#Евстигнеева: При этом международные усилия по #миростроительству на всех этапах должны выстраиваться вокруг приоритетов принимающей стороны и не предполагать навязывания ей непрошенной помощи или готовых рецептов. @MID_RF https://t.co/PAbzQvBaOK
#Polyanskiy: From the very beginning, we warned Western colleagues that they shouldn't interfere in the conflict in #Ethiopia, that they shouldn't try to do anything in a non-transparent way: be it with Tigrayan rebels or with🇪🇹government. Everything should be very transparent. https://t.co/HE4A6EuEy7
#Polyanskiy: For those who read the #MinskAgreements, it's clear that the core of them is a direct dialogue between #Ukraine and the authorities of Donetsk & Lugansk. If you deny it, if you claim that Russia is a party to the Minsk Agreements, then you distort the sense of them. https://t.co/CZTlmekrqd
#Polyanskiy: We saw a surge in warmongering activities & accusations against🇷🇺of making a buildup on the border with #Ukraine; triggering energy crisis; working together w/#Belarus to promote the migrant crisis. These accusations were a part of the agenda of Western colleagues. https://t.co/tTkKakQJK6
#Polyanskiy: We see that the #Syrian government restores control over the bigger part of its territory. There are certain enclaves, certain regions which are still not under Syrian control, but the trend is very positive. https://t.co/Q5ODa03Zd8
#Polyanskiy: There were situations when at least our #Ethiopian friends claimed that there was a direct involvement of international powers, of foreign actors in the conflict. I can't say whether it's justified or not, but I know that this is very sensitive for them. @mfa_russia https://t.co/mMzYmr2G3f
#Polyanskiy: It’s a chronical crisis in #Somalia.🇸🇴 is trying to get together and be reborn as an integral state. We all understand that there are incredible challenges ahead of this country. The int community is not split on🇸🇴. We more or less see it through the same optics. https://t.co/xMxhI6rTWB
#Polyanskiy: Bringing #climate topics to the #UNSC and trying to enact such a mechanism as Chapter 7 might be very dangerous. Instead of helping to fight climate change, it might trigger more divisions and controversies in efforts to combat the climate change. https://t.co/XdJGb6GFjD
#Polyanskiy: Western partners, in particular 🇫🇷 &🇩🇪, follow more & more down this devastating path, which could lead to some dangerous developments given the fact that #Ukraine cites alleged reports on🇷🇺military activity. But the real shelling is produced by🇺🇦forces. @mfa_russia https://t.co/kq2zwbsAdd
🎙Press Briefing by First DPR of 🇷🇺 to the @UN Dmitry #Polyanskiy: 🔷Ukraine; 🔷Syria; 🔷Climate; 🔷Ethiopia; 🔷Afghanistan; 🔷Iran; 🔷Russia-US and other pressing international issues. ➡️ https://t.co/1ao3ywfSTC https://t.co/fTzm0bILjg
The #NewUrbanAgenda has become a key document guiding urban issues & cooperation between all relevant stakeholders. Nevertheless, we notice that in various discussions on the advancement of sustainable development the New Urban Agenda is often omitted. 🔗https://t.co/QskMQJlxVF https://t.co/SdD1TdP65g
#Evstigneeva: #Peacebuilding has firmly established itself as one of the key tools for effectively overcoming the consequences of conflicts, stabilizing post-conflict situations and preventing the resumption of destructive crises. 🔗https://t.co/esMPcVI5b5 https://t.co/KZ2HJiZiqF
#Evstigneeva: In this regard the #Peacebuilding Commission plays an important role both as an intergovernmental advisory body on peacebuilding issues & as a platform where members can hear the views of a wide range of invited participants on issues on the PBC agenda. @mfa_russia https://t.co/RVXuLxWF4k
Дело против М.Каддафи было сфабриковано прокурором #МУС за считанные дни. Страны #НАТО использовали его как повод для свержения режима и осуществления масштабных бомбардировок, буквально уничтоживших некогда процветающую #Ливию. https://t.co/jgEcpP9sEp
Создание т.н. беспристрастного и независимого механизма по расследованию международных преступлений в #Сирии в отсутствие согласия #САР или резолюции #СБООН грубо нарушило принципы суверенного равенства всех членов 🇺🇳и невмешательства в их внутренние дела. https://t.co/59kTiU2yn0 https://t.co/I80JQG4HgL
«Неопровержимые доказательства», использованные в деле против ливийского лидера, оказались обычной подтасовкой. Легче ли от этого #Ливии, которая все еще находится в руинах? Или, может быть, #МУС приступил к расследованию случаев незаконных авиаударов #НАТО? Едва ли. @MID_RF https://t.co/lMozESKOlv
#Сирия не просила🇺🇳о помощи в расследовании преступлений, совершенных на ее территории. В Дамаске недвусмысленно дали понять, что в таковом содействии не нуждаются. #ООН не имеет права на вмешательство в дела, входящие во внутреннюю компетенцию любого государства. @MID_RF https://t.co/XfbaFXSXBf
Роль #МУС в #ливийской ситуации это не просто история позора. Это преступление, приведшее к падению страны и многолетним страданиям ее народа. Те, кто допустил это своим участием в фабрикации ложных доказательств, должен понести ответственность. @MID_RF https://t.co/ms8QIyhGpC
#Polyanskiy: We are interested in stability & prosperity of #Afghanistan, we are ready to help. We also have certain expectations towards Talibs. We hope they will be able to impress🌏community in such a way that we will start moves towards their better representation/recognition https://t.co/Ow36QYU4P0
#Polyanskiy: Every 🇷🇺 diplomat who is working in 🇺🇸 faces certain threats. It is unpredictable. We all remember situations when a lot of my colleagues from @RussiaUN were asked to leave. Nobody is safe, because you never know what will come to the mind of our #American friends. https://t.co/57IoIJneUT
#Polyanskiy: It is with great concern that we watch the Middle Eastern settlement process stagnate, with its core issue, the #Palestinian problem, remaining unsolved and generating lasting instability for the entire Middle East. https://t.co/QFIz0ynjg6 https://t.co/kYfQWCaBSJ