Russian Embassy in Mauritius
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The official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Mauritius
🇷🇺💬 Déclarations du ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov lors de la conférence de presse à l’issue de la septième réunion ministérielle du dialogue stratégique Russie-Conseil de coopération du Golfe (Riyad, le 9 septembre 2024):


🔹La partie russe n’a jamais pris au sérieux la «formule de paix de Zelensky», mais a seulement exprimé sa surprise que quelqu’un d’autre y croit vraiment. Bien sûr, cela se produit sous la pression de l’Occident;

🔹Nous n’avons jamais voulu la terre de quelqu’un d’autre. Nous voulions simplement que les personnes qui font partie intégrante du monde russe, de la culture, de la langue, de l’histoire et de la religion russes soient traitées avec humanité, comme l’exigent le droit international, de nombreuses conventions sur les droits de l'homme et, surtout, la Charte des Nations unies.

🔹Rien ne fonctionnera si nous ne nous attaquons pas à la racine du problème. À cet égard, nous voyons d'un bon œil l'initiative du Président chinois Xi Jinping sur la sécurité mondiale, qui stipule que tout conflit doit être étudié à partir de ses causes profondes.

🔹La question n'est pas de savoir où se réunir et dans quelles circonstances. Il s'agit de savoir de quoi discuter. Si nous discutons d'appels au cessez-le-feu et pensons à des échanges de territoires, ce n'est pas sérieux. Je tiens à rappeler une fois de plus que le problème n'est pas celui des territoires, mais celui des droits des personnes.

🔹Si nous constatons une volonté sérieuse de défendre les droits de l'homme, que l'Occident brandit toujours fièrement sur ses «bannières», quelle que soit la question (mais pas sur celle-ci), je suis convaincu que nous nous mettrons facilement d'accord sur le lieu et l'heure de la réunion. Tout d'abord, nous devons comprendre de quoi nous allons discuter.


🔹 Washington veut maintenir son monopole sur tous les processus au Proche-Orient. Nous avons constate à plusieurs reprises que cette position est un échec. La discussion d'aujourd'hui avec nos collègues des pays arabes du golfe Persique l'a pleinement confirmé.

🔹Il faut un cessez-le-feu immédiat. Et il ne faut pas oublier que la racine du problème réside dans l'incapacité, depuis près de 80 ans, à résoudre la question de la création d'un État palestinien.


🔹Les BRICS ont doublé le nombre de leurs membres, passant de cinq à dix. Cette organisation a déjà reçu plus de 30 demandes d'adhésion ou de relations particulières. Ce processus est le principal moteur de la mise en place d'un ordre mondial multipolaire.

🔹Les BRICS se développent de manière progressive. Cette tendance ne fera que s'intensifier et se renforcer. La présidence russe y contribue de toutes les manières possibles.
🤝 10 сентября в Москве состоялась встреча С.В.Лаврова с Генеральным секретарём Ассоциации регионального сотрудничества прибрежных стран Индийского океана (#АРСИО) С.аль-Фариси.

В рамках беседы рассмотрены ключевые вопросы повестки дня АРСИО, а также перспективные сферы взаимодействия с точки зрения дальнейшего вовлечения России (получила статус партнёра по диалогу в 2021 году) в практическую деятельность объединения. Секретариатом Ассоциации обозначен интерес к российским подходам на приоритетных для этой площадки секторальных направлениях: сотрудничество на море, туризм, «синяя» экономика, рыболовство и охрана окружающей среды.

Министром акцентирована важность прикладного потенциала АРСИО в контексте углубления процессов многосторонней кооперации на широком трансконтинентальном пространстве с участием таких системообразующих объединений, как #ШОС, #ЕАЭС и #АСЕАН.
🇷🇺🌍 10 сентября С.В.Лавров принял Председателя Комиссии Африканского союза Муссу Факи Махамата, находящегося в Москве для участия в торжественной церемонии вручения Афросоюзу Международной премии мира им. Л.Н.Толстого.

В ходе беседы был обсуждён широкий круг вопросов многопланового сотрудничества России и Африканского союза, включая укрепление координации в целях обеспечения мира, безопасности, стабильности и формирования условий для устойчивого развития. Была также высказана взаимная заинтересованность в расширении экономических связей, в том числе по линии Афросоюз – #ЕАЭС.

С российской стороны была подтверждена неизменная готовность к консолидации усилий с Афросоюзом на международных площадках при обсуждении актуальных проблем континента, руководствуясь принципом «африканским проблемам – африканское решение».

Особое внимание было уделено задачам реализации решений второго Саммита #РоссияАфрика, состоявшего в Санкт-Петербурге в июле 2023 года, а также подготовки к проведению в ноябре в Сочи министерской конференции Форума партнёрства Россия-Африка.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Excerpts and key points from Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to media questions during a news conference following the 7th Russia-GCC Ministerial Meeting for Strategic Dialogue (Riyadh, September 9, 2024)


• We have never taken the “Zelensky formula” seriously and only marvelled that there are still people ready to buy it. Of course, this happens under the West’s pressure.

