Forwarded from Ambassade de Russie en France / Посольство России во Франции
🇷🇺💬Déclarations du Président russe Vladimir Poutine lors d'une interview au journal mongol «Unuudur» à la veille de sa visite à Oulan-Bator, le 2 septembre 2024:
🔹Pratiquement tous les pays occidentaux ont commencé à persécuter ouvertement les journalistes russes;
🔹Les médias russes en Occident défendent le point de vue russe sur les questions d'actualité, tout en respectant les normes éthiques et la législation locale;
🔹La politique anti-russe de l'Occident collectif est la principale raison de la tragédie en Ukraine;
🔹L'Ukraine est devenue une monnaie d'échange dans la réalisation des ambitions géopolitiques de l'Occident;
🔹L'Occident finance des organisations nationalistes et antirusses et impose l'idée que la Russie doit être l'ennemi éternel de l'Ukraine;
🔹La Russie continuera à remplir les objectifs de l'opération militaire spéciale pour assurer sa sécurité.
🔹Pratiquement tous les pays occidentaux ont commencé à persécuter ouvertement les journalistes russes;
🔹Les médias russes en Occident défendent le point de vue russe sur les questions d'actualité, tout en respectant les normes éthiques et la législation locale;
🔹La politique anti-russe de l'Occident collectif est la principale raison de la tragédie en Ukraine;
🔹L'Ukraine est devenue une monnaie d'échange dans la réalisation des ambitions géopolitiques de l'Occident;
🔹L'Occident finance des organisations nationalistes et antirusses et impose l'idée que la Russie doit être l'ennemi éternel de l'Ukraine;
🔹La Russie continuera à remplir les objectifs de l'opération militaire spéciale pour assurer sa sécurité.
🇷🇺💬Extraits du discours du Président russe Vladimir Poutine devant les écoliers de la ville de Kyzyl (République de Touva) à l’occasion de la rentrée scolaire, le 2 septembre 2024:
🔹La Russie protège à la fois la population du Donbass et son avenir, de sorte qu'il n'y ait pas de bases militaires hostiles ni d'autres structures antirusses en Ukraine;
🔹La Russie n'a jamais renoncé aux pourparlers de paix avec l'Ukraine, mais il faut d'abord s'occuper des bandits ukrainiens qui ont infiltré le territoire de la région de Koursk;
🔹La provocation des forces armées ukrainiennes dans la région de Koursk visait à stopper l'offensive des forces armées russes dans le Donbass, cela a échoué;
🔹Il n'y a pas de pays hostiles à la Russie, mais bien des élites hostiles qui veulent affaiblir et diviser notre pays;
🔹Les élites hostiles se croient menacées par un grand pays comme la Russie.
🔹La Russie protège à la fois la population du Donbass et son avenir, de sorte qu'il n'y ait pas de bases militaires hostiles ni d'autres structures antirusses en Ukraine;
🔹La Russie n'a jamais renoncé aux pourparlers de paix avec l'Ukraine, mais il faut d'abord s'occuper des bandits ukrainiens qui ont infiltré le territoire de la région de Koursk;
🔹La provocation des forces armées ukrainiennes dans la région de Koursk visait à stopper l'offensive des forces armées russes dans le Donbass, cela a échoué;
🔹Il n'y a pas de pays hostiles à la Russie, mais bien des élites hostiles qui veulent affaiblir et diviser notre pays;
🔹Les élites hostiles se croient menacées par un grand pays comme la Russie.
Tragic Update from Russia’s Belgorod: The number of injured civilians from the recent AFU attack has now risen to 11.
❗️ Among the wounded are two children in serious condition - a boy with severe abdominal injuries and a fractured leg, and another with extensive leg wounds.
The attack has caused significant damage: 22 apartments in 14 high-rise buildings have broken windows, 21 cars have been struck by shrapnel, and eight private homes have sustained damage to roofs, facades, and fences.
🙏 Our thoughts are with all those affected.
❗️ Among the wounded are two children in serious condition - a boy with severe abdominal injuries and a fractured leg, and another with extensive leg wounds.
The attack has caused significant damage: 22 apartments in 14 high-rise buildings have broken windows, 21 cars have been struck by shrapnel, and eight private homes have sustained damage to roofs, facades, and fences.
