Русскую Масленичную неделю отметили в одном из крупнейших делийских университетов - Amity Haryana. Сотрудники Русского дома приготовили для преподавателей и студентов праздничную программу. Член творческого союза художников России Ольга Левченко провела лекцию о русской культуре и мастер-класс по хохломской росписи. Лучшие работы были отобраны для экспонирования в Русском доме во время Масленичных гуляний 2 марта. Сотрудники Русского дома Екатерина Дыняк и Екатерина Корецкая познакомили студентов с русскими традициями - играми и песнями, а также провели дегустацию блинов. Руководство университета, преподаватели-русисты и студенты выразили благодарность Русскому Дому за организацию данного мероприятия, подчеркнув его значимость для погружения студентов в богатую русскую культуру.
#Русскийдом #культура #Индия
#Русскийдом #культура #Индия
Russian Maslenitsa week was celebrated in one of the largest universities in Delhi - Amity Haryana. The staff of the Russian House prepared a festive program for teachers and students. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Olga Levchenko gave a lecture on Russian culture and a master class on Khokhloma painting. The best works were selected for display in the Russian House during Maslenitsa festivities on March 2. The staff of the Russian House Ekaterina Dynyak and Ekaterina Koretskaya introduced students to Russian traditions - games and songs, and also held a pancake tasting. The university administration, teachers of Russian studies and students expressed gratitude to the Russian House for organizing this event, emphasizing its importance for immersing students in the rich Russian culture.
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#RussianHouse #culture #India
Forwarded from Gateway to Russia
Russian pancakes as Leo Tolstoy liked them
From February 24 to March 2, Russia celebrates Shrovetide, a.k.a. Maslenitsa. It’s a whole week of pancake extravaganzas. And while everyone has their own recipe for how to make ‘bliny’, let's find out how Tolstoy's wife cooked them for him!
Despite having lots of servants and cooks, Sofya Andreyevna Tolstaya was very much involved with cooking herself and left a whole book of recipes that her genius husband liked the most. Sofya always made her ‘bliny’ (pancakes) with kefir to keep them thin. Kefir is often available in eco-supermarkets, but if you can’t find any, buttermilk is an acceptable substitute.
Here, we reveal how to cook Leo Tolstoy’s favorite pancakes!
Ingredients: 2 cups of kefir, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, 1/2 tsp. of baking soda, 2 tbsp. of oil, sugar and salt to taste
How to make it: Mix the kefir, flour, eggs, sugar and salt in a deep bowl. Then, add soda into a cup of boiling water and mix well. After this, pour the water with soda slowly into the batter. Mix until the batter is smooth and let it sit for 5 minutes. Add oil. Fry pancakes in a preheated frying pan for roughly 25-30 seconds on both sides.
📷 AnnaPustynnikova/Getty Images; Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii
🔔 Gateway to Russia
From February 24 to March 2, Russia celebrates Shrovetide, a.k.a. Maslenitsa. It’s a whole week of pancake extravaganzas. And while everyone has their own recipe for how to make ‘bliny’, let's find out how Tolstoy's wife cooked them for him!
Despite having lots of servants and cooks, Sofya Andreyevna Tolstaya was very much involved with cooking herself and left a whole book of recipes that her genius husband liked the most. Sofya always made her ‘bliny’ (pancakes) with kefir to keep them thin. Kefir is often available in eco-supermarkets, but if you can’t find any, buttermilk is an acceptable substitute.
Here, we reveal how to cook Leo Tolstoy’s favorite pancakes!
Ingredients: 2 cups of kefir, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, 1/2 tsp. of baking soda, 2 tbsp. of oil, sugar and salt to taste
How to make it: Mix the kefir, flour, eggs, sugar and salt in a deep bowl. Then, add soda into a cup of boiling water and mix well. After this, pour the water with soda slowly into the batter. Mix until the batter is smooth and let it sit for 5 minutes. Add oil. Fry pancakes in a preheated frying pan for roughly 25-30 seconds on both sides.
📷 AnnaPustynnikova/Getty Images; Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii
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Руководитель Представительства Россотрудничества в Индии Елена Ремизова, заместитель Директора "Государственного Музея Востока" Илья Зайцев и директор Музея Рерихов Борис Йогансон встретились с директором Национальной галереи современного искусства Пуджей Хали в преддверии открытия уникальной выставки, посвященной 150-летию Николая Рериха. Работы художника были собраны из государственных музеев и частных коллекций со всей Индии. Российские специалисты оценили уникальность экспозиции и выразили желание принять участие в специальной Программе, подготовленной Галереей, которая продлится до осени текущего года. Илья Зайцев пригласил индийских коллег на открытие обновленной экспозиции Музея Рерихов в Москве осенью этого года. Напомним, что выставка в Национальной галерее современного искусства, посвященная Николаю Рериху, откроется 4 марта.
#Русскийдом #культура #Индия
#Русскийдом #культура #Индия
Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr. Elena Remizova, Deputy Director of the State Museum of the East Mr. Ilya Zaitsev and Director of the Roerich Museum Mr. Boris Joganson met with the Director of the National Gallery of Modern Art Pooja Hali on the eve of the opening of a unique exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich. The artist's works were collected from state museums and private collections from all over India. Russian specialists appreciated the uniqueness of the exhibition and expressed a desire to take part in a special Program prepared by the Gallery, which will last until the fall of this year. Ilya Zaitsev invited his Indian colleagues to the opening of the updated exposition of the Roerich Museum in Moscow this fall. Let us recall that the exhibition at the National Gallery of Modern Art dedicated to Nicholas Roerich will open on March 4.
#RussianHome #culture #India
#RussianHome #culture #India