Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy: It is the core idea of many documents that were signed at the beginning or in the middle of the 1990s. Now we want to come back to this spirit and we are quite constructive. We really want something serious this time. Ours is the proposal that works for everybody. https://t.co/yZvyHxsXzm
#Polyanskiy: At the #SC, we have countries w/ different backgrounds, some of them aligning w/ each other, some of them having their own position. I'm looking at the incoming members. I can't say we have particular problems with any of them. Our bilateral relations are quite good. https://t.co/QbtRxKbBf3
28 декабря в Постпредстве России🇷🇺 при ООН🇺🇳 было подписано 2 меморандума – о финансировании Россией проекта #ПРООН по борьбе морским мусором в Каспийском море (взнос - 💲4 млн) и о расширении регионального проекта «Климатическая шкатулка» на глобальный уровень (взнос – 💲3 млн). https://t.co/46FX6qIPIo
On December 28, 2⃣memoranda were signed in the Permanent Mission of Russia🇷🇺 to the UN🇺🇳 – regarding Russia’s funding of the @UNDP project on addressing the marine litter in the #CaspianSea and on scaling-up the “Climate Box” project to the global level. https://t.co/hpxAufy1Sz
Проекты призваны укрепить потенциал стран-партнеров в области улучшения качества окружающей среды и достижения устойчивого развития. @MID_RF https://t.co/3dMmHmW6dC
Press briefing by Amb.#Polyanskiy Russia🇷🇺-US🇺🇸 relations #NATO Mali🇲🇱 #NPT Review Conference Syria🇸🇾 Belarus🇧🇾 China🇨🇳 #JCPOA UNSC membership and many other topics. Full script available at 🔗https://t.co/QQm65sPPF1 https://t.co/yK5LiyqmSt
#Polyanskiy: NPT Review Conference is a complex event, meaning that there will be a lot of assessments and suggestions. There will be different voices about how the #NPT regime is being enforced, whether it's efficient or not. There will be heated discussions, for sure. https://t.co/ZN5m2qNYd0
#Polyanskiy: Our Western partners and the parties could have done more for organizing cross-line deliveries [in #Syria]. We note that cross-border deliveries are important, but we think there're a lot of unnecessary and artificial hurdles in this regard that cannot be justified. https://t.co/70IVUw3XDY
#Polyanskiy: I strongly believe that we'll succeed relaunching the #JCPOA. We have had a very rocky time this year. We waited for the Biden Administration to come back on board. It was a nearly 5-month long process. Then there were elections in #Iran and the new 🇮🇷team was formed https://t.co/E5TAlOnJrM
#Polyanskiy: We need to work together to overcome these hurdles and create conditions for implementing res.2585 in terms of making more cross-line deliveries and making them sustainable, doing early recovery projects, ensuring more transparency of both cross-border & cross-line. https://t.co/7WFem1Z9Ai
#Polyanskiy: Now the #Iran|ian🇮🇷 team is back there, and this is the time for really meaningful and substantial discussions. And these discussions are going on. @mfa_russia @RusEmbIran https://t.co/MItuaGMCYW
Россия🇷🇺 перевела💲6 509 158 в качестве взносов в бюджеты Многопрофильной комплексной миссии🇺🇳по стабилизации в #ЦАР, Временных сил🇺🇳по обеспечению безопасности в #Абьее, Миссии🇺🇳по стабилизации в #ДРК и Миссии🇺🇳по проведению референдума в Западной Сахаре. https://t.co/79bsZNT4js https://t.co/bhqSANTKpr
🕯️У монумента «Слеза скорби» в г.Байон состоялась традиционная церемония, посвящённая памяти артистов ансамбля им.Александрова и других жертв авиакатастрофы под #Сочи 25.12.2016. Мероприятие организовано "Институтом Шиллера" и Пожарным департаментом г.Байон при участии @RussiaUN. https://t.co/yc5xWYVkls
A wreath laying ceremony was held today by the #TeardropMemorial commemorating the Alexandrov Ensemble and other victims of the catastrophe that happened on Christmas Day 2016, when the flight with performers, philatropists and journalists on board crashed into the #BlackSea. https://t.co/QNxDa7Rj5y
The 5th commemorative ceremony paying tribute to the vistims of 12.25.2016 plane crash was traditionally organized by 🇺🇸NGO @SchillerInst and the Fire Department of the city of Bayonne (NJ). Deputy Permanent Representative of 🇷🇺to🇺🇳 D.#Chumakov took part on behalf of @RussiaUN. https://t.co/9PSTVuVArK
🇷🇺🇺🇸🕯️Возложение венка у монумента "Слеза скорби" по случаю 5 годовщины трагической гибели #ХорАлександрова в небе над #Сочи в декабре 2016г. @MID_RF @midsochi https://t.co/OBWgRg0ciR
#Чумаков: Хотел бы высказать слова благодарности в адрес «Института Шиллера» и Пожарного департамента г.Байон, которые уже много лет являются организаторами наших памятных встреч. Ваш вклад в дружбу и взаимопонимание между народами🇷🇺и🇺🇸 сложно переоценить. https://t.co/SOQc93IhHh https://t.co/lZpyfYXlxA
🇷🇺transferred💲6,509,158 of assessed contributions to the budgets of UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the #CAR, UN Interim Security Force for Abyei, UN Stabilization Mission in the #DRCongo and UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. https://t.co/gaB9Cy7IVL
#Chumakov at the commemoration of the victims of 12.25.16 plane crash: This tragedy resonates in the hearts and minds of people throughout the globe. Our symbolic ceremony that is held on the American soil is another proof of that. https://t.co/xLnXFGIWG5 https://t.co/Shm7igaVQP
30 декабря #СБООН единогласно проголосовал за принятие резолюции о продлении мандата Исподиректората Контртеррористического комитета СБ на 4 года (до 31 декабря 2025). Россия🇷🇺 как ответственный член международного сообщества высоко ценит вклад #КТИД в борьбу с #терроризмом. https://t.co/xaTT2Fpz2P
Today the #UNSC unanimously adopted a resolution renewing the mandate of the Executive Directorate of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee for 4 years. As a responsible member of🌍community, Russia🇷🇺 highly values the input of @UN_CTED in fight against #terrorism. https://t.co/mRPPuW1P6G