🙏 Our thoughts are with all those affected.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Vesti programme, Rossiya 1 Television Channel (September 1, 2024)
❓ Question: In your opinion, what role did the TASS news agency play in facilitating Russia’s self-determination and sovereignty over the years? And what does the legendary phrase “TASS is authorised to declare,” which has now become a meme, mean?
💬 Sergey Lavrov: Today, we are discussing various aspects of TASS’ activities, including its interaction with state agencies and our Foreign Ministry.
To summarise, it would be no exaggeration to say that TASS is a valuable asset for the state and the nation. In addition to the urgent reports we read every day (as we pass by your headquarters on Nikitsky Boulevard), TASS produces in-depth analytical materials prepared by professional foreign affairs experts. The agency also has a wonderful journalism school specialising in foreign affairs.
Looking back at the Soviet era, when I was honing my diplomatic skills, I joined the Foreign Ministry after graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and was granted clearance to work with classified reports. At that time, TASS reports were highly sought after reading material. TASS correspondents compiled these classified materials by analysing foreign press stories and developments in other countries. These materials were incredibly interesting.
This was due to the somewhat secretive and closed nature of the Soviet Union. Back then, we wanted to filter information, and TASS reports provided the first glimpse into a world that was previously accessible only through our internal reports.
As time goes by, TASS is evolving in line with the requirements of the current era. It served the Russian Empire and enhanced its media capabilities, although the term ‘media’ didn’t exist at that time. TASS was the first to cover the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and its staff members accompanied Soviet soldiers, the liberators of Europe, all the way to Berlin.
TASS correspondents were also the first to report on the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. We remember all of this. Today, TASS remains a tremendous competitive advantage for us in a world that demands openness and fair competition.
👉 Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to Director-General of TASS Andrey Kondrashov on the agency's 120th Anniversary
❓ Question: In your opinion, what role did the TASS news agency play in facilitating Russia’s self-determination and sovereignty over the years? And what does the legendary phrase “TASS is authorised to declare,” which has now become a meme, mean?
💬 Sergey Lavrov: Today, we are discussing various aspects of TASS’ activities, including its interaction with state agencies and our Foreign Ministry.
To summarise, it would be no exaggeration to say that TASS is a valuable asset for the state and the nation. In addition to the urgent reports we read every day (as we pass by your headquarters on Nikitsky Boulevard), TASS produces in-depth analytical materials prepared by professional foreign affairs experts. The agency also has a wonderful journalism school specialising in foreign affairs.
Looking back at the Soviet era, when I was honing my diplomatic skills, I joined the Foreign Ministry after graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and was granted clearance to work with classified reports. At that time, TASS reports were highly sought after reading material. TASS correspondents compiled these classified materials by analysing foreign press stories and developments in other countries. These materials were incredibly interesting.
This was due to the somewhat secretive and closed nature of the Soviet Union. Back then, we wanted to filter information, and TASS reports provided the first glimpse into a world that was previously accessible only through our internal reports.
As time goes by, TASS is evolving in line with the requirements of the current era. It served the Russian Empire and enhanced its media capabilities, although the term ‘media’ didn’t exist at that time. TASS was the first to cover the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and its staff members accompanied Soviet soldiers, the liberators of Europe, all the way to Berlin.
TASS correspondents were also the first to report on the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. We remember all of this. Today, TASS remains a tremendous competitive advantage for us in a world that demands openness and fair competition.
👉 Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to Director-General of TASS Andrey Kondrashov on the agency's 120th Anniversary
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov welcome speech at the ceremony marking the beginning of the new academic year at the Primakov school
💬 Happy Knowledge Day!
I congratulate everyone on returning to home ground, to our amazing teachers and on continuing to acquire new knowledge and develop in every way!
🔔 Special greetings to the first-graders. A new world is opening up for you. School is one of the most important periods in the life of each individual. For school leavers this year will be decisive in choosing a profession. After this, I will be going to MGIMO University (I can put in a good word for you). But first, you need to finish your studies well and confidently here at Primakov School.
Your school is named after a man who was a teacher to many generations of diplomats, scholars, and professionals in other fields. Your humble servant is one of them. He was a great statesman who did a great deal for Russia to gain the freedom and self-awareness that seemed to be threatened in the early 1990s.
