Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇺🇳 On September 28, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President of the UN GA Philemon Yang met in New York, during the high-level segment of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly.
🤝 The Parties discussed issued on the session’s agenda and underscored the key rule-making role of the General Assembly. The Officials also touched upon topics associated with raising the UN GA efficiency and the correlation of its activity with the work of other principal UN bodies.
The Minister expressed the hope that, as President, Mr. Yang would pursue a balanced and impartial line, take careful account of the views of all member states, and avoid using the United Nations platform to serve narrow national interests.
The Sides stressed the importance of maintaining the atmosphere of constructive cooperation at the General Assembly and the unacceptability of introducing any destructive initiatives of confrontational nature in its work.
🤝 The Parties discussed issued on the session’s agenda and underscored the key rule-making role of the General Assembly. The Officials also touched upon topics associated with raising the UN GA efficiency and the correlation of its activity with the work of other principal UN bodies.
The Minister expressed the hope that, as President, Mr. Yang would pursue a balanced and impartial line, take careful account of the views of all member states, and avoid using the United Nations platform to serve narrow national interests.
The Sides stressed the importance of maintaining the atmosphere of constructive cooperation at the General Assembly and the unacceptability of introducing any destructive initiatives of confrontational nature in its work.
🎙 Le Président russe Vladimir Poutine s’est adressé à la nation à l'occasion de la Journée de la réunification des Républiques populaires de Donetsk et de Lougansk, des régions de Zaporojié et de Kherson avec la Russie
💬 Vladimir Poutine: Chers amis, chers citoyens de Russie!
Aujourd'hui, le 30 septembre, nous célébrons la Journée de la réunification avec la Russie des Républiques populaires de Donetsk et de Lougansk, des régions de Zaporojié et de Kherson.
Je félicite cordialement tous les citoyens de notre pays pour cet événement véritablement fatidique. Nous y sommes arrivés après des années et des épreuves difficiles, conscients des conditions insupportables dans lesquelles le Donbass a vécu pendant huit longues années sous les bombardements et les blocus constants et de l'oppression à laquelle les habitants de la Nouvelle-Russie (la Novorossiya) ont été soumis.
☝🏻Ils se sont opposés au coup d'État armé à Kiev et ont lutté contre la dictature néonazie qui cherchait à les arracher à leur Patrie historique, à la Russie, pour toujours.
Nous n'avons pas abandonné nos frères et sœurs, nous avons essayé de trouver une solution pacifique au conflit le plus difficile. Vous savez comment ces négociations se sont terminées : mensonges, falsifications et tromperies de la part des élites occidentales, qui avaient transformé l'Ukraine en leur colonie, en une tête de pont contre la Russie.
❗️Elles ont systématiquement semé la haine et le nationalisme radical, incité à l'hostilité envers tout ce qui est russe, fourni des armes, envoyé des mercenaires et des conseillers, préparé l'armée ukrainienne à une nouvelle guerre afin de déclencher à nouveau, comme au printemps et à l'été 2014, une action punitive dans le sud-est.
Le Donbass, mais aussi la Crimée et d'autres régions russes ont été désignés comme cibles. La suite des événements a pleinement confirmé la nécessité et le bien fondé de l'opération militaire spéciale, ainsi que son caractère véritablement libérateur.
Je voudrais maintenant m'adresser aux habitants des Républiques populaires de Donetsk et de Lougansk, des régions de Zaporojié et de Kherson.
Je vous remercie pour votre persévérance, votre détermination et votre fermeté, pour la transmission de génération en génération de nos valeurs spirituelles, de notre mémoire historique, de nos traditions et de notre culture et, surtout, pour votre grand amour de la Patrie, le principal pilier de la vie de chacun d'entre nous.
Aujourd'hui, nous défendons ensemble un avenir sûr et prospère pour nos enfants et petits-enfants, notre destin commun, la mémoire des réalisations et des victoires de nos grands ancêtres, la loyauté envers leurs traditions et leurs préceptes.
Ces sentiments donnent de la force aux participants à l'opération militaire spéciale. En combattant actuellement dans le Donbass et en Novorossiya, en protégeant les frontières de Koursk, de Belgorod et de Briansk, ils défendent l'ensemble de notre immense Russie, notre beau pays bien-aimé. Nous sommes fiers de nos héros et faisons tout ce que nous pouvons pour les soutenir.
Dans les territoires libérés, on voit des entreprises activement restaurées, des maisons, des hôpitaux, des écoles et des jardins d'enfants construits. Toutes les régions russes sont impliquées dans ce travail. Les représentants des grandes et des petites entreprises œuvrent activement. À cela s’ajoute une contribution considérable de la part des bénévoles, des organisations publiques et religieuses et des partis parlementaires.
