Стартовала аккредитация СМИ на #ВФМ2024!
Поучаствовать могут иностранные медиа, имеющие аккредитацию в МИД России, российские СМИ и блогеры.
Успейте зарегистрироваться до 15 января 2024 года по ссылке: https://fest2024.ru/media
#Россия #ВМФ #СМИ
Media accreditation for #WYF2024 has started!
Foreign media accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian media and bloggers can participate.
Hurry up to register before January 15, 2024 by following the link: https://fest2024.ru/en/media
#Russia #WYF #media
Поучаствовать могут иностранные медиа, имеющие аккредитацию в МИД России, российские СМИ и блогеры.
Успейте зарегистрироваться до 15 января 2024 года по ссылке: https://fest2024.ru/media
#Россия #ВМФ #СМИ
Media accreditation for #WYF2024 has started!
Foreign media accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian media and bloggers can participate.
Hurry up to register before January 15, 2024 by following the link: https://fest2024.ru/en/media
#Russia #WYF #media
November 8, 2023
November 8, 2023
The young futurologists are invited to model what the future will be like until 2100.
The international youth online Competition of scientific and science fiction works “HORIZON 2100” that has involved already more than 2300 young people and experts from 92 world countries invites to participate creative youth fascinated by the distant future!
The young people – postgraduate students, specialists, students and school children of all the countries, nationalities and faith at the age from 16 to 30 years old are invited to take part in the Competition.
🔍 In 2023, the Competition applications are accepted until November 15 in two nominations:
✍️ scientific work – research, scientific and practical works – reflecting innovative and original ideas, scientific vision of the future of the planet and humanity at the turn of the year 2100;
✍️ science fiction work – story, essay, reportage – describing imaginary innovative and original ideas, fantastic events, phenomena and prospects for the future at the turn of the year 2100, giving them a scientific explanation.
The works of the representatives of the Russian youth are accepted in Russian.
The works of the representatives of foreign countries are accepted in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French.
We are looking forward to receiving the applications for the “HORIZON 2100” Contest from the new creative and thinking participants!
Make your contribution to the future!
The works are accepted until November 15!
Register for the Contest before November 15 using the link
And make sure to register for the World Youth Festival before December 1, 2023: https://fest2024.com/en?setLang=True?utm_source=gorizont2100
#competition #Horizont2100 #science #future
The international youth online Competition of scientific and science fiction works “HORIZON 2100” that has involved already more than 2300 young people and experts from 92 world countries invites to participate creative youth fascinated by the distant future!
The young people – postgraduate students, specialists, students and school children of all the countries, nationalities and faith at the age from 16 to 30 years old are invited to take part in the Competition.
🔍 In 2023, the Competition applications are accepted until November 15 in two nominations:
✍️ scientific work – research, scientific and practical works – reflecting innovative and original ideas, scientific vision of the future of the planet and humanity at the turn of the year 2100;
✍️ science fiction work – story, essay, reportage – describing imaginary innovative and original ideas, fantastic events, phenomena and prospects for the future at the turn of the year 2100, giving them a scientific explanation.
The works of the representatives of the Russian youth are accepted in Russian.
The works of the representatives of foreign countries are accepted in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French.
We are looking forward to receiving the applications for the “HORIZON 2100” Contest from the new creative and thinking participants!
Make your contribution to the future!
The works are accepted until November 15!
Register for the Contest before November 15 using the link
And make sure to register for the World Youth Festival before December 1, 2023: https://fest2024.com/en?setLang=True?utm_source=gorizont2100
#competition #Horizont2100 #science #future
November 8, 2023
November 9, 2023
В Индонезии открылся первый образовательный хаб для будущих студентов из стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, которые планируют учиться в России. Представительство действует на базе Технологического института Сепулу Нопембер (ITS) в городе Сурабае.
В центре абитуриентам расскажут о возможностях образования и науки в России. Кроме того, он поможет наладить связи с республикой другим российским вузам и научным заведениям.
Работу хаба координирует кампус НИУ ВШЭ в Санкт-Петербурге. Планируется активное сотрудничество с Тайландом, Малайзией и Вьетнамом.
Узнать подробнее: https://www.hse.ru/news/edu/871225196.html
The first educational hub has opened in Indonesia for future students from the Asia-Pacific region who plan to study in Russia. The representative office operates on the basis of the Sepulu Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in Surabaya.
The center will tell applicants about the opportunities of education and science in Russia. In addition, it will help establish ties with the republic to other Russian universities and scientific institutions.
The hub's work is coordinated by the HSE campus in St. Petersburg. Active cooperation with Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam is planned.