Yevgeny Primakov has made a considerable contribution to shaping our foreign policy, which we are carrying out under the leadership of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, including in the course of the special military operation, where our servicemen are defending our history, the memory of our ancestors’ heroic deeds, our language and the Orthodox faith. This is part of our history.
🇷🇺 I believe that these events will be taught at school as momentous. We wish success to all of you and victory to our Motherland!
💬 Happy Knowledge Day!
I congratulate everyone on returning to home ground, to our amazing teachers and on continuing to acquire new knowledge and develop in every way!
🔔 Special greetings to the first-graders. A new world is opening up for you. School is one of the most important periods in the life of each individual. For school leavers this year will be decisive in choosing a profession. After this, I will be going to MGIMO University (I can put in a good word for you). But first, you need to finish your studies well and confidently here at Primakov School.
Your school is named after a man who was a teacher to many generations of diplomats, scholars, and professionals in other fields. Your humble servant is one of them. He was a great statesman who did a great deal for Russia to gain the freedom and self-awareness that seemed to be threatened in the early 1990s.
Yevgeny Primakov has made a considerable contribution to shaping our foreign policy, which we are carrying out under the leadership of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, including in the course of the special military operation, where our servicemen are defending our history, the memory of our ancestors’ heroic deeds, our language and the Orthodox faith. This is part of our history.
🇷🇺 I believe that these events will be taught at school as momentous. We wish success to all of you and victory to our Motherland!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
🛬 President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrives in Mongolia on an official visit.
📍 Ulaanbaatar, September 2, 2024
#RussiaMongolia 🇷🇺🇲🇳
📍 Ulaanbaatar, September 2, 2024
#RussiaMongolia 🇷🇺🇲🇳
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On August 28-29, the 9th BRICS Foreign Policy Plannersʼ Dialogue has taken place in Moscow, as part of the programme of Russia's #BRICS chairship in 2024.
🤝 Heads of delegations conducted a thorough exchange of views on the international situation and the main global trends. The participants of the dialogue also discussed Russia's Proposal for a More Equitable and Democratic World Order.
🤝 Heads of delegations conducted a thorough exchange of views on the international situation and the main global trends. The participants of the dialogue also discussed Russia's Proposal for a More Equitable and Democratic World Order.
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🎙 Interview with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for 'Bridges to the East' documentary (Moscow, August 31, 2024)
Key talking points
• In 2011, the United States decided to send the Syrian people along the same path as Iraq and Libya which countries they had devastated by their aggressive policies. We were strongly against seeing this scenario replay. In 2015, by President Putin’s decision, we sent a contingent of our armed forces to defend the Syrian Arab Republic against direct aggression.
❗️ The US invasion of Iraq and the toppling of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein gave rise to ISIS, which posed a real threat to Syria’s existence.
• When the Russian armed forces moved into Syria, ISIS was on the outskirts of Damascus, and Western countries, led by the United States, were attempting to assert their dominance in eastern Syria. We stabilised the situation and since then most of Syria’s territory has been controlled by the legitimate government.
• In 2003, led by the United States, NATO invaded Iraq under a false pretext, a false flag. Later, the Westerners admitted there was no reason for an invasion. No need to eliminate weapons of mass destruction whatsoever. They broadcasted to the whole world the hanging of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, allegedly for possessing weapons of mass destruction. This is a disgusting turn of events.
#MiddleEast #Libya
• Western Jerusalem is ramping up military actions against the entities that they believe support the Palestinians and do so with an extremist slant, namely, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine. Israel wants to destroy the latter which is an exercise in futility. The sides must come to terms instead. Hamas is part of the Palestinian people, just as Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese people.
• Lebanon remains in a situation where it is facing new challenges largely due to the crisis in the Gaza Strip and, more broadly, the Palestinian territories.
• We remain in contact with our Israeli colleagues through the Foreign Ministry, the Defence Ministry, and the respective security councils from both countries. We are trying to drive home the futility of the attempts to address issues by force without considering alternative paths.
• Washington stands behind every decision made by Israel. The US blocks all agreements at the UN Security Council that would lead to a full and permanent ceasefire. The Americans continue to supply weapons to Western Jerusalem, which are then used to commit even more violence against the Palestinian people. Over 40,000 civilians (!) have died in the ten months of hostilities since October 7, 2023 which is a horrifying number.