🤝🏻Je remercie tous les citoyens du pays pour cette unité et cet esprit patriotique. La vérité est de notre côté. Tous les objectifs fixés seront atteints.
Bonne fête, chers amis, joyeuse Journée de la réunification!
💬 Vladimir Poutine: Chers amis, chers citoyens de Russie!
Aujourd'hui, le 30 septembre, nous célébrons la Journée de la réunification avec la Russie des Républiques populaires de Donetsk et de Lougansk, des régions de Zaporojié et de Kherson.
Je félicite cordialement tous les citoyens de notre pays pour cet événement véritablement fatidique. Nous y sommes arrivés après des années et des épreuves difficiles, conscients des conditions insupportables dans lesquelles le Donbass a vécu pendant huit longues années sous les bombardements et les blocus constants et de l'oppression à laquelle les habitants de la Nouvelle-Russie (la Novorossiya) ont été soumis.
☝🏻Ils se sont opposés au coup d'État armé à Kiev et ont lutté contre la dictature néonazie qui cherchait à les arracher à leur Patrie historique, à la Russie, pour toujours.
Nous n'avons pas abandonné nos frères et sœurs, nous avons essayé de trouver une solution pacifique au conflit le plus difficile. Vous savez comment ces négociations se sont terminées : mensonges, falsifications et tromperies de la part des élites occidentales, qui avaient transformé l'Ukraine en leur colonie, en une tête de pont contre la Russie.
❗️Elles ont systématiquement semé la haine et le nationalisme radical, incité à l'hostilité envers tout ce qui est russe, fourni des armes, envoyé des mercenaires et des conseillers, préparé l'armée ukrainienne à une nouvelle guerre afin de déclencher à nouveau, comme au printemps et à l'été 2014, une action punitive dans le sud-est.
Le Donbass, mais aussi la Crimée et d'autres régions russes ont été désignés comme cibles. La suite des événements a pleinement confirmé la nécessité et le bien fondé de l'opération militaire spéciale, ainsi que son caractère véritablement libérateur.
Je voudrais maintenant m'adresser aux habitants des Républiques populaires de Donetsk et de Lougansk, des régions de Zaporojié et de Kherson.
Je vous remercie pour votre persévérance, votre détermination et votre fermeté, pour la transmission de génération en génération de nos valeurs spirituelles, de notre mémoire historique, de nos traditions et de notre culture et, surtout, pour votre grand amour de la Patrie, le principal pilier de la vie de chacun d'entre nous.
Aujourd'hui, nous défendons ensemble un avenir sûr et prospère pour nos enfants et petits-enfants, notre destin commun, la mémoire des réalisations et des victoires de nos grands ancêtres, la loyauté envers leurs traditions et leurs préceptes.
Ces sentiments donnent de la force aux participants à l'opération militaire spéciale. En combattant actuellement dans le Donbass et en Novorossiya, en protégeant les frontières de Koursk, de Belgorod et de Briansk, ils défendent l'ensemble de notre immense Russie, notre beau pays bien-aimé. Nous sommes fiers de nos héros et faisons tout ce que nous pouvons pour les soutenir.
Dans les territoires libérés, on voit des entreprises activement restaurées, des maisons, des hôpitaux, des écoles et des jardins d'enfants construits. Toutes les régions russes sont impliquées dans ce travail. Les représentants des grandes et des petites entreprises œuvrent activement. À cela s’ajoute une contribution considérable de la part des bénévoles, des organisations publiques et religieuses et des partis parlementaires.
🤝🏻Je remercie tous les citoyens du pays pour cette unité et cet esprit patriotique. La vérité est de notre côté. Tous les objectifs fixés seront atteints.
Bonne fête, chers amis, joyeuse Journée de la réunification!
Forwarded from Евразийская экономическая комиссия
В Ереване стартовал III Евразийский экономический форум
Главная тема Форума в этом году – «10 лет ЕАЭС: перспективы и приоритеты».
❗️ Прямые трансляции можно найти на официальном сайте ЕЭФ.
Участники ЕЭФ-2024 обсудят актуальные направления экономического сотрудничества государств – членов Союза, такие как
🔹стратегическое развитие ЕАЭС,
🔹всесторонняя кооперация и технологическое сотрудничество,
🔹развитие транспортной инфраструктуры и логистики,
🔹качество внутреннего рынка и поддержка предпринимательства,
🔹международное сотрудничество.
Тематика сессий деловой части форума будет ориентирована на поиск решений актуальных и требующих совместного внимания вопросов повестки евразийской «пятерки».
Форум приурочен к заседанию Евразийского межправительственного совета и предусматривает участие глав правительств и представителей органов государственной власти стран ЕАЭС, членов правительств третьих стран, руководителей крупного, среднего и малого бизнеса, представителей международных организаций, заинтересованных в развитии взаимодействия в рамках Союза.
