Russian Embassy in Mauritius
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🇷🇺🇰🇵 On September 17, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Choe Son-hui, who stopped over in Moscow on her way to St Petersburg to participate in the first #BRICS Women’s Forum to be held on the sidelines of the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum.

🤝 The Foreign Ministers of Russia and the DPRK took this opportunity to exchange opinions on ways to promote bilateral relations in keeping with the comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries.

Sergey Lavrov extended warm wishes to his colleague on the occasion of the traditional Korean harvest festival Chuseok which is celebrated in Korea today, and wished her a productive and fulfilling trip to St Petersburg.

📄Le Ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a publié un nouveau rapport sur la situation concernant la glorification du nazisme, la propagation du néo-nazisme et d'autres pratiques qui contribuent à la recrudescence des formes contemporaines de racisme, de discrimination raciale, de xénophobie et de l'intolérance qui y est associée.

Le document rend compte de la position des pays occidentaux visant à alimenter une russophobie virulente. Une attention particulière est également accordée aux actions de certains États, principalement les États baltes, la Pologne et l'Ukraine, qui continuent à détruire systématiquement sur leur territoire l'ensemble du patrimoine mémoriel soviétique et russe, et souvent le leur, tout en intensifiant le travail de falsification de l'histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

🔻 L'Occident défigure ouvertement et sans gêne les concepts historiques, à commencer par l'assimilation du régime nazi au régime soviétique "totalitaire" et jusqu’aux tentatives de faire porter toute la responsabilité de la guerre à l'Union soviétique et de la déclarer "un criminel pire que le Troisième Reich".

🔻 Le sens et, surtout, l'essence du verdict du Tribunal militaire international chargé de juger et de punir les principaux criminels de guerre des pays européens de l'Axe - le Tribunal de Nuremberg - sont délibérément brouillés.

Les élites politiques de l'écrasante majorité des États "démocratiques" d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord font de leur mieux pour cacher à la communauté internationale la nature nazie de la politique du régime de Kiev et d'autres régimes similaires.

La majorité absolue des membres de la communauté mondiale partage l'approche russe de la glorification du nazisme et de la justification du racisme. En 2023, la résolution russe sur la lutte contre la glorification du nazisme a été soutenue par la majorité des pays du monde (118). Elle a été rejetée par 49 délégations, dont les États-Unis et l'Ukraine, ainsi que par les États membres de l'UE.

❗️Les manifestations de la discrimination raciale et la glorification du nazisme représentent un sérieux défi pour la sécurité et la stabilité internationales et régionales. La Russie, ainsi que les pays qui partagent son point de vue, n'a pas l'intention de tolérer de telles approches racistes et néocoloniales et s'y opposera par tous les moyens possibles.
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🗓 On September 17, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Mirjana Spoljaric who is in Russia to participate in the 6th Eurasian Women’s Forum to be held in Saint Petersburg on September 18-20.

The participants of the meeting focused on humanitarian response priorities in the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, as well as Europe and Asia. An in-depth exchange of views centered on ICRC’s activities in Russia.

Numerous violations of international humanitarian law by Ukraine, including the treatment of prisoners of war and civilians, were brought to Ms Spoljaric’s attention.

The Parties agreed to promote cooperation further.

During her stay in Moscow, Mirjana Spoljaric met with Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova; Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova; and President of the Russian Red Cross Pavel Savchuk.
❗️Опубликована Программа Евразийского экономического форума – 2024

Напоминаем, что 30 сентября – 1 октября 2024 года в Ереване (Республика Армения) состоится III Евразийский экономический форум.

Главная тема Форума в этом году – «10 лет ЕАЭС: перспективы и приоритеты». Тематика сессий деловой части будет ориентирована на поиск решений актуальных и требующих совместного внимания вопросов повестки евразийской «пятерки». Подробнее с программой мероприятия можно ознакомиться на сайте Форума.

Также ожидается серия мероприятий с участием представителей органов государственной власти и предпринимательского сообщества стран ЕАЭС и Исламской Республики Иран.