• Iran is outright unwilling to fall for a provocation or to get embroiled into any kind of large-scale hostilities. Iran is facing provocations. The assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran during the inauguration ceremony of the new president is, without a doubt, a provocation.
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Key talking points
• In 2011, the United States decided to send the Syrian people along the same path as Iraq and Libya which countries they had devastated by their aggressive policies. We were strongly against seeing this scenario replay. In 2015, by President Putin’s decision, we sent a contingent of our armed forces to defend the Syrian Arab Republic against direct aggression.
❗️ The US invasion of Iraq and the toppling of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein gave rise to ISIS, which posed a real threat to Syria’s existence.
• When the Russian armed forces moved into Syria, ISIS was on the outskirts of Damascus, and Western countries, led by the United States, were attempting to assert their dominance in eastern Syria. We stabilised the situation and since then most of Syria’s territory has been controlled by the legitimate government.
• In 2003, led by the United States, NATO invaded Iraq under a false pretext, a false flag. Later, the Westerners admitted there was no reason for an invasion. No need to eliminate weapons of mass destruction whatsoever. They broadcasted to the whole world the hanging of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, allegedly for possessing weapons of mass destruction. This is a disgusting turn of events.
#MiddleEast #Libya
• Western Jerusalem is ramping up military actions against the entities that they believe support the Palestinians and do so with an extremist slant, namely, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine. Israel wants to destroy the latter which is an exercise in futility. The sides must come to terms instead. Hamas is part of the Palestinian people, just as Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese people.
• Lebanon remains in a situation where it is facing new challenges largely due to the crisis in the Gaza Strip and, more broadly, the Palestinian territories.
• We remain in contact with our Israeli colleagues through the Foreign Ministry, the Defence Ministry, and the respective security councils from both countries. We are trying to drive home the futility of the attempts to address issues by force without considering alternative paths.
• Washington stands behind every decision made by Israel. The US blocks all agreements at the UN Security Council that would lead to a full and permanent ceasefire. The Americans continue to supply weapons to Western Jerusalem, which are then used to commit even more violence against the Palestinian people. Over 40,000 civilians (!) have died in the ten months of hostilities since October 7, 2023 which is a horrifying number.
• Iran is outright unwilling to fall for a provocation or to get embroiled into any kind of large-scale hostilities. Iran is facing provocations. The assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran during the inauguration ceremony of the new president is, without a doubt, a provocation.
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Media is too big
🗓 September 3 marks the Day of Military Glory in Russia — the day of victory over militarist Japan and the end of World War II.
On September 2, the representative of the USSR General Kuzma Derevyanko and the allies of the Soviet Union during WWII signed the Instrument of Surrender of militarist Japan.
At the Tehran (1943) and Yalta (1945) conferences of the heads of the Big Three Joseph Stalin agreed to help the United States and Britain in the war against Japan, which at that time the USSR had a pact of neutrality with.
It was agreed in Tehran that the USSR would enter the war two or three months after the surrender of Germany.
The redeployment of Soviet soldiers to the Far East began even before Berlin was captured. According to the plan the Soviet forces were to encircle and defeat the enemy in the Far East within two months but victory was achieved much faster — merely 11 days later.
☝️ The Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the Kwantung Army, which became one of the key factors of Axis Japan's defeat. Southern part of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Manchuria and part of Korea were liberated from Japanese occupation.
📹 The Russian Military Historical Society
#Victory79 #WeWereAllies
On September 2, the representative of the USSR General Kuzma Derevyanko and the allies of the Soviet Union during WWII signed the Instrument of Surrender of militarist Japan.
At the Tehran (1943) and Yalta (1945) conferences of the heads of the Big Three Joseph Stalin agreed to help the United States and Britain in the war against Japan, which at that time the USSR had a pact of neutrality with.
It was agreed in Tehran that the USSR would enter the war two or three months after the surrender of Germany.
The redeployment of Soviet soldiers to the Far East began even before Berlin was captured. According to the plan the Soviet forces were to encircle and defeat the enemy in the Far East within two months but victory was achieved much faster — merely 11 days later.
☝️ The Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the Kwantung Army, which became one of the key factors of Axis Japan's defeat. Southern part of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Manchuria and part of Korea were liberated from Japanese occupation.