Мероприятие проводится в рамках председательства Республики Армения в органах Евразийского экономического союза в 2024 году.
#ЕЭФ2024 #ЕвразийскийЭкономическийФорум
Главная тема Форума в этом году – «10 лет ЕАЭС: перспективы и приоритеты».
Участники ЕЭФ-2024 обсудят актуальные направления экономического сотрудничества государств – членов Союза, такие как
🔹стратегическое развитие ЕАЭС,
🔹всесторонняя кооперация и технологическое сотрудничество,
🔹развитие транспортной инфраструктуры и логистики,
🔹качество внутреннего рынка и поддержка предпринимательства,
🔹международное сотрудничество.
Тематика сессий деловой части форума будет ориентирована на поиск решений актуальных и требующих совместного внимания вопросов повестки евразийской «пятерки».
Форум приурочен к заседанию Евразийского межправительственного совета и предусматривает участие глав правительств и представителей органов государственной власти стран ЕАЭС, членов правительств третьих стран, руководителей крупного, среднего и малого бизнеса, представителей международных организаций, заинтересованных в развитии взаимодействия в рамках Союза.
Мероприятие проводится в рамках председательства Республики Армения в органах Евразийского экономического союза в 2024 году.
#ЕЭФ2024 #ЕвразийскийЭкономическийФорум
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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📺 Address by President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Day of Reunification of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with Russia (September 30, 2024)
💬 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,
Today, on September 30, we mark the Day of Reunification of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with Russia.
I wholeheartedly congratulate all citizens of our country on this truly momentous event. We have come to this moment through years of challenges and difficult trials. We knew the unbearable conditions under which Donbass lived for eight long years, enduring constant shelling and blockades, and the oppression faced by the people of Novorossiya.
☝️ They stood up against the armed coup in Kiev and resisted the neo-Nazi dictatorship that sought to sever them forever from their historic Motherland, from Russia.
We did not abandon our brothers and sisters and sought to achieve a peaceful resolution to this grave conflict. You know how those talks ended: with lies, deceit and betrayal by the Western elites, who in that time turned Ukraine into their colony, into a military outpost aimed at Russia.
❗️They systematically instilled hatred and radical nationalism, fuelled hostility towards everything Russian, supplied weapons, sent mercenaries and advisers, and trained the Ukrainian army for a new war, so that again, as in the spring and summer of 2014, to launch a punitive operation in the southeast.
Their targets included not only Donbass, but also Crimea and other Russian regions. The subsequent developments fully confirmed the need for and validity of the special military operation and its genuinely liberating nature.
I want to address the residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
Thank you for your steadfastness, determination and strength, for passing down from generation to generation our spiritual values, historical memory, traditions and culture, and above all, our great love for the Motherland, which remains our greatest source of strength in life.
Today, together, we are defending a safe and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren, our shared destiny, the memory of the achievements and victories of our great ancestors, and our loyalty to their traditions and behests.
These sentiments give strength to the participants in the special military operation. Fighting now in Donbass and Novorossiya, defending the borders of Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions, they are defending our vast, beautiful and beloved Russia. We are proud of our heroes and are doing everything we can to support them.
We are actively restoring enterprises and building residential houses, hospitals, schools and kindergartens in the liberated territories. All Russian regions are involved in this effort. Both large and small businesses are making their contribution. Volunteers, non-governmental and religious organisations, and parliamentary parties are playing a huge role too.
🤝 I want to thank all citizens of our country for their unity and patriotic spirit. The truth is on our side. All the goals we have set for ourselves will be achieved.
Happy holiday, friends! Happy Reunification Day!
💬 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,
Today, on September 30, we mark the Day of Reunification of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with Russia.
I wholeheartedly congratulate all citizens of our country on this truly momentous event. We have come to this moment through years of challenges and difficult trials. We knew the unbearable conditions under which Donbass lived for eight long years, enduring constant shelling and blockades, and the oppression faced by the people of Novorossiya.
☝️ They stood up against the armed coup in Kiev and resisted the neo-Nazi dictatorship that sought to sever them forever from their historic Motherland, from Russia.
We did not abandon our brothers and sisters and sought to achieve a peaceful resolution to this grave conflict. You know how those talks ended: with lies, deceit and betrayal by the Western elites, who in that time turned Ukraine into their colony, into a military outpost aimed at Russia.
❗️They systematically instilled hatred and radical nationalism, fuelled hostility towards everything Russian, supplied weapons, sent mercenaries and advisers, and trained the Ukrainian army for a new war, so that again, as in the spring and summer of 2014, to launch a punitive operation in the southeast.