В центре абитуриентам расскажут о возможностях образования и науки в России. Кроме того, он поможет наладить связи с республикой другим российским вузам и научным заведениям.
Работу хаба координирует кампус НИУ ВШЭ в Санкт-Петербурге. Планируется активное сотрудничество с Тайландом, Малайзией и Вьетнамом.
Узнать подробнее: https://www.hse.ru/news/edu/871225196.html
The first educational hub has opened in Indonesia for future students from the Asia-Pacific region who plan to study in Russia. The representative office operates on the basis of the Sepulu Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in Surabaya.
The center will tell applicants about the opportunities of education and science in Russia. In addition, it will help establish ties with the republic to other Russian universities and scientific institutions.
The hub's work is coordinated by the HSE campus in St. Petersburg. Active cooperation with Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam is planned.
Высшая школа экономики открыла образовательный хаб в АТР
7 ноября состоялось открытие представительства Высшей школы экономики в Индонезии. Это новый образовательный хаб для студентов из стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, которые планируют учиться в…
November 9, 2023
Yesterday, November 8, at the International Theater Festival of Dostoevsky, spectators watched the production of the drama club named after A.P. Chekhov at the Russian House from the Indian city of Trivandrum.
The performance was in one of the regional languages of the country - small. But the story of unrequited love based on the story "White Nights" was understandable without translation. Instead of cold Petersburg, the action unfolds on the shores of the warm sea…
#theater #art #RussiahouseTrivandrum
The performance was in one of the regional languages of the country - small. But the story of unrequited love based on the story "White Nights" was understandable without translation. Instead of cold Petersburg, the action unfolds on the shores of the warm sea…
#theater #art #RussiahouseTrivandrum
November 10, 2023
Open call for participation in Watercolour Masterclass with artists from Russia.
Please send two images of your watercolour works on education.ngma@gmail.com till 12th Nov for shortlisting.
Please send two images of your watercolour works on education.ngma@gmail.com till 12th Nov for shortlisting.
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023
The Russian volunteer “Mission Goodness” is expanding its activities in India. The group consists of three teachers from the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) and seven students.
Currently, master classes are being conducted for children of the Mala Smriti Orphanage and students of Khrist Raja Secondary School in New Delhi.
“We introduced children to the elements of traditional Russian costume. Master classes were held on correcting the emotional sphere of children from the orphanage,” said Evgenia Kriger, head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Education at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
According to her, Russian volunteers “found it unexpected that in such a relatively short period of time, classes at the orphanage gave quite noticeable dynamics in correcting the emotional sphere.”
“In general, we are very pleased with the work, we like the way we are greeted. We gain quite a lot of experience working in another culture, understanding their reality,” she noted.
Currently, master classes are being conducted for children of the Mala Smriti Orphanage and students of Khrist Raja Secondary School in New Delhi.
“We introduced children to the elements of traditional Russian costume. Master classes were held on correcting the emotional sphere of children from the orphanage,” said Evgenia Kriger, head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Education at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
According to her, Russian volunteers “found it unexpected that in such a relatively short period of time, classes at the orphanage gave quite noticeable dynamics in correcting the emotional sphere.”
“In general, we are very pleased with the work, we like the way we are greeted. We gain quite a lot of experience working in another culture, understanding their reality,” she noted.
November 10, 2023
Volunteers of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) congratulated the orphans of the Delhi Mala Smriti orphanage on the main Indian and Hindu holiday Diwali, which in 2023 falls on November 12.
Assessing the activities of the «Mission Goodness», the famous Indian neurologist Rajkumar Pandey, a graduate of the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, noted that “this project is a psychological assessment process for underprivileged children in India. The assessment will likely consist of cognitive, emotional, behavioral and attentional aspects of children. India lives in many eras at the same time: the 21st and 19th centuries are very close to each other here”.
On the same day, Mission Goodness, representatives of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) and the Russian House visited the popular literary cafe “The Reader's cafe” in Gaziabad. A batch of literature about Russia was donated to the café's book collection for regular bibliophiles.
Assessing the activities of the «Mission Goodness», the famous Indian neurologist Rajkumar Pandey, a graduate of the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, noted that “this project is a psychological assessment process for underprivileged children in India. The assessment will likely consist of cognitive, emotional, behavioral and attentional aspects of children. India lives in many eras at the same time: the 21st and 19th centuries are very close to each other here”.
On the same day, Mission Goodness, representatives of the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) and the Russian House visited the popular literary cafe “The Reader's cafe” in Gaziabad. A batch of literature about Russia was donated to the café's book collection for regular bibliophiles.
November 11, 2023