📹 The Russian Military Historical Society
#Victory79 #WeWereAllies
Forwarded from Ambassade de Russie en France / Посольство России во Франции
🇷🇺 Extrait de l’interview de Nikolaï Patrouchev, conseiller du président russe Vladimir Poutine, accordée au journal russe «Rossiïskaïa Gazeta», le 2 septembre 2024:
💬 Les États-Unis et leurs alliés déstabilisent la situation le long du périmètre de nos frontières, mettant constamment à l'épreuve les capacités de défense de la Russie. Washington a mis le cap sur la militarisation de l'Arctique et l’entrave à nos activités économiques dans les latitudes septentrionales. Des voix s'élèvent en Occident pour réclamer la fermeture de l’accès à la mer Baltique et donc à l'Atlantique pour notre pays. L'Otan a déclaré la mer Noire comme sa zone d’intérêt exclusive.
💬 Les États-Unis et leurs alliés déstabilisent la situation le long du périmètre de nos frontières, mettant constamment à l'épreuve les capacités de défense de la Russie. Washington a mis le cap sur la militarisation de l'Arctique et l’entrave à nos activités économiques dans les latitudes septentrionales. Des voix s'élèvent en Occident pour réclamer la fermeture de l’accès à la mer Baltique et donc à l'Atlantique pour notre pays. L'Otan a déclaré la mer Noire comme sa zone d’intérêt exclusive.
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🎙 Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s answer to a question from Rossiya Segodnya regarding Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
❓ Question: Will you comment on reports about Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on the condition that the Court’s jurisdiction over war crimes committed by its nationals is limited for a period of seven years? What, in Moscow’s opinion, could explain this reservation?
💬 Maria Zakharova: Everyone is all too familiar with the reputation both the Kiev regime and the ICC have. Neither is independent, and neither can be associated with law or justice. It is a case when two negatives don’t make an affirmative but raise lawlessness to the square.
The reservation made by Ukraine upon the ratification of the Rome Statute clearly shows the Kiev authorities’ real attitude to international humanitarian law and justice. In effect, they want to protect their citizens from the jurisdiction of that court, which is extremely loyal to them, while keeping the ability to initiate criminal proceedings in The Hague against citizens of other countries on the charges Kiev itself falsifies. This move cannot be regarded as anything other than an undisguised intention to give their military a free hand to commit grave war crimes.
All their attempts to evade responsibility are doomed. The Ukrainian criminals who are guilty of committing grave international crimes against their own and Russian citizens, as well as their accomplices, will be called to account and get the punishment they deserve.
❓ Question: Will you comment on reports about Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on the condition that the Court’s jurisdiction over war crimes committed by its nationals is limited for a period of seven years? What, in Moscow’s opinion, could explain this reservation?
💬 Maria Zakharova: Everyone is all too familiar with the reputation both the Kiev regime and the ICC have. Neither is independent, and neither can be associated with law or justice. It is a case when two negatives don’t make an affirmative but raise lawlessness to the square.
The reservation made by Ukraine upon the ratification of the Rome Statute clearly shows the Kiev authorities’ real attitude to international humanitarian law and justice. In effect, they want to protect their citizens from the jurisdiction of that court, which is extremely loyal to them, while keeping the ability to initiate criminal proceedings in The Hague against citizens of other countries on the charges Kiev itself falsifies. This move cannot be regarded as anything other than an undisguised intention to give their military a free hand to commit grave war crimes.
All their attempts to evade responsibility are doomed. The Ukrainian criminals who are guilty of committing grave international crimes against their own and Russian citizens, as well as their accomplices, will be called to account and get the punishment they deserve.
Forwarded from Embassy of Russia in Botswana
🗓️On September 3, 2024, Russian News Agency Sputnik and International News Channel RT TV have been officially admitted to the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB), the largest journalistic organisation in Africa.
The inauguration of new AUB’s members took place during the 15th AUB General Assembly, which is being held on September 2-6, 2024, in Gaborone.
The General Assembly was opened by His Honour Mr Slumber Tsogwane, Vice President of the Republic of Botswana 🇧🇼
The African Union of Broadcasting comprises Africa's largest media and broadcasting companies from more than 50 countries.