Their targets included not only Donbass, but also Crimea and other Russian regions. The subsequent developments fully confirmed the need for and validity of the special military operation and its genuinely liberating nature.
I want to address the residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
Thank you for your steadfastness, determination and strength, for passing down from generation to generation our spiritual values, historical memory, traditions and culture, and above all, our great love for the Motherland, which remains our greatest source of strength in life.
Today, together, we are defending a safe and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren, our shared destiny, the memory of the achievements and victories of our great ancestors, and our loyalty to their traditions and behests.
These sentiments give strength to the participants in the special military operation. Fighting now in Donbass and Novorossiya, defending the borders of Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions, they are defending our vast, beautiful and beloved Russia. We are proud of our heroes and are doing everything we can to support them.
We are actively restoring enterprises and building residential houses, hospitals, schools and kindergartens in the liberated territories. All Russian regions are involved in this effort. Both large and small businesses are making their contribution. Volunteers, non-governmental and religious organisations, and parliamentary parties are playing a huge role too.
🤝 I want to thank all citizens of our country for their unity and patriotic spirit. The truth is on our side. All the goals we have set for ourselves will be achieved.
Happy holiday, friends! Happy Reunification Day!
Forwarded from Правительство России
Media is too big
Михаил Мишустин выступил на пленарном заседании Евразийского экономического форума на тему «Цифровизация в современных реалиях – императив для обеспечения четырех свобод»
⚡️ За 10 лет своего существования ЕАЭС доказал свою успешность как интеграционный проект. Выстроенная модель взаимодействия обеспечивает высокий уровень свободы движения товаров, услуг, капитала и рабочей силы.
⚡️ Темпы роста экономик стран союза превышают среднемировые показатели. Объединение становится все более узнаваемым на международной арене. Президент Владимир Путин отмечал, что у ЕАЭС есть все возможности, чтобы стать одним из мощных, самодостаточных полюсов формирующегося многополярного мира.
⚡️ Достижение такой цели зависит от реализации имеющегося потенциала, в том числе создания единого цифрового пространства, внедрения современных технологий во все ключевые отрасли экономик стран-участниц и сферы взаимодействия.
📲Для обеспечения надежной межгосударственной передачи данных и электронных документов между ведомствами стран ЕАЭС развивается интегрированная информационная платформа. В будущем к ней смогут присоединиться и другие заинтересованные государства.
🚚Формирующаяся экосистема цифровых транспортных коридоров позволит деловым партнерам обмениваться логистической информацией по всей цепочке поставок, наладить удобное выстраивание маршрутов и бронирование инфраструктуры.
⚡️ Совершенствуются механизмы взаимного признания электронной подписи.
👷🏻♂️Проект Евразийского банка развития «Работа в ЕАЭС» помогает соискателям из стран союза найти вакансии, получить нужные для трансграничного трудоустройства государственные услуги.
📌Важной задачей остается обеспечение технологической независимости союза. Для этого необходимо увеличить темпы проникновения технологий в экономику, социальную сферу и госуправление. Как отметил Михаил Мишустин, эти системные задачи можно выполнить только общими усилиями, полагаясь на собственные разработки.
⚡️ Необходимо сконцентрироваться на налаживании производства конкурентоспособных востребованных цифровых решений, развитии инфраструктуры доступа к электронным технологиям и сервисам, в том числе за счет расширения кооперации ведущих технологических компаний.
📲Для обеспечения надежной межгосударственной передачи данных и электронных документов между ведомствами стран ЕАЭС развивается интегрированная информационная платформа. В будущем к ней смогут присоединиться и другие заинтересованные государства.
🚚Формирующаяся экосистема цифровых транспортных коридоров позволит деловым партнерам обмениваться логистической информацией по всей цепочке поставок, наладить удобное выстраивание маршрутов и бронирование инфраструктуры.
👷🏻♂️Проект Евразийского банка развития «Работа в ЕАЭС» помогает соискателям из стран союза найти вакансии, получить нужные для трансграничного трудоустройства государственные услуги.
📌Важной задачей остается обеспечение технологической независимости союза. Для этого необходимо увеличить темпы проникновения технологий в экономику, социальную сферу и госуправление. Как отметил Михаил Мишустин, эти системные задачи можно выполнить только общими усилиями, полагаясь на собственные разработки.
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Forwarded from Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин
Media is too big
Легендарному Театру Сатиры сегодня исполняется 100 лет!
🎭 В одном из самых посещаемых театров столицы играли Татьяна Пельтцер, Анатолий Папанов, Андрей Миронов, Ольга Аросева и другие прославленные актёры.
Сегодня Театр Сатиры открывает юбилейный сезон. За 100 лет работы труппа представила зрителям больше 400 постановок, а в новом сезоне готовится к премьере 8 спектаклей.