• But territories are neither here nor there. We just wanted the people, who are an inalienable part of the Russian world and the Russian culture, language, history, and religion, to be treated as human beings as required under international law, numerous conventions on human rights and minority rights, and primarily the UN Charter.

• No success will be achieved unless we get to the root of this problem. In this context, we appreciate the global security initiative announced by PRC President Xi Jinping, which says that it is necessary to start analysing any conflict from its prime causes.

• You should understand that it is not about the meeting location and participants, but about issues to be discussed. Meeting to talk about calls for a ceasefire and then territorial exchanges simply doesn’t cut it. Once again, the problem is not about territories but people’s rights.

As soon as we see the determination to protect human rights, a policy that the West always boasts about when addressing any issue (except this particular one), I am confident we will easily agree on the location and time of the meeting. But first we need to understand what exactly we are going to discuss.


• At today’s meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council, we discussed this Eurasia-based organisation’s promising potential for promoting the continent-wide processes and contributing to what President Vladimir Putin referred to as the Greater Eurasian Partnership.

• We want the nations of the Eurasian continent – the largest, fastest-growing, and most resource-rich part of the world – to decide their fate on their own.


• Washington wants to preserve its monopoly over any processes in the Middle East. We know many cases when this position has resulted in failure. Today’s discussion with our colleagues from the Persian Gulf’s Arab countries has fully confirmed us in this belief.

An immediate ceasefire is necessary. Meanwhile, it is important to remember that the problem stems from the fact that the Palestinian state issue has not been resolved for almost 80 years.


• BRICS has doubled its membership from five to ten. It has already received more than 30 applications requesting either membership or special relations. This process is the main driving force behind the formation of a multipolar world order.

• BRICS is following an upward trajectory in its development, and this trend will only grow stronger. The Russian BRICS Chairmanship is greatly contributing to this.

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🌍 On September 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov received Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat at the Russian Foreign Minsitry, who is in Moscow for the ceremony of awarding the #AfricanUnion the Leo Tolstoy International Peace Prize.

The officials discussed a wide range of issues related to multi-pronged cooperation between Russia and the African Union, including the strengthening of coordination of efforts for peace, security, stability and sustainable development. They also expressed a shared interest in expanding economic ties, including between the African Union and the #EAEU.

The Russian side reaffirmed its invariable readiness to consolidate efforts with the African Union at international venues during discussions of the African continent’s current problems, based on the African Solution to African Problems principle.

They also focused on tasks concerning the implementation of the decisions made at the Second Russia-Africa Summit held in St Petersburg in July 2023 and preparations for the ministerial conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership Forum to be held in Sochi in November of this year.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🤝 On September 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Secretary-General of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (#IORA) Salman Al Farisi in Moscow.

During their conversation they considered key issues on the IORA agenda as well as promising areas of interaction in terms of further involvement of Russia, which was granted the Dialogue Partner status in 2021, in the association’s practical activity. The Association Secretariat expressed an interest in Russian approaches to the sectoral areas prioritised for this platform: maritime cooperation, tourism, blue economy, fishing and environmental protection.

The minister made an emphasis on the importance of IORA’s applied potential in the context of deepening multilateral cooperation in a broad transcontinental space, involving such systemically important associations as the #SCO, #EAEU and #ASEAN.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺

⚡️ Registration of representatives of the media and blogosphere for the BRICS Summit is open (Kazan, October 22-24).

In order to be accredited you need to complete a registration application on the official website of the Summit.

🪪 Media and blogosphere representatives are given accreditation badges provided their registration applications are approved by the Summit Organising Committee.

Accreditation badges are issued at accreditation stations. Information about the location and work schedule of the accreditation stations is available on the event’s official website.

Applications without a covering letter will not be considered.

Find out more about the media accreditation for the BRICS Summit
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to the organisers and participants in the International Anti-Fascist Forum 2024 (September 11, 2024)

✍️ I warmly welcome the organisers and participants in the 10th International Anti-Fascist Forum, which is timed to coincide with the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism.

This year, we look back on a landmark period in our country’s glorious military history – 80 years ago, Soviet forces began to liberate Europe from Nazism, thereby bringing the Great Victory closer.

Today, Russia again has to rise in arms against the revival of that misanthropic ideology – to carry out the special military operation to protect its people from Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Our purpose is to work together to counter the propaganda of Russophobia, the rise of radical nationalist forces, the desecration and destruction of monuments to Red Army soldiers, and attempts to distort the role played by the Soviet liberator soldiers.

I am confident that this forum, themed Remembering the Past – Thinking about the Future, will make a significant contribution to preserving the historical truth, fighting xenophobia and ethnic and religious intolerance.

