#Полянский: Для нас неприемлемы идеи, ведущие к ущемлению прерогатив постоянных членов #СБООН, включая институт вето. Применение #вето или угроза его применения не раз избавляли #ООН от втягивания в сомнительные авантюры. https://t.co/6O8PyPLZEl
#Полянский: При этом усилия по расширению #СБООН не должны сказываться на его способности эффективно и оперативно реагировать на возникающие вызовы. Мы выступаем за сохранение компактного и дееспособного Совета Безопасности. @MID_RF https://t.co/kne2oxORqo
#Polyanskiy on #Libya: We commend that among those who are going to run for president's office, there are candidates representing all political forces and regions, including representatives of the former authorities. We believe such a scenario deserves our shared support. #UNSC https://t.co/1AyKvT2BNu
#Polyanskiy on #Libya: The key task at this stage of the political process is organization of presidential & parliamentary elections. The Libyan🇱🇾 House of Representatives adopted corresponding laws, thus endorsing the required legislative basis for convening a nation-wide vote. https://t.co/VnMGahleO9
#Polyanskiy: However, we still hear voices (i.a. in #Libya itself) saying that the electoral process needs to be rescheduled. We believe such developments might trigger grave consequences to affect Libya’s🇱🇾 fragile peace & deepen the internal divide in this country. @mfa_russia https://t.co/NRupFe6T0y
#Polyanskiy: 5+5 Joint Military Commission endorsed a plan of action for step-by-step balanced and synchronized withdrawal of all mercenaries, foreign fighters and forces from #Libya🇱🇾. This decision is based on a holistic approach that resonates with our own position. https://t.co/rr7iREqSD5
#Polyanskiy: We will continue taking active part in international efforts aimed at promoting #Libya|n political settlement both through targeted engagement with the Libyan🇱🇾 sides and through working in multilateral formats. 🔗https://t.co/GbqZCnU4Vu https://t.co/gzywU1qFsc
#Polyanskiy: We also consistently advocate for this scheme of evacuation of all non-Libyan armed groups and military formations. Otherwise the balance that has helped #Libya maintain #ceasefire for more than a year might be disrupted. @mfa_russia https://t.co/wW5PLLMGlU
Russia🇷🇺gives a generally positive assessment to the work of @iaeaorg over the report period, supports the GA draft resolution "Report of the #IAEA " that was put forward today, and stands on the list of its co-sponsors. We reiterate our commitment to supporting the IAEA efforts. https://t.co/iq9YHpvwyu
#Polyanskiy: #UNSC reform is long overdue. Current negotiations prove that the overwhelming majority of states are willing to find the optimal reform model. Yet obviously, a universal solution that would be acceptable for everyone (or almost everyone) is not yet in sight. https://t.co/qiuj065FIo
#Polyanskiy: Russia🇷🇺 stands for keeping the #SecurityCouncil compact and capable. Its optimal composition should be in the “low twenties”. Any proposals that infringe on the prerogatives of the current permanent members (including the #veto right) are unacceptable to us. https://t.co/w6uCThuZAe
2️⃣7️⃣November marks 60th anniversary of the #UNGA resolution 1654(XVI) that consolidated the decision to establish the UN🇺🇳 Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of #Independence to #Colonial Countries and Peoples. https://t.co/t6aT1wUaTT
🇺🇳🌍The UN Special Committee on #Decolonization, C-24, is a unique intergovernmental body created to fullfil one of the UN's major goals - free the world from the shameful phenomenon of #colonialism. https://t.co/CKMXDvyh04
🇺🇳🇷🇺🌍Since the establishment of the UN Special Committee on #Decolonization the Soviet Union, then #Russia has been carrying on the #decolonisation process, including by actively contributing to the efforts of the C-24. https://t.co/iwlKPd4cAg
🇷🇺has always been in the forefront of the UN🇺🇳#decolonization process. Since early 1960s the Soviet Union and then #Russia unconditionally supported the striving of the states of all continents to free themselves & rendered them assistance in shaping the foundations of statehood. https://t.co/uD1Tj3od1Y
The creation of C-24 followed the adoption on Dec.14, 1960 of a draft UNGAR 1514 (XV) —Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries & Peoples submitted by #USSR. The document gave a powerful impetus to colonial territories’ movement for independence. @mfa_russia https://t.co/7gOjoJ2Bxg
🎙 Today at 09:00 AM monthly press briefing by First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia🇷🇺 to the @UN🇺🇳 Dmitry #Polyanskiy will be held. The event will be webcast live at @UNWebTV. #RussiaUN https://t.co/BiluCaFYTm
#Полянский: С тревогой наблюдаем за стагнацией #БВУ с нерешенностью его центральной проблемы – палестинской, создающей очаг нестабильности для Ближнего Востока. Напряженность вокруг Западного берега р.#Иордан и сектора Газа не снижается. Сохраняются риски боевых действий. https://t.co/yKMwBUGCDt
#Полянский: Перед 🌍сообществом остро стоят задачи по достижению стабилизации, оказанию гумсодействия #палестинскому народу, созданию условий для возобновления процесса палестино-израильского урегулирования на общепризнанной международно-правовой основе. https://t.co/QjIKim0MQn https://t.co/r1SGvA8tkU
#Полянский: Крайне тревожит информация о сохраняющемся сложном финансовом положении #БАПОР. Деятельность Агентства имеет не только гуманитарное, но и политическое измерение, оказывая важный стабилизационный эффект на #палестинских территориях и странах Ближнего Востока. https://t.co/70clGfXCok
#Полянский: Придаем большое значение оказанию комплексного гуманитарного содействия нуждающимся на Западном берегу р.Иордан и в секторе Газа, а также #палестинским беженцам в соседних арабских странах. https://t.co/dPPouGhA4p