К юбилею обновили здание на Триумфальной площади.
🖼 Привычный облик главного фасада сохранили, но его конструкция стала более современной и функциональной. К примеру, появился медиаэкран, на котором будут демонстрироваться сцены из спектаклей разных лет.
Привели в порядок купол театра. Заменили его металлическое покрытие, вместо прежнего серого сделали терракотовое. Чтобы не скапливался снег, смонтировали обогрев на крыше и куполе. Также заменили окна и обновили входную группу.
💡 В вечерние часы фасад особенно красив благодаря архитектурно-художественной подсветке, для которой установили свыше 130 светильников и 500 метров неоновой ленты.
Преобразился в этом году и прилегающий к театру сад "Аквариум" на Большой Садовой улице.
🎭 В одном из самых посещаемых театров столицы играли Татьяна Пельтцер, Анатолий Папанов, Андрей Миронов, Ольга Аросева и другие прославленные актёры.
Сегодня Театр Сатиры открывает юбилейный сезон. За 100 лет работы труппа представила зрителям больше 400 постановок, а в новом сезоне готовится к премьере 8 спектаклей.
К юбилею обновили здание на Триумфальной площади.
Привели в порядок купол театра. Заменили его металлическое покрытие, вместо прежнего серого сделали терракотовое. Чтобы не скапливался снег, смонтировали обогрев на крыше и куполе. Также заменили окна и обновили входную группу.
Преобразился в этом году и прилегающий к театру сад "Аквариум" на Большой Садовой улице.
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🗣 Какие задачи стоят перед новым генсеком НАТО Марком Рютте — комментарий Егора Сергеева:
• Рютте — абсолютно системный евроатлантический политик, обладающий большим политическим весом, чем Столтенберг. Рютте нельзя назвать оголтелым противником России, скорее его прошлые высказывания были довольно системными и соответствовали специфике определённого момента.
• На украинском направлении в политике НАТО тоже вряд ли что-то изменится. Все приоритеты расставлены в июльской Вашингтонской декларации. Но представленный в ней объём обещаний Украине уже не является беспрецедентным, потому он отражает тенденцию к возможному уменьшению участия в конфликте (по крайней мере, когда речь идёт о финансах).
• Однако это не должно вводить в заблуждение: Россия для НАТО всё ещё стратегический приоритет и угроза номер один. Следовательно, внимание к украинскому конфликту будет первоочередное.
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• Рютте — абсолютно системный евроатлантический политик, обладающий большим политическим весом, чем Столтенберг. Рютте нельзя назвать оголтелым противником России, скорее его прошлые высказывания были довольно системными и соответствовали специфике определённого момента.
• На украинском направлении в политике НАТО тоже вряд ли что-то изменится. Все приоритеты расставлены в июльской Вашингтонской декларации. Но представленный в ней объём обещаний Украине уже не является беспрецедентным, потому он отражает тенденцию к возможному уменьшению участия в конфликте (по крайней мере, когда речь идёт о финансах).
• Однако это не должно вводить в заблуждение: Россия для НАТО всё ещё стратегический приоритет и угроза номер один. Следовательно, внимание к украинскому конфликту будет первоочередное.
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Какие задачи стоят перед новым генсеком НАТО Марком Рютте
Считается, что он сможет наладить отношения с Дональдом Трампом
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On October 2, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with the heads of diplomatic missions of Arab states accredited in Moscow, at their request.
During the exchange of views on developments in the Middle East, the primary focus was on the continuing unprecedented escalation of violence resulting from the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip and its attack on Lebanon, which have caused significant civilian casualties.
The meeting participants called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone.
❗️ They also expressed deep concern over the increased risks of a large-scale Middle East war, which could have disastrous consequences for the entire region. This concern was heightened against the backdrop of the October 1 retaliatory Iranian missile strike on Israeli territory. They emphasised that all parties involved should refrain from provocative actions, exercise restraint and adopt a responsible approach in accordance with the resolutions of the UN and its Security Council.
The representatives of Arab states thanked the Russian Side for its energetic efforts, including at the UN Security Council, aimed at ending the bloodshed in the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation zone and normalising the situation in the Middle East.
Sergey Lavrov and the heads of diplomatic missions reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to further coordination between Moscow and Arab capitals in the interests of swiftly achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East. This includes the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem.
During the exchange of views on developments in the Middle East, the primary focus was on the continuing unprecedented escalation of violence resulting from the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip and its attack on Lebanon, which have caused significant civilian casualties.
The meeting participants called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone.