Форум приурочен к заседанию Евразийского межправительственного совета и предусматривает участие глав правительств и представителей органов государственной власти стран ЕАЭС, членов правительств третьих стран, руководителей крупного, среднего и малого бизнеса, представителей международных организаций, заинтересованных в развитии взаимодействия в рамках Союза.

Мероприятие проводится в рамках председательства Республики Армения в органах Евразийского экономического союза в 2024 году.

🎙Аккредитация представителей СМИ проходит через Министерство иностранных дел Республики Армения.
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🎙 Приняла участие в панельной сессии Диалог женщин Африки и России «Новые тенденции международного сотрудничества» в рамках Деловой программы IV Евразийского женского форума.
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⚡️ The EU's Russian LNG imports hit their highest level since February, reaching €565.7 million in July, up 13.5% from last year. Spain led the way, boosting purchases by 2.3 times.

Overall, Russian LNG now makes up 18.6% of EU imports, despite a decrease in total purchases from last year.

❗️ While the EU focuses on its own energy needs, the impact on developing countries is severe, as new sanctions, including the ban on re-exporting Russian LNG through EU ports, disrupt global logistics and raise energy costs.

As they say, it’s just business, nothing personal – even when the consequences extent far beyond the boardroom.
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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov’s video address to participants in the 9th BRICS Legal Forum (Moscow, September 19, 2024)

💬 I would like to cordially greet the organisers and participants in the #BRICS Legal Forum, being held in this format for the ninth time.

Over the years, the Forum has asserted itself as an influential international platform that provides professional jurists with an excellent opportunity to exchange experience and applied knowledge in the field of regulating various spheres of public life and interstate collaboration. This makes it possible to better understand the specific features of BRICS member states’ legal systems in the interests of strengthening comprehensive legal cooperation between them.

I am noting with satisfaction that the Forum’s central theme, Law: Safeguarding a Fair World, meets the current agenda. It is common knowledge that countries of the US-led collective West strive to destabilise the existing system of international law and to replace it with their own pro-Western rules-based world order.

For its part, Russia is firmly committed to the principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interconnection. We believe that unconditional compliance with the norms of international law is a highly important component of forging a more equitable multipolar world order heeding the cultural and civilisational diversity of nations worldwide and their sovereign right to decide their destiny.

🤝 I am delighted to note that our position enjoys the broadest support among like-minded BRICS countries and other states of the Global Majority.

Your meeting has a rather packed agenda. You will discuss a wide range of topical issues, including the international justice system, the legal dimension of international trade, as well as legal aspects of sport and energy cooperation.

I am confident that the Forum will take place in a constructive and creative setting, and that it will contribute to more effective legal collaboration and to charting common approaches towards the regulation of various aspects of cooperation within BRICS.

I wish you productive discussions.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Russian MFA in cooperation with the Rosatom State Corporation has issued handbook "Back Home to Russia. 40th Anniversary of the launch of the Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant (ZNPP) Unit 1"

The copies of the handbook were circulated during the 68th session of the IAEA General Conference, opened on September 16 in Vienna.

📖 Read the handbook in full

ℹ️ The history of the Zaporozhskaya NPP (ZNPP) dates back to 1977 when the Council of Ministers of the #USSR adopted a decision on its construction. Site works began in 1979. In 1984, Unit 1 of the plant was put into operation. In 1985-1987, another three units were put into operation, and in 1988 an expansion project was approved for the construction of two more reactors.

🇷🇺 At the ZNPP site, six Soviet-design power units with VVER reactors were constructed and put into operation. Atomenergoproekt (Moscow) acted as chief designer of the project, Kurchatov Institute (Moscow) – was its scientific coordinator, Gidropress (Podolsk, Moscow region) supplied the reactor installations.

The equipment for the power plant was manufactured by enterprises in Leningrad (reactor vessels were manufactured by the Izhora Plants) and Volgodonsk (earthquake-resistant refuelling machines).