#RussiaAfrica #Sputnik #RT
The inauguration of new AUB’s members took place during the 15th AUB General Assembly, which is being held on September 2-6, 2024, in Gaborone.
The General Assembly was opened by His Honour Mr Slumber Tsogwane, Vice President of the Republic of Botswana 🇧🇼
The African Union of Broadcasting comprises Africa's largest media and broadcasting companies from more than 50 countries.
#RussiaAfrica #Sputnik #RT
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇲🇳 On September 3, Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the State Great Khural of Mongolia Dashzegve Amarbayasgalan had a meeting in Ulaanbaatar.
💬 Vladimir Putin: I am also very pleased to visit friendly Mongolia.
Together with the Mongolian people we marked a milestone event – an Anniversary of our common victory over the aggressors on the river Khalkhin Gol. In those battles we ensured Mongolia’s independence and territorial integrity.
We have just noted with Mr President in the course of our talks that Mongolia turned out to be a very loyal and reliable ally of the Soviet Union and Russia during our fight with German Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.
Throughout decades Russia and Mongolia have maintained very close and friendly relations, and today they are effectively developing. Trade is growing. We interact through our parliaments; last year our interparliamentary commission held its first meeting.
We give very much importance to interaction between our government authorities. In today's world and in our countries it is an essential addition to the development of contacts between the executive bodies. Direct interaction between the parliaments creates a very good atmosphere and contributes to the creation of a legal framework for such interaction.
Thank you very much for the warm reception.
💬 Vladimir Putin: I am also very pleased to visit friendly Mongolia.
Together with the Mongolian people we marked a milestone event – an Anniversary of our common victory over the aggressors on the river Khalkhin Gol. In those battles we ensured Mongolia’s independence and territorial integrity.
We have just noted with Mr President in the course of our talks that Mongolia turned out to be a very loyal and reliable ally of the Soviet Union and Russia during our fight with German Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.
Throughout decades Russia and Mongolia have maintained very close and friendly relations, and today they are effectively developing. Trade is growing. We interact through our parliaments; last year our interparliamentary commission held its first meeting.
We give very much importance to interaction between our government authorities. In today's world and in our countries it is an essential addition to the development of contacts between the executive bodies. Direct interaction between the parliaments creates a very good atmosphere and contributes to the creation of a legal framework for such interaction.
Thank you very much for the warm reception.
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🕯 Today, a mourning ceremony was held in Beslan, North Osetia, in memory of the victims of a bloody attack, committed by a group of terrorists on September 1-3, 2004, at the School No.1.
Schoolchildren released 334 white balloons into the sky, in memoriam of the 334 people, who perished as a result of the heinous crime.
The mourning ceremony commenced with a minute of silence at exactly 1.05 pm — the time when an explosion occurred in the school's gymnasium.
Schoolchildren released 334 white balloons into the sky, in memoriam of the 334 people, who perished as a result of the heinous crime.
The mourning ceremony commenced with a minute of silence at exactly 1.05 pm — the time when an explosion occurred in the school's gymnasium.
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🇷🇺🇲🇳 President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President if Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh took part in the celebrations marking the 85th anniversary of the joint victory of Soviet and Mongolian armed forces over the Japanese militarists on the river Khalkhin Gol.
The two Leaders laid a wreath at the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov at the Georgy Zhukov Memorial Complex in Ulaanbaatar.
ℹ️ In 1939, Georgy Zhukov was awarded the first golden star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the operation on the Khalkhin Gol river, which resulted in victory of the Soviet-Mongolian forces over the Japanese Kwantung Army. In 1969, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Mongolian People’s Republic.
The Memorial Complex includes a museum and a monument. It was opened in 1979 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Khalkhin Gol victory, at a site where in 1939–1940 the residence of Georgy Zhukov was located.
Presidents Putin and Khurelsukh talked briefly with a Khalkhin Gol war veteran and search party members and participants in the 6th “Memory is Stronger than Time” youth expedition.
The two Leaders laid a wreath at the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov at the Georgy Zhukov Memorial Complex in Ulaanbaatar.
ℹ️ In 1939, Georgy Zhukov was awarded the first golden star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the operation on the Khalkhin Gol river, which resulted in victory of the Soviet-Mongolian forces over the Japanese Kwantung Army. In 1969, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Mongolian People’s Republic.