❗️ They also expressed deep concern over the increased risks of a large-scale Middle East war, which could have disastrous consequences for the entire region. This concern was heightened against the backdrop of the October 1 retaliatory Iranian missile strike on Israeli territory. They emphasised that all parties involved should refrain from provocative actions, exercise restraint and adopt a responsible approach in accordance with the resolutions of the UN and its Security Council.
The representatives of Arab states thanked the Russian Side for its energetic efforts, including at the UN Security Council, aimed at ending the bloodshed in the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation zone and normalising the situation in the Middle East.
Sergey Lavrov and the heads of diplomatic missions reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to further coordination between Moscow and Arab capitals in the interests of swiftly achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East. This includes the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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📰 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s article for Rossiyskaya Gazeta on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China (October 3, 2024)
🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russia and China: Partnership and friendship forged by time
💬 This year, alongside our Chinese partners, we mark a significant milestone which is the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
The history of Russian-Chinese relations spans centuries, but October 2, 1949 holds a special place in it. On the second day after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Soviet Union recognised the New China and established diplomatic ties with it. In the early days of China as a fledgling state, the Soviet Union provided substantial support to it.
Over the decades, the bilateral relationship has faced numerous strength tests, but, most importantly, we have shown strategic wisdom and perseverance. We succeeded in building an exemplary model of relations between neighbouring great powers rooted in neighbourliness, friendship, and cooperation.
Russia has invariably placed high importance on strengthening cooperation with its great neighbour.
Key points:
• Today, Russian-Chinese cooperation has evolved to become a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction on the cusp of a new era. According to our leaders, bilateral relations have soared to an unprecedentedly high level and never stop to be enriched with new content.
☝️ We firmly believe that Russia needs a prosperous and stable China, just as China needs a strong and successful Russia.
• In this day and age, as the world is undergoing truly tectonic shifts caused by the emerging multipolar international order, the Russia-China strategic partnership serves as a balancing force in international politics and contributes directly to the economic growth and the well-being of the people in both countries.
• It is gratifying to note that, despite various restrictive measures imposed by the United States and its allies, the economies of Russia and China continue to grow dynamically. Our countries’ economic structures are highly complementary. For many years now, China has been our primary trading partner.
• Our countries’ close interaction in the international arena is highly commendable. The Russia-China foreign policy partnership strengthens the legal foundations of the multipolar world order, takes into greater account the interests of the Global South and the Global East, helps overcome the legacy of colonialism, and counters modern neocolonial practices.
👉 Since the security system in Europe and the Euro-Atlantic region has been fully discredited by United States and other NATO countries, we suggest deploying serious collaborative efforts to build new Eurasian security architecture based on the regional- solutions-to-regional-problems principle, anchored in equality and indivisibility, and grounded in the existing multilateral associations within Eurasia.
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🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russia and China: Partnership and friendship forged by time
💬 This year, alongside our Chinese partners, we mark a significant milestone which is the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
The history of Russian-Chinese relations spans centuries, but October 2, 1949 holds a special place in it. On the second day after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Soviet Union recognised the New China and established diplomatic ties with it. In the early days of China as a fledgling state, the Soviet Union provided substantial support to it.
Over the decades, the bilateral relationship has faced numerous strength tests, but, most importantly, we have shown strategic wisdom and perseverance. We succeeded in building an exemplary model of relations between neighbouring great powers rooted in neighbourliness, friendship, and cooperation.
Russia has invariably placed high importance on strengthening cooperation with its great neighbour.
Key points:
• Today, Russian-Chinese cooperation has evolved to become a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction on the cusp of a new era. According to our leaders, bilateral relations have soared to an unprecedentedly high level and never stop to be enriched with new content.
☝️ We firmly believe that Russia needs a prosperous and stable China, just as China needs a strong and successful Russia.
• In this day and age, as the world is undergoing truly tectonic shifts caused by the emerging multipolar international order, the Russia-China strategic partnership serves as a balancing force in international politics and contributes directly to the economic growth and the well-being of the people in both countries.
• It is gratifying to note that, despite various restrictive measures imposed by the United States and its allies, the economies of Russia and China continue to grow dynamically. Our countries’ economic structures are highly complementary. For many years now, China has been our primary trading partner.
• Our countries’ close interaction in the international arena is highly commendable. The Russia-China foreign policy partnership strengthens the legal foundations of the multipolar world order, takes into greater account the interests of the Global South and the Global East, helps overcome the legacy of colonialism, and counters modern neocolonial practices.
👉 Since the security system in Europe and the Euro-Atlantic region has been fully discredited by United States and other NATO countries, we suggest deploying serious collaborative efforts to build new Eurasian security architecture based on the regional- solutions-to-regional-problems principle, anchored in equality and indivisibility, and grounded in the existing multilateral associations within Eurasia.
