Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy: Many of today’s #UNSC sanctions regimes already fall behind the de facto situation, interfere with plans for state-building and socio-economic development. Examples -- Central African Republic or #Sudan. Sanctions against #GuineaBissau also look anachronistic. https://t.co/7204XYFi4g
#Polyanskiy: Collateral damage of #sanctions must be taken seriously, as it devastates national economies, brings down living standards and well-being of the population. This problem grew even worse against the backdrop of fierce #COVID19 pandemic. https://t.co/OYrSk3gzRM
#Polyanskiy: We need to improve the toolkit for SC-endorsed #humanitarian exemptions, i.a. elaborate #exemptions that humanitarian organizations could turn to on a permanent basis. We could consider making lists of items that under no circumstances should end up in banned lists. https://t.co/3gvQIWvHqf
#Polyanskiy at #UNSC open debate on general issues relating to sanctions: “Secondary” #sanctions of major Western powers create a “toxic vibe” around Pyohgyang that discourages from cooperating with the #DPRK even in the areas that are not touched by international restrictions. https://t.co/UsZCW2MRQM
#Polyanskiy: We hear words that #UNSC restrictive measures must not have a bearing on the life of ordinary people, but unfortunately when it comes to practical impact of such restrictions, they often trigger deterioration of socio-economic situation in states under #sanctions. https://t.co/EHKJZTH8OX
#Polyanskiy: As for #Afghanistan, Security Council resolution 2615 plays a critical role, because it stipulates that humanitarian assistance constitutes no violation of 1988 #sanctions regime. Hopefully, this will help prevent a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan🇦🇫. https://t.co/jwIF61wPJM
#Polyanskiy at UNSC open debate on sanctions: We have growing concerns over the use of unilateral coercive measures #UCMs by separate states or groups of states. We consider this as an encroachment on the prerogatives of the Security Council that impedes maintenance of #peace. https://t.co/WTVQM42M4C
#Polyanskiy: Several years ago #Venezuela and its legitimate government were faced with true economic terror. Because of the effective measures, 🇻🇪 cannot transfer its annual contribution to🇺🇳regular budget, and therefore the country becomes illegitimately incapacitated at #UNGA. https://t.co/LiiDSvRP5n
#Polyanskiy: Extraterritorial unilateral steps inflict immense damage on developing states, undermine their progress towards #SDGs, run counter to the efforts mitigating the climate change. Amidst a #pandemic, usage of unilateral restrictions is most inhumane. https://t.co/mNPTJ7zGgF
#Polyanskiy: We perceive #UCMs as a violation of sovereignty and interference in the internal affairs of states. The inclination towards broader use of unilateral sanctions undermines the norms and institutes of the international🌍 law. @mfa_russia https://t.co/TfZ8Pux0Yw
🗓️Security Council program of work for Tuesday, 8 February #UNSC #UNSCPresidency https://t.co/BVzxDZomZ5
The issue of ammunition management should not be considered separately from the broader context of conventional #armaments. However Russia🇷🇺 is committed to engage meaningfully in the work of #OEWG on conventional #ammunition and have productive cooperation with all colleagues. https://t.co/qC96fImB5d
OEWG [on conventional #ammunition] should operate in an in-person format. It is the only way to ensure normal diplomatic engagement of the delegations. As we could see during the two years of the #pandemic, virtual and hybrid formats basically eviscerate the essence of diplomacy. https://t.co/LwNu1Sf9tm
#Chumakov: #UNICEF was there helping children in the aftermath of #WW2 and it is still there for children in humanitarian situations. Russia🇷🇺 appreciates UNICEF’s dual #humanitarian & #development mandate; we have quality cooperation in both these areas. https://t.co/9mocDF4ezh https://t.co/UcjVi8wMc2
#Chumakov: Priority areas of #UNICEF should always be #children’s survival and wellbeing and support to their families. Such topics as climate, peacebuilding, promotion of gender equality are undoubtedly important. At the same time, they're priorities of other UN🇺🇳organizations. https://t.co/hRtixOoyZb
#Chumakov: We'd be interested to receive more information in #UNICEF reports on how it supports families, incl. single-parent families, families having many children or children w/special needs; whether UNICEF provides assistance to👧👦who lost parents and who live in orphanages. https://t.co/rhDLHKBcgY
#Chumakov: We commend #UNICEF’s success, incl. its growing number of partnerships, support to countries in fighting #COVID19, assistance to teachers & safe return of👦👧to schools. We agree that we should collectively increase primary #healthcare & social protection for children. https://t.co/375RPNaAFT
🗓️Program of work of the UN🇺🇳 #SecurityCouncil for Wednesday, 9 February 2022, under the Russian Presidency. #UNSC #PoW https://t.co/H5WHGEblNz
#Кузьмин: #ИГИЛ и другие терорганизации еще не побеждены. Они продолжают свою деятельность в различных регионах 🌍. В текущее время центром их притяжения стал африканский континент. Важно не допустить возрождения в #Африке «Халифата в версии 2.0». https://t.co/z86hxs1eR3 https://t.co/5XmqKdNFM2
#Кузьмин: Остро стоит проблема теругроз на северо-востоке 🇸🇾. Незаконно находящиеся там военные 🇺🇸 порядок навести не могут. Возникающая вокруг зон дислокации американских контингентов атмосфера безвластия и вседозволенности служит питательной средой для #террористов всех мастей. https://t.co/ExY3G6W6bB
#Кузьмин: Вывод #оккупационных сил 🇺🇸из🇸🇾 позволил бы самым сирийцам зачистить оставшиеся «террористические гнойники» на своей территории и обеспечить безопасность населения. Как показывает практика, у правительства🇸🇾с этими задачами получается справляться гораздо эффективнее. https://t.co/qhCyNfJNo1