#Евстигнеева: 🇷🇺имеет уникальный опыт в области профподготовки #миротворцев, которым мы готовы делиться. Сотни «голубых беретов» из России внесли свой вклад в поддержание мира и безопасности по всему миру. Сейчас около 40 российских офицеров служат в различных миссиях. https://t.co/XzWmXEMhRT
#Евстигнеева: Возможные ошибки могут дорого обойтись и #миротворцам, и процессу урегулирования. Иногда не обойтись без кропотливого разъяснения мандата с тем, чтобы одновременно завоевать доверие местных жителей, но и не создать завышенных или неверных ожиданий. @MID_RF https://t.co/YWAvVdFi8X
#Евстигнеева: Важно также учитывать возможные этнические, религиозные и иные противоречия, а также национальные особенности людей, проживающих в зоне развертывания. @MID_RF https://t.co/vEFF2anZVu
#Evstigneeva:🇷🇺has unique experience in the area of vocational training of #peacekeepers. Hundreds of Blue Berets from #Russia have made their contribution to supporting peace & security around 🌍. About 40 🇷🇺officers are serving in different 🇺🇳missions, >1/3 of them are women. https://t.co/K1i6wta6Kl
#Evstigneeva: Majority of people who are in need are women & children. So ranks of @UN #police should include both male & female officers. Top priority here should be not to achieve any percentage-based gender indicators, but to ensure implementation of tasks under the mandate. https://t.co/LGY8obLR8f
#Evstigneeva: We view police components as an integral part of the #UNPeacekeeping operations. They make their contribution into the implementation of unique mandates for every mission which are determined by specific situations in countries of deployment. https://t.co/2zfvwhYp23 https://t.co/KwQHWpeZCf
#Evstigneeva: Over more than the past 20 years, the UN-certified All-Russian Peacekeepers Training Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Domodedovo has trained hundreds of foreign police #peacekeepers from more than 50 countries, primarily from African states. https://t.co/YnB7HXFQvf
#Evstigneeva: Majority of #peacekeeping missions are deployed in states where there is a weakening or an absence of law enforcement bodies. #UNPolice, better trained for such circumstances, can make a contribution to the goal of protecting civilians from #security threats. https://t.co/rViTfXcrCG
#Evstigneeva: Impartial implementation of its mandate by #UN police has great significance, as well as knowledge of political aspects of conflicts, cooperation with local authorities & population. Any potential mistakes can prove costly for peacekeepers &peace process @mfa_russia https://t.co/jEUnWdC6oI
Позиция🇷🇺в отношении деятельности #МУС хорошо известна. Многие говорят о том, что привлечение виновных к ответственности – это ключ к миру. Однако, когда за дело берется политизированная международная судебная инстанция, все может выйти ровно наоборот. https://t.co/zrlzBzi3pb https://t.co/wWOduBmxOX
#МУС продолжает искусственно подгонять положения Римского статута под ту или иную политическую конъюнктуру, дискредитируя этим саму идею международной уголовной юстиции. https://t.co/q1bg1EVAWz
Еще ни в одной ситуации опыт задействования #МУС не способствовал стабилизации обстановки в стране ни в плане предотвращения преступлений, ни в том, что касается содействия нацпримирению. Вся положительная динамика в #Ливии и #Дарфур|е – заслуга граждан и нацвластей. @MID_RF https://t.co/A7ywgLlWAL
Увлечение международной уголовной #юстицией на практике привело к «наштамповыванию» целого ряда политизированных квазисудебных инстанций, деятельность которых не имеет ничего общего с установлением истины и отправлением правосудия. #МУС @MID_RF https://t.co/69DUYrSOXk
✅Российская Федерация выплатила взносы в бюджеты операций #ООН по поддержанию мира➡️https://t.co/2GyjfvyAya https://t.co/wJcExnKpjW
❇️The Russian Federation has paid its contributions to the budgets of the @UN peacekeeping missions ➡️https://t.co/crTeC2ffeR https://t.co/GkivJeQQwT
#Polyanskiy: We are well aware of what is happening on the Belarus-#Poland border. There are people who came to #Belarus legally and want to enter #EU countries. But there have been many instances when Polish and Lithuanian border guards beat migrants and push them back into🇧🇾. https://t.co/XYUqQSrljJ
#Polyanskiy: There is no legitimate reason for #Belarus to send people who arrived to🇧🇾legally back to their states of origin. That would be a blatant violation of int conventions. #EU is trying to play a blame game. They want to portray🇧🇾 & even🇷🇺as perpetrators of the crisis. https://t.co/jlHCc0Ej2o
#Polyanskiy on #migrant crisis on Poland-Belarus border: It’s not the first time that #EU is faced with such a crisis. One should be mindful of the reason why these people are fleeing their home countries, who was responsible for the crisis & what states destroyed their homelands https://t.co/aNQs7zZHlu
#Polyanskiy: Migrants come to #Belarus all the time. It is not like there was a sudden inflow of refugees to the border. Until this summer there was a readmission agreement between Belarus and the #EU, but it was scrapped after the EU imposed a new package of sanctions on Belarus https://t.co/3ovnm18Kk5
#Polyanskiy: When a similar crisis happened in the #Mediterranean several years ago, the #EU’s position was drastically different from its current stance. Evidently, we are talking about double standards here. #Belarus #Poland @mfa_russia https://t.co/4rJy63dOG7
#Polyanskiy: #Belarus is in contact with int organizations that deal with #migration issues, with🇺🇳agencies. There are no problems in their communication. This is how the crisis should be dealt with, unless someone wants to politicize it & use it to achieve their political goals. https://t.co/CbPfpBEPKr