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Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
📄 Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 13 сентября 2024 года № 788 Зейналова Ирада Автандиловна, 1972 года рождения, назначена Чрезвычайным и Полномочным Послом Российской Федерации в Республике Маврикий.
Образование высшее: в 1995 году окончила Московский авиационный технологический институт им. К.Э.Циолковского, B 2023 году — Дипломатическую академию МИД России. Владеет английским и испанским языками.
В 2006-2010 годах — заведующая региональным бюро ОАО «Первый канал» в Великобритании, в 2010-2011 годах — комментатор, ОАО «Первый канал», в 2011-2012 годах — заведующая региональным бюро ОАО «Первый канал» в Израиле, в 2012-2016 годах — ведущая программы ОАО «Первый канал». С 2016 года — художественный руководитель АО «Телекомпания HTB».
Телеграм-канал Посольства России в Республике Маврикий
📄 Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 13 сентября 2024 года № 788 Зейналова Ирада Автандиловна, 1972 года рождения, назначена Чрезвычайным и Полномочным Послом Российской Федерации в Республике Маврикий.
Образование высшее: в 1995 году окончила Московский авиационный технологический институт им. К.Э.Циолковского, B 2023 году — Дипломатическую академию МИД России. Владеет английским и испанским языками.
В 2006-2010 годах — заведующая региональным бюро ОАО «Первый канал» в Великобритании, в 2010-2011 годах — комментатор, ОАО «Первый канал», в 2011-2012 годах — заведующая региональным бюро ОАО «Первый канал» в Израиле, в 2012-2016 годах — ведущая программы ОАО «Первый канал». С 2016 года — художественный руководитель АО «Телекомпания HTB».
Телеграм-канал Посольства России в Республике Маврикий
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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🤝 Russia's EMERCOM delivers 33 tonnes of humanitarian aid to the people of Lebanon. The package comprises:
• food supplies;
• emergency supplies;
• medicine;
• mobile power stations.
🇷🇺🇱🇧 #RussiaLebanon
🤝 Russia's EMERCOM delivers 33 tonnes of humanitarian aid to the people of Lebanon. The package comprises:
• food supplies;
• emergency supplies;
• medicine;
• mobile power stations.
🇷🇺🇱🇧 #RussiaLebanon
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📰 Article by Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov “On the Circumstances of the Division of Austria and Germany into Occupation Zones,” published in the Bulletin of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (№3 (91), 2024)
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✍️ As the great Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky said, “History is not a teacher but an overseer. It does not teach anyone; it merely punishes those who haven’t learnt their lessons.”
Therefore, it seems appropriate to review some chapters of our history ahead of the 80th Anniversary of the Great Victory, particularly in the context of the current international and foreign policy realities. 👇
The Westerners (Anglo-Saxons) refused to recognise the Soviet Union as an equal party to the post-war settlement until 1943. However, the Allies’ interest in the future of Germany after its defeat in the war grew with every change on the Soviet-German front. <...>
The Soviet Union improved its military standing further after defeating the Nazi troops in the Battle of Kursk. This led to a growing awareness in London and Washington that ignoring Soviet interests when making decisions that affected all Allies could be dangerous.
During the Tehran Conference on December 1, 1943, Stalin explained that “the Ukrainian territories should be assigned to Ukraine, and the Byelorussian territories to Byelorussia.” Likewise, the Soviet Union considered that it would be correct for Poland to regain control of its ancestral territories in the west. UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill proposed that “the home of the Polish state and nation should be between the so-called Curzon Line and the line of the Oder, including for Poland East Prussia and Oppeln.” <...>
In 1944, the Red Army won a number of major victories over Germany and the Axis powers. The westward movement of the frontline and the growing might of the Soviet Union showed that the Red Army could potentially defeat Nazi Germany without the Allies’ assistance. This led to a major change in their views on the future of Germany between the Tehran and Yalta conferences. The West began to act not only to defeat Germany but also to contain the Soviet Union.
The West began to act not only to defeat Germany but also to contain the Soviet Union. <...>
When the Yalta Conference was held in Crimea on February 4−11, 1945, the Red Army was barely 60 kilometres from Berlin. The Anglo-Saxon circles started thinking about forming a bloc of West European states after the war, with Germany as one of its members. This rendered the Anglo-Saxon plans for Germany’s de-industrialisation and division irrelevant. <...>
On February 5, 1945, Stalin openly asked the Allies in Yalta if they supported the disintegration of Germany following its defeat. He reminded them that the US and British governments had voiced such plans twice, in Tehran in 1943 and during the Soviet-British talks in Moscow in October 1944. The US and British leaders reaffirmed their principled stance on Germany’s disintegration. As a result, the Soviet Union supported the Allies’ idea of adding the following phrase to Article 12 of the declaration regarding the defeat of Germany: “The… Allied Governments will take such steps, including the complete disarmament, demilitarisation and dismemberment of Germany, as they deem requisite for future peace and security.”
