Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Небензя: Сложным остается гумположение в🇸🇾, социально-экономические вызовы в условиях санкций множатся. За полгода удалось провести только 2⃣конвоя в #Идлиб, доступ в зоны🇹🇷операций отсутствует, финансирование проектов по раннему восстановлению политизируется западными донорами. https://t.co/Dgou1U2iQF
#Nebenzia: Russia🇷🇺 is fully committed to the goals of UNSC resolution 1540, which we co-sponsored. We are interested in maintaining its #nonproliferation and preventive character, and in full implementation of this document by all countries proceeding from their capacities. https://t.co/6fhjVW9wJ7
#Nebenzia: We voted in favor of draft resolution on renewal of the mandate of #1540Committee until November 2022 that was put forward by Mexico🇲🇽. However we still have serious concerns regarding this document and the way the Committee worked in 2021-2022. https://t.co/4OfX9wQVmQ https://t.co/fBknefVzSs
#Nebenzia: We're disturbed by the fact that the #UNSC again had to limit itself to a purely technical rollover of 1540 mandate in the interests of completing the Comprehensive Review of the resolution in the short-term prospective. We see no reason for this kind of a correlation. https://t.co/uA0XAnksgP
#Nebenzia: We welcome plans to convene 7th round of the Editorial Board of 🇸🇾Constitutional Committee next month. We hope this work'll concentrate on dialogue between #Syrian delegations, encourage them to agree on constitutional reform without getting distracted by minor issues. https://t.co/Nlq6ZYbYNo
#Nebenzia: Political efforts are especially demanded now that the situation in some of Syria’s🇸🇾 regions that are out of control of #Damascus remains tense. Large-scale terrorist attack on al-Sinaa prison in #Hasakeh gave a clear confirmation of this dangerous escalation. https://t.co/YcsqA77HfP
#Nebenzia: On 24 February, 14 children aged 3-15 years returned to Russia [from #Syria]. 5⃣had stayed at orphanages in Damascus, the other9⃣had been evacuated from refugee camps in cross-Euphrates area. We'll keep searching for 🇷🇺children in 🇸🇾camps and working to take them home. https://t.co/0oKkIjeydY
#Nebenzia: The Committee🇸🇾 should work smoothly, without artificial interruptions. Sessions must convene regularly, same as the meetings of the Editorial Board. Frequent postponements of meetings, explained by eagerness to perfect the rules of procedure, do not help the process. https://t.co/Snv6oKS4k9
#Nebenzia: Attempts to cherry-pick most attractive elements of UNSCR 2585, thus prioritizing cross-border #humanitarian assistance and ignoring early recovery projects and the tasks of extending humanitarian access over the contact lines are unacceptable. https://t.co/6XaKgRj41k https://t.co/qgI6aitVqu
#Nebenzia: The attack that was followed by an operation to neutralize terrorists and clear the area with the help of aviation and armored vehicles killed and injured dozens peaceful #Syrians. More that 45,000 people had to leave their homes. @mfa_russia https://t.co/EPDjiWpk8u
#Nebenzia at UNSC meeting on #Syria: Starting from December 2018, 364 Russian🇷🇺 children have been repatriated from conflict zones in the #MiddleEast. At this moment, sets of documents have been prepared for evacuation of further 128 children. https://t.co/zOqepmXigo
#Небензя:🇷🇺проголосовала против представленного сегодня антироссийского и антиукраинского проекта резолюции #СБ. Этот документ вне всякого сомнения противоречит коренным интересам🇺🇦народа, так как пытается спасти на Украине ту систему власти, которая подвела эту страну к трагедии https://t.co/LjQaBgTzpt
#Небензя: "За скобками" [проекта резолюции] осталось то, как пришедшая к власти в результате госпереворота в🇺🇦в 2014 году майданная хунта развязала войну против жителей #Донбасса, обстреливая мирные кварталы из пушек, систем залпового огня и сбрасывая на дончан и луганчан бомбы. https://t.co/xgBjhQJB5L
#Небензя: Размещенные на линии соприкосновения🇺🇦каратели, из радикальных и неонацистских батальонов, методично, день за днем, обстреливали жилые районы #ЛНР и #ДНР, убивая женщин, детей, стариков. Это продолжается и сегодня. Только сегодня погибло 4 мирных жителя от рук 🇺🇦ВС. https://t.co/0uftFSTMhO
#Небензя: Почему вы [западные политики] не замечали, что на #Донбассе проживает более 4 млн жителей, которых вы называли «пророссийскими сепаратистами»? Почему не одернули П.Порошенко, который сказал, что они будут «гнить в подвалах»? В.Зеленского, который называл их «нелюдями»? https://t.co/ypCPKevvWk
#Небензя: Мы все искренне переживаем за наших соседей, призываем их не поддаваться на провокации. В.Путин и Минобороны🇷🇺 заявили, что удары по гражданским целям наноситься не будут, но националисты уже используют мирных жителей в качестве «живого щита». https://t.co/g0pWXgd6ib https://t.co/GoUmf48Q6t
#Nebenzia:🇷🇺voted against the anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian draft resolution that was put forward to the #SC today. This document contradicts the interests of the🇺🇦people, as it seeks to protect and secure in Ukraine the system of power that brought the country to this tragedy. https://t.co/pz1TO6fhd6
#Nebenzia: West left behind the story how the Maidan junta that rose to power after the coup d'état in #Kiev in 2014 waged war on the people of eastern #Ukraine, firing at residential quarters from guns and multiple rocket launchers and air-dropping bombs on #Donetsk & #Lugansk. https://t.co/HGzLaYxqop
#Nebenzia: All of us are sincerely worried about our neighbors, and we call on them to not yield to provocations. President Putin &🇷🇺Defense Ministry clearly stated that there would be no strikes against civil facilities, but nationalists already use civilians as a human shield. https://t.co/R8pgwjk7U0
#Nebenzia: Where have you all been for 8 years? Why haven’t you been concerned over the killings in Donbas? Why didn't you call down Mr.Poroshenko when he said that the people of #Donbas would “rot in basements” or Pres.Zelensky who called them “unpeople”? https://t.co/FzvHJ9jISH https://t.co/gd1WsIWIG3
🗓️Program of work of the UN🇺🇳 #SecurityCouncil for Sunday 27 February 2022, under the Russian Presidency. #UNSC #PoW https://t.co/wGlPHCBrUk