☝️ Thus, the Russian Federation is the owner of the project and technologies, and has the whole set of documentation, regarding Zaporozhskaya Nuclear power plant.

As a result of the referendum held in late September 2022, the Zaporozhskaya region,where the ZNPP is located, has joined the Russian Federation. The plant has come under Russian jurisdiction.

Before the ZNPP came under Russian jurisdiction, Ukrainian authorities had carried out a number of questionable experiments involving the use in the plant's reactors of nuclear fuel that was neither in compliance with its engineering design nor initially agreed upon with the Russian organization that had designed the ZNPP.

⚛️ Maintenance and repair at the plant are being carried out in 2024 as scheduled (as previously in 2023). The plant equipment damaged as a result of shellings by the AFU was repaired. <...> Measures were also undertaken to ensure uninterrupted water supply to essential consumers of the systems of the ZNPP power units, as the dam of the Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant had been destroyed as a result of Ukrainian shellings. Now the water level in the said pond is stable.

Currently, the Zaporozhskaya NPP operates all standard radiation monitoring systems, except for three of them, which were destroyed by the armed forces of Ukraine, and two, which are situated on the right bank of the river Dnepr,
controlled by Ukraine.

The Russian Side has undertaken compensating measures. Radiation and technological monitoring of basic equipment and technological systems of power units, radiation-dosimetry monitoring of staff exposure, environment radiation monitoring, etc. are ensured. Radiation monitoring data are automatically transmitted to the IAEA Secretariat.

☝️ Russia takes all possible measures to ensure reliability and protection of the ZNPP, its robust operation, to curb threats to its security posed by Ukraine, strengthen its nuclear safety in accordance with national legislation and obligations undertaken, including Convention on Nuclear Safety and the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities.

The very fact of return of the plant to the Russian nuclear community represents a significant contribution to the nuclear safety and nuclear security of this NPP which is the largest in Europe.

The primary threat to the ZNPP’s security comes from Ukraine that regularly attacks the plant and its infrastructure, and resorts to all kinds of provocations, including against staff of the ZNPP and family members, living in the city of Energodar.
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⚡️ On the UN General Assembly’s resolution on Palestine

On September 18, the 10th emergency special session of the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution in support of the second advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan River, including East Jerusalem).

A total of 124 states (including Russia) voted in favour of the resolution.
14 voted against (Israel, the United States, Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malawi, Paraguay and several island states).
🤷‍♂️ 43 nations (mostly EU members) abstained.

The document provides detailed conclusions and recommendations of the International Court of Justice on policies and practices in the OPT, and a number of concrete measures to ensure the implementation of that decision. It cites, in particular, the illegal nature of Israeli presence and demands that it cease immediately all new settlement activity, evacuate all settlers from the OPT, and make reparation for the damage caused to all the natural and legal persons concerned.

The resolution calls on all UN member states and international organisations not to recognise as legal the situation arising from Israel’s unlawful presence in the OPT.

The resolution includes the court’s vital opinion that Israel’s policy and practices amount to the annexation of large parts of the OPT and constitute a direct violation of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.

We would like to note that the vote on that UN General Assembly resolution took place amid an unprecedented escalation of violence and bloodshed in the zone of the Arab-Israeli conflict. This is the fourth UN General Assembly decision aimed at protecting the Palestinian people and its fundamental right to self-determination, including its right to a sovereign and independent state within the 1967 borders, with a capital in East Jerusalem.

☝️ In this connection, we would like to state again, with deep regret, that the US-dominated UN Security Council has not adopted similar vital statements. As you may know, Washington has recently exercised its veto power on five occasions, often unilaterally, to block UN Security Council draft resolutions on a ceasefire and on Palestine’s admission to the UN.

❗️ We view the adoption of this UNGA resolution as a crucial step towards international recognition of the illegality of Israel’s practices. It will also help enhance broad efforts to coordinate practical measures aimed at ensuring compliance with international law, ending the longest occupation in modern history, and implementing the two-state solution.