🤝 I wish you rewarding work and all the very best.
🇷🇺💬Points forts de la conférence de presse de la porte-parole du Ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, Maria Zakharova, du 11 septembre 2024:

🔹 Moscou incite les structures internationales à ne pas fermer les yeux sur les actes terroristes de Kiev sur le territoire russe et à les évaluer correctement;

🔹 Les nouvelles livraisons d'armes occidentales à Kiev risquent d'entraîner une escalade incontrôlée, mais l'Occident ne s'en rend pas encore compte;

🔹 Ces livraisons confirment le cap de l'Occident sur la poursuite du conflit et l'augmentation de son intensité;

🔹 La Russie enregistre de nouvelles violations de ses frontières par des journalistes occidentaux dans la région de Koursk, et les forces de l'ordre enquêtent sur la façon dont ils apparaissent sur le territoire du pays.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Vienna
🇷🇺 Statement by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov on the agenda item 9 of the session of the IAEA Board of Governors «Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards in Ukraine»

💬 For more than two years now, we have been constantly talking about the provocations and crimes of the Kiev regime aimed at creating the most serious threats to nuclear safety. We insist that these provocations and crimes should not go unnoticed and unpunished. We have repeatedly emphasized that shielding Ukraine, hushing up its actions and unwillingness to call a spade a spade, in fact, is an encouragement to continue shelling nuclear facilities. Kiev is thus effectively given carte blanche to take any, even the most reckless steps that could lead to a nuclear catastrophe

💬 Our calls have remained unanswered all this time. And now everyone can see what this has led to. On August 6 Ukrainian formations invaded the territory of the Kursk Region with the main objective of breaking through to the Kurskaya NPP and using it for nuclear blackmail. At the same time, in order to create panic, the NPP's employees and residents of its satellite city of Kurchatov began to receive numerous calls from Ukrainian special services with messages about the imminent capture of the NPP and an offer to evacuate. Only thanks to the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the advance of Ukrainian attack aircraft and foreign mercenaries in the Kursk Region stopped. At the same time, Kiev does not abandon its plans regarding the Kurskaya NPP. Over the past month, Ukrainian formations have carried out several provocations against this facility. On August 8 they used missiles that were shot down by Russian troops, and the debris fell near the radioactive waste processing complex. On August 9 the Ukrainian Armed Forces disabled a transformer substation in Kurchatov and left the city without electricity. On August 14 a launched Ukrainian drone exploded near an open switchgear of the Kurskaya NPP. On August 16 and 22 more Ukrainian drones were suppressed

💬 At the moment, the nuclear safety situation at the plant remains stable. Unit 3 is in operation, Unit 4 has been shut down for scheduled maintenance. Measures to ensure protection of the Kurskaya NPP have been significantly strengthened. However, we remind you that the design of the RBMK reactors located there does not provide for a protective shell. Missile or drone strikes on the reactor halls of the plant could trigger a nuclear accident that would be felt across a significant part of Europe and could become a second Chernobyl in scale

💬 On August 27 the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi visited the Kurskaya NPP. He was familiarized with the consequences of the attacks on the plant. We are grateful to the head of the Agency for this visit. We hope that the statements he made following this event will cool the hot heads of the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, we cannot help but note that the reaction to Kiev's ongoing nuclear provocations must be tougher and more clear - from both the IAEA Secretariat leadership and the Board of Governors. After all, we are talking about the threat of a nuclear catastrophe

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇺🇳 Russia's Position at the Seventy-Ninth Session of the UN General Assembly


• We oppose attempts to politicize the review process of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which is a cornerstone of global security. We emphasize that nuclear disarmament – one of the NPT's pillars – should be viewed in the context of a comprehensive universal disarmament process, which should take into account the current geopolitical realities, the indivisible security principle and the importance of progressive steps towards strengthening strategic stability and reducing tensions on a global and regional scale.


• Despite having withdrawn its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), Russia remains a State signatory to the Treaty, with all the rights and obligations arising therefrom. The United States remains the biggest obstacle to the CTBT's entry into force as it has sabotaged the process for many years. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has sent a clear message in his statements: Russia will not be the first to resume nuclear tests; we will only do this if the United States acts in this way.

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Визит генерального секретаря АРСИО Салмана аль-Фариси

11 сентября МГИМО посетил с визитом генеральный секретарь Ассоциации регионального сотрудничества прибрежных стран Индийского океана (АРСИО) Салман аль-Фариси, который находится в Москве по приглашению министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова.

Гостя приветствовали проректор по научной работе А.А.Байков и директор Центра АСЕАН Е.В.Колдунова.

В ходе состоявшейся беседы стороны обсудили потенциальные сферы сотрудничества в области науки и образования с целью привлечения иностранных студентов и молодых экспертов из прибрежных стран Индийского океана в Россию.

На встрече также присутствовали министр-советник Посольства Индонезии в Москве Адитья Тиморанто, третий секретарь Маде Адитья Ангриаван Висадха и представители МИД России.

После встречи состоялась открытая лекция генерального секретаря для студентов и сотрудников МГИМО о роли АРСИО в гуманитарном сотрудничестве и продвижении повестки устойчивого развития в регионе.
