Russian House New Delhi
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In New Delhi, at the Russian House, a poetry evening was held dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the writer, poet, playwright, translator Ivan Turgenev. The Literary Association Parichay Sahitya Parishad brought together contemporary Indian critics and writers for a conversation.
The meeting participants read excerpts from Turgenev’s works and appreciated his contribution to world literature.
#RussianHouse #Turgenev #evening #poetry
Центр международного сотрудничества Минпросвещения России проводит международный конкурс для учителя и педагогических коллективов из школ, образовательных центров, языковых клубов и сообществ, где изучают русский язык или преподают предметы на русском языке. По данным Минпросвещения России, по всему миру насчитывается более 27 000 таких площадок.
🎓 «Лучший педагогический коллектив русской школы» – для коллективных заявок.
🎓 «Учитель-международник» –для индивидуальных участников.
🏆 Участники также смогут получить призы в дополнительных номинациях от партнеров Конкурса, среди которых ведущие российские и международные медиа и крупнейшие издательства учебной и методической литературы.
В борьбе за победу конкурсантам предстоит представить на оценку жюри оригинальный педагогический проект либо авторскую разработку занятия. Свои проекты участники представят в формате пошагового описания, презентации либо видео. Также нужно записать о себе краткую видео-визитку.
🌐 На конкурс уже поступило более ста заявок из Канады, Египта, Эфиопии, Германии, Кыргызстана, Португалии, США, Нидерландов, Таджикистана, Великобритании, Узбекистана, Вьетнама, Испании, Сербии.
до 10 ноября — прием заявок
13 ноября-7 декабря — очный этап конкурса на 6 зарубежных площадках
8-9 декабря — награждение победителей (г. Москва)
10-13 декабря — участие победителей конкурса в культурно-образовательном Форуме в Центре знаний «Машук» (г. Пятигорск).
Ссылка для подачи заявок от педагогических коллективов:
Ссылка для подачи заявок от индивидуальных участников:
Почта оргкомитета Конкурса – [email protected]
The special African issue of the Higher Education Discovery magazine
The special issue about education in Russia for international applicants Higher Education Discovery “Russia – Africa” has come out.
Featured sections:

📰 In the foreseeable future, Africa will become a territory with the largest number of school and university students in the world, and this projection makes the issue of high-quality training especially urgent. Experts describe Russian-African cooperation in education as “the beginning of a new Renaissance.” This definition is also confirmed by the increasing numbers of free education quotas for African students at Russian universities, the increasing flow of applicants, and implementation of some new joint inter-country projects in education and science. Read more in the article “Africa: the Continent of the 21st Century …And Other Six Arguments for Partnerships”.

📰 Over the years, Rossotrudnichestvo has been making consistent efforts to develop cooperation in science and education and promote the Russian language and culture. The increase in the number of the Russian Government Scholarships allocated for African countries and a great number of eligible applicants per place confirm an extremely high demand for affordable and high-quality education. The Heads of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Offices in Egypt, Morocco, the Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ethiopia talk about the admission aspects for citizens of these countries.

📰 The issue also contains the reviews of leading Russian universities such as Belgorod State University, Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Kemerovo State Medical University, Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Kuban State Medical University, Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", Omsk State Medical University, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Siberian State Medical University, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Kadyrov Chechen State University, South Ural State University (National Research University).

#HED #highereducation #studyinRussia #magazine
Rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) Mikhail Pogosyan presented this Russian higher education institution, one of the leading ones in the field of aviation and astronautics, in New Delhi. The presentation took place at the Russian House in the presence of heads of Indian universities and representatives of scientific and industrial companies.
M. Poghosyan spoke about the educational programs of the national research university he heads, aviation and space projects, and work with foreign students.
Representatives of Indian universities called on MAI to more actively participate in educational exhibitions taking place in the Asian country.
The Moscow Aviation Institute is one of the most popular universities in the industry in the field of comprehensive work on breakthrough technologies and training of engineering personnel.
#RussianHouse #MAI #Poghosyan #India
Russian scientists from the Pirogov Medical University have developed a drug for the treatment of Bekhterev's disease.
According to the results of clinical studies, the use of a new drug made it possible to stop the development of the disease and abandon the accepted standard therapy, which reduces the activity of the immune system.
Read more at the link:

#medicine #universityPirogov #bekhterevdisease
Places where you can relax and restore your health - we will tell you about 3 popular thermal springs in Russia.

Goryachy Klyuch. Krasnodar Region

Local mineral waters help to cope with diseases of digestive organs. Baths and a park were built here, and then the town of Goryachy Klyuch grew up around it. The resort appeared in the 1860s and still welcomes many tourists.

Archaeologists confirm that thousands of years ago people knew about the existence of healing springs. Ancient coins, jewelry and other artifacts have been found in these places.

Mineralnye Vody. Stavropol Region

This area attracted all Russian writers from the great Alexander Pushkin to Leo Tolstoy. Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a historical resort climate region.

In each of the resorts you can find waters with carbonic acid composition and a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. In addition, in Pyatigorsk there are water sources containing a small dose of natural radiation.

Paratunka. Kamchatka

The Kamchatka peninsula has a large number of active volcanoes, geysers and thermal springs. The variety of natural formations makes them an important hotbed of heat and energy for the locals.

The village of Paratunka was built during the Soviet Union. Despite the harshness of winter in Kamchatka, the thermal springs keep the water warm and continue to delight tourists.

#travelRussia #tourism #hotsprings
Dear friends,

We are happy to announce that the deadline for submitting applications to get a scholarship within the quota of the Russian Government has been extended till December 15, 2023.
We remind you that applicants who want to study in Russia for free need to register on the website
To participate in the competition, you need to fill out an application form, attach a photo as well as scanned copies of your passport and educational document (or a certificate of the period of study).
For more information, please contact + 7 985 638 38 30 (WhatsApp) or by email: [email protected]

#EducationInRussia #Scholarships #Russian House #Success
Стартовала регистрация иностранных участников на региональную программу #ВФМ2024 😊

Она пройдёт с 10 по 17 марта.
🇷🇺 Две тысячи иностранцев отправятся по разным городам и продолжат знакомство с Россией.

Их ждёт увлекательное путешествие по 5 тематическим маршрутам:

🚩«Жить и работать в России»
🚩 «Дорога памяти»
🚩 «Страна без границ»
🚩 «Мы вернулись в Россию»
🚩 Международная выставка-форум «Россия»

В 30 городах нашей страны участники смогут посетить крупные промышленные, технологические и научно-образовательные центры нашей страны, университеты и предприятия, пройти по туристическим местам и познакомится с историческими достопримечательностями 🏛️

Приятный бонус: вне зависимости от выбранного направления гости остановятся на три дня в Москве и побывают на Международной выставке–форуме «Россия» на ВДНХ. Они узнают о главных достижениях науки и промышленности, культуре и традициях всех регионов России!

Осталось только подать заявку и дождаться результатов дополнительного отбора участников региональной программы!
❗️ Обратите внимание: это отдельный раздел в вашем личном кабинете, который доступен только для иностранных участников в возрасте 18-35 лет.
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