Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Полянский: Удовлетворены ходом выполнения рез. #СБООН 1540, единственного универсального🌎документа в сфере нераспространения #ОМУ, обязывающего страны создать нацсистемы контроля для предотвращения попадания ОМУ в распоряжение негосударственных субъектов https://t.co/Q83aGa8OG1 https://t.co/dLRNfRfeRv
#Полянский: Дополнительную опасность представляет его расширяющаяся идеологическая, пропагандистская и вербовочная деятельность с умелым использованием ИКТ. Видим в сохраняющемся в #Афганистане присутствии группировки угрозу для приграничных государств Центральной Азии. @MID_RF https://t.co/vnCJoW24xW
#Kuzmin: Hopefully, #Iraq|i authorities will soon be able to have access to the collected evidence, as envisaged in UNSC resolution 2379. This document defines the Iraqi authorities as the main recipients of the evidence collected by #UNITAD. 🔗https://t.co/dAGArH71pB https://t.co/vQgFd4Efu7
#Kuzmin: #UNITAD collects & analyzes evidence, while using latest technologies (#AI, machine learning, etc). 🇷🇺recognizes and encourages usage of state-of-the-art technology in investigations insofar as it does not violate the requirement of relevance & admissibility of evidence. https://t.co/Chh1br9r5v
#Polyanskiy: Effective implementation of UNSCRs on anti-terrorism sanctions regime with regard to ISIL/Al-Qaida is a task of fundamental importance. #Afghan wing of ISIL is one of key factors destabilizing🇦🇫.ISIL’s expanding propaganda & recruiting activity poses another threat. https://t.co/8QdQ1XHIig
#Polyanskiy: We are satisfied with the progress of UNSCR 1540, the only universal int document in the area of #WMD non-proliferation, under which all states have an obligation to create effective national systems for controlling WMDs. https://t.co/dk34Wk6SyK https://t.co/QpnH7nfBt1
#Polyanskiy: This terrorist group retains its presence in🇦🇫, which we consider as a threat to #Afghanistan’s neighbors in Central Asia. Increase in the number of terrorist attacks carried out by suicide bombers indicates that this group has enough manpower. @mfa_russia https://t.co/kDWnaLpC4W
International cooperation in the area of #sport helps overcome ethnic and religious discords, promotes understanding among nations, boosts dialogue of civilizations. Support for sports🏅, i.a. at the state level, is an importnt factor consolidating the global🌍 community. #UNGA🇺🇳 https://t.co/IxFqh9deYF
We express appreciation to our Chinese🇨🇳 partners for preparing a timely and relevant resolution "Building a peaceful and better world through #sport and the #Olympic ideal". Russia🇷🇺 traditionally co-sponsors and supports this document. #UNGA https://t.co/T6LE12UE6G
#Chumakov at #UNGA meeting to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the UN Volunteers Programme: Russia fully supports @UNVolunteers and its practical & very noble mandate. In July 2018, @mfa_russia and UNV reached an agreement on the full financing of🇷🇺volunteers’ work at🇺🇳bodies. https://t.co/oedRE5ZQRe
#Kuzmin: #Children are the most vulnerable group of population in a situation of #ArmedConflict. Children deprived of parental care are vulnerable doubly. They face serious long-term physical, social, psychological and emotional harm with consequences that often last a lifetime. https://t.co/lhtlas2lSv
#Kuzmin at UNSC #ArriaFormula meeting: National governments play a paramount role in protecting and rehabilitating #children in armed conflict. They must redouble child protection efforts, including the social services for vulnerable children & families. 🔗https://t.co/4dwvYc5RYM https://t.co/ntERQNvFn8
#Kuzmin: Since September 2019, 215 🇷🇺children from #Syria and 122 children from #Iraq were repatriated to Russia. No child was sent to orphanage, all live in families. Doctors and psychologists assist children to adapt and to return to peaceful life. https://t.co/tBjmhX1jEQ
#Kuzmin: Many states involved in armed conflicts are making significant steps to improve the situation of #children. However they need the support of the international🌍 community. @mfa_russia https://t.co/SeIFIgQF8v
#Kuzmin: States have the duty under international law, including Convention on the Rights of the Child, to repatriate their nationals and ensure their safe return home. Moreover, States are under obligation to act in the best interest of the child. https://t.co/TVLy3yvYJ0
#Kuzmin: #Syria🇸🇾 continues to face an illegal external interference and a flood of #terrorists groups. Thousands of children, incl. #children without parental care, are held for a prolonged time in appalling conditions in camps outside the Government-controlled territories. https://t.co/b6r6EVxe3f
#Кузьмин: Дети составляют наиболее уязвимую группу населения в условиях вооруженного конфликта. #Дети же, оставшиеся без попечения родителей, уязвимы вдвойне. Они сталкиваются с серьёзнейшими долгосрочными физическими, социальными, психологическими и эмоциональными последствиями. https://t.co/utCW5fuVVG
#Кузьмин: Нацправительства играют важнейшую роль в вопросах защиты и реабилитации детей в ситуациях вооруженных конфликтов. Многие государства в состоянии вооруженного конфликта предпринимают существенные шаги по улучшению положения #детей. Но им требуется поддержка 🌍сообщества. https://t.co/WMco31hhnQ
#Кузьмин: #Сирия испытывает на себе незаконное внешнее вмешательство и вынуждена противостоять притоку тергруппировок. Тысячи детей, в т.с. без родительского попечения, содержатся в ужасных условиях в лагерях на не подконтрольной правительству территории. https://t.co/wFC9xvziWy