы, электростанции, фабрики и заводы. https://t.co/KqapsOiWDs
#Полянский: Нельзя обходить стороной проблему односторонних #санкций. В обзорах ФАО и ВОЗ прямо говорится о разрушающем влиянии санкций на с/х производство, поставки в страну лекарств и медицинских изделий. В пострадавших только простые сирийцы, недополучающие продукты и лечение. https://t.co/ulVI0PVloU