We welcome the growing cooperation of Russia and @UNOPS. Lately, a large project for modernization of a hospital in #Laos was launched. The preparations for that'd started long before, as the project is very important both for us and 🇱🇦people. We hope it'll give positive results. https://t.co/4pbD9qzJ9m
#Чумаков на Первой регулярной сессии Исполсовета #ПРООН/#ЮНФПА/#ЮНОПС: Важно и дальше привлекать к работе людей с ограниченными возможностями, расширять пул национальных добровольцев и предоставлять волонтерам условия для обучения и повышения квалификации. https://t.co/sfWLZxHNz2 https://t.co/8Po8C2LnM0
#Мельник на Первой регулярной сессии Исполсовета #ПРООН/#ЮНФПА/#ЮНОПС: Хотели бы позитивно отметить растущий уровень сотрудничества 🇷🇺 и #ЮНОПС. В прошлом году был запущен проект по модернизации госпиталя в #Лаосе. Надеемся на его позитивные результаты. https://t.co/lnowd5zoyV https://t.co/3BfxMdNbUM
📖Transcript of the press-conference by Ambassador of 🇷🇺 to the @UN Vassily #Nebenzia: 🔸Russia-West; 🔸Russia-USA; 🔸Ukraine; 🔸Myanmar; 🔸North Korea; 🔸Libya; 🔸Israel; 🔸Palestine; & many other international issues. ➡️ https://t.co/0qXJ1NnjuX https://t.co/j5ilfsrMiT
#Nebenzia: As the 🌍 today faces multiple global challenges, including the pandemic, the #SC should ensure that the sanctions measures, imposed to maintain international peace and security, should #avoid adverse humanitarian and socio-economic effects or unintended consequences. https://t.co/Fr2VZF1ABs
#Nebenzia: The European security does not boil down to the situation in 🇺🇦. It's a broader issue. It's wrong to link our proposals on security guarantees and the security architecture that we made to the #US and #NATO and discussed with them already with the situation in Ukraine. https://t.co/TancF4Q024
#Nebenzia: The situation with the #Palestinians in the occupied territory is inadmissible. We are very strongly advocating in favor of the resumption of the #Quartet. And we hope that when we discuss that on 23 February at #SC, we might hear some good news about it. https://t.co/q9TqVlKKjb
#Nebenzia: 🇺🇦 is being massively supplied with weapons, and these are not just defensive weapons. #NATO countries are supplying those weapons and openly admitting that, although it, by the way, contradicts the Minsk Agreements as well. https://t.co/xg9nOgXVVp
#Nebenzia: 🇺🇸is escalating tensions and at the same time accusing 🇷🇺 of escalating tensions. This all is linked to alleged presence of Russian troops at the 🇷🇺-🇺🇦 border. That is not true. Russian troops are not at the Russian-Ukrainian border. They are where they normally stay. https://t.co/g4HI7Ng4bw
#Nebenzia: It's our common priority to maintain stability in 🇦🇫. We want an ethnically and confessionally inclusive government. We want stability. We want #fight with #terrorism. We want fighting #drug trafficking. We want observing human rights, including for women and girls. https://t.co/YznUnl4JMM
#Nebenzia: 🇺🇸 threatens 🇷🇺 with so called horrific or hell sanctions. The most ironic thing about it is that #US now is talking about #sanctions before anything happens. The paradox is that #Ukraine is not implementing the Minsk Agreements, but #Russia is being punished for it. https://t.co/8kD0yq2qai
#Небензя: #Украина давно и последовательно сначала саботировала Минские соглашения, а сейчас просто отказывается от них. Необходимо вновь привлечь внимание к данному вопросу и вновь побудить наших партнеров и их 🇺🇦подопечных вернуться к этому. Другого пути решения #конфликта нет. https://t.co/GtevX3BjqV
#Chumakov: We recently launched the second program for full financing of participation of 🇷🇺volunteers in the work of 🇺🇳bodies. Within the program, Russian #volunteers yearly receive assignments in country offices of the UN funds & agencies, offices of UN Resident Coordinators. https://t.co/WZ8y73UG3q
We underscore the key role of South-South and Triangular cooperation in implementing #Agenda2030, achieving Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs, and countering #COVID19, in particular by means of #technology exchange and #vaccine distribution. https://t.co/cjkCvdcNy9
The #pandemic impeded achievement of the goals of #Agenda2030 & the Paris #Climate Agreement. So #ECOSOC should act as a central intn'l platform for building multilateral partnerships that should account for national legislations & go in line w/national strategies for development https://t.co/QtMvzXdTlo
We took good note of the fact that @UNOSSC aims to increase partnerships, i.a. with🇺🇳entities, multilateral cooperation platforms, triangular cooperation partners, and other relevant actors in order to meet development challenges & contribute to #SDGs. ➡️https://t.co/Cybwm6168J https://t.co/oO47vO7irx
#Chumakov: The new Strategic Plan reaffirmed #poverty eradication as #UNDP's key area. There must be a multifaceted approach to solving this problem, i.a. inviting national actors at all levels to elaborate development strategies, unique for every state. 🔗https://t.co/nlMDxjmTqR https://t.co/NFK6afjJoY
Подчеркиваем ключевую роль Cотрудничества Юг-Юг и трехстороннего сотрудничества в реализации Повестки-2030 и Целей устойчивого развития, а также в борьбе с #COVID19, в частности посредством обмена #технологиями и распределения #вакцин. https://t.co/2TDhPM8SoJ https://t.co/5icbuiZHEJ
Пандемия #COVID19 усложнила достижение целей Повестки-2030 и Парижского соглашения по #климату. В этом контексте #ЭКОСОС должен выступить как важная международная платформа по формирования многосторонних партнёрств с учетом национального законодательства. https://t.co/RCkuxjx86f https://t.co/aGVLWCOjHJ
#Чумаков: Борьба с #бедностью является ключевым приоритетом нового плана #ПРООН. Комплексно подходим к решению этой проблемы, в том числе привлекая национальных игроков на всех уровнях к разработке уникальных для каждого государства стратегий развития. https://t.co/H3OQ2DWjde https://t.co/lRA5iuiV11
🗓️Security Council program of work for Friday, 4 February #UNSC #PoW #UNSCPresidency https://t.co/UWLrzkhROU