The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference (July 17 — August 2, 1945) became the last stage in the joint effort by the heads of the anti-Hitler coalition. <...> The Potsdam Conference’s biggest achievements centred on its resolutions on the German issue. In fact, they recognised the German state within its new borders as a single economic and political entity, despite serious disagreements on matters dealing with the restoration of a centralised governance framework.
The post-war settlement in Europe, with the resolution of the German and Austrian issues as its important, if not crucial, part, was an example of the successful harmonisation of state interests based on mutual respect and goodwill.
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✍️ As the great Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky said, “History is not a teacher but an overseer. It does not teach anyone; it merely punishes those who haven’t learnt their lessons.”
Therefore, it seems appropriate to review some chapters of our history ahead of the 80th Anniversary of the Great Victory, particularly in the context of the current international and foreign policy realities. 👇
The Westerners (Anglo-Saxons) refused to recognise the Soviet Union as an equal party to the post-war settlement until 1943. However, the Allies’ interest in the future of Germany after its defeat in the war grew with every change on the Soviet-German front. <...>
The Soviet Union improved its military standing further after defeating the Nazi troops in the Battle of Kursk. This led to a growing awareness in London and Washington that ignoring Soviet interests when making decisions that affected all Allies could be dangerous.
During the Tehran Conference on December 1, 1943, Stalin explained that “the Ukrainian territories should be assigned to Ukraine, and the Byelorussian territories to Byelorussia.” Likewise, the Soviet Union considered that it would be correct for Poland to regain control of its ancestral territories in the west. UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill proposed that “the home of the Polish state and nation should be between the so-called Curzon Line and the line of the Oder, including for Poland East Prussia and Oppeln.” <...>
In 1944, the Red Army won a number of major victories over Germany and the Axis powers. The westward movement of the frontline and the growing might of the Soviet Union showed that the Red Army could potentially defeat Nazi Germany without the Allies’ assistance. This led to a major change in their views on the future of Germany between the Tehran and Yalta conferences. The West began to act not only to defeat Germany but also to contain the Soviet Union.
The West began to act not only to defeat Germany but also to contain the Soviet Union. <...>
When the Yalta Conference was held in Crimea on February 4−11, 1945, the Red Army was barely 60 kilometres from Berlin. The Anglo-Saxon circles started thinking about forming a bloc of West European states after the war, with Germany as one of its members. This rendered the Anglo-Saxon plans for Germany’s de-industrialisation and division irrelevant. <...>
On February 5, 1945, Stalin openly asked the Allies in Yalta if they supported the disintegration of Germany following its defeat. He reminded them that the US and British governments had voiced such plans twice, in Tehran in 1943 and during the Soviet-British talks in Moscow in October 1944. The US and British leaders reaffirmed their principled stance on Germany’s disintegration. As a result, the Soviet Union supported the Allies’ idea of adding the following phrase to Article 12 of the declaration regarding the defeat of Germany: “The… Allied Governments will take such steps, including the complete disarmament, demilitarisation and dismemberment of Germany, as they deem requisite for future peace and security.”
The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference (July 17 — August 2, 1945) became the last stage in the joint effort by the heads of the anti-Hitler coalition. <...> The Potsdam Conference’s biggest achievements centred on its resolutions on the German issue. In fact, they recognised the German state within its new borders as a single economic and political entity, despite serious disagreements on matters dealing with the restoration of a centralised governance framework.
The post-war settlement in Europe, with the resolution of the German and Austrian issues as its important, if not crucial, part, was an example of the successful harmonisation of state interests based on mutual respect and goodwill.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Geneva
📍 October 3, 2024, Geneva
🌍 Russia supports the work of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent. We believe that the entire international community must intensify efforts to eradicate systemic racism and restore historical justice for the African peoples who became victims of colonialism, the slave trade and predatory exploitation of their natural resources and cultural heritage.
🎓 We agree that education is a powerful tool for overcoming racism. Moreover, achieving economic sovereignty is impossible without advancements in science and education.
🤝 Russia and African countries share a longstanding history of cooperation in education, science and professional training of African civil specialists across various disciplines.
✅ The declarations from the first and second Russia-Africa Summits outlined joint goals for developing cooperation in scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian fields. To support these goals, the Russian government, among other initiatives, is increasing quotas for African students to attend Russian universities free of charge. Joint research programs are underway, and various inter-university cooperation projects are in progress. Additionally, major Russian businesses are funding higher education programs for talented African youth.
❗️ We consider Africa an important partner. Our cooperation is founded on the principles of equal dialogue and mutual respect for each other's interests.
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