The Memorial Complex includes a museum and a monument. It was opened in 1979 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Khalkhin Gol victory, at a site where in 1939–1940 the residence of Georgy Zhukov was located.
Presidents Putin and Khurelsukh talked briefly with a Khalkhin Gol war veteran and search party members and participants in the 6th “Memory is Stronger than Time” youth expedition.
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🇷🇺🇲🇳 Statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin following bilateral talks with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh (Ulaanbaatar, September 3, 2024).
💬 I am convinced that our military brotherhood forged during the grim years of ordeals, as well as long-time traditions of neighbourliness and mutual assistance, will continue to serve as a solid foundation for the friendly Russian-Mongolian relations.
These relations are developing dynamically and becoming stronger in full conformity with the Interstate Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, signed here, in Ulaanbaatar, exactly five years ago. <...>
📈 Both countries paid great attention to fostering mutually beneficial trade and investment ties. Russia is one of Mongolia’s largest foreign economic partners. In the first seven months of 2024, trade between Russia and Mongolia grew by over 21%. It is notable that trade settlements between our two countries are almost entirely denominated in currencies other than the US dollar and the euro. <...>
Russia has long been a reliable supplier of energy resources for the Mongolian economy. Over 90% of petrol and diesel used by Mongolia in 2023 was imported from Russia. <...>
There are good prospects for our cooperation in the gas sector. We have completed the design documentation for the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline extension, which will run for nearly 1,000 kilometres through Russia, Mongolia and China. The project is at the stage of state expert appraisal and assessment of its potential environmental footprint. <...>
Of course, it is important to us that Mongolians love and learn the Russian language. Over the decades, Mongolia has established a good teaching system that opens up broad opportunities for studying, expanding business, academic and cultural links between our countries. Russia will continue to support the teaching of the Russian language in Mongolia, including in its border regions. <...>
🌐 As we covered the international agenda, we reaffirmed that Russia and Mongolia have similar views on many topical global issues. Our cooperation programme continues.
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💬 I am convinced that our military brotherhood forged during the grim years of ordeals, as well as long-time traditions of neighbourliness and mutual assistance, will continue to serve as a solid foundation for the friendly Russian-Mongolian relations.
These relations are developing dynamically and becoming stronger in full conformity with the Interstate Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, signed here, in Ulaanbaatar, exactly five years ago. <...>
📈 Both countries paid great attention to fostering mutually beneficial trade and investment ties. Russia is one of Mongolia’s largest foreign economic partners. In the first seven months of 2024, trade between Russia and Mongolia grew by over 21%. It is notable that trade settlements between our two countries are almost entirely denominated in currencies other than the US dollar and the euro. <...>
Russia has long been a reliable supplier of energy resources for the Mongolian economy. Over 90% of petrol and diesel used by Mongolia in 2023 was imported from Russia. <...>
There are good prospects for our cooperation in the gas sector. We have completed the design documentation for the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline extension, which will run for nearly 1,000 kilometres through Russia, Mongolia and China. The project is at the stage of state expert appraisal and assessment of its potential environmental footprint. <...>
Of course, it is important to us that Mongolians love and learn the Russian language. Over the decades, Mongolia has established a good teaching system that opens up broad opportunities for studying, expanding business, academic and cultural links between our countries. Russia will continue to support the teaching of the Russian language in Mongolia, including in its border regions. <...>
🌐 As we covered the international agenda, we reaffirmed that Russia and Mongolia have similar views on many topical global issues. Our cooperation programme continues.
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Forwarded from Ambassade de Russie en France / Посольство России во Франции
🇷🇺💬Points forts de la conférence de presse de la porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, Maria Zakharova, du 4 septembre 2024:
🔹La partie russe avertit les responsables politiques de l'Union européenne et des pays de l'Otan qu'en cas de nouvelles mesures agressives de la part de l'Ukraine, la réponse de la Russie sera immédiate et douloureuse;
🔹L’Allemagne n'a toujours pas fourni de résultats concrets de l'enquête sur l'affaire du sabotage des gazoducs Nord Stream 1 et 2;
🔹Le sang des civils russes n'est pas seulement sur les mains des forces armées ukrainiennes et de Zelensky, mais aussi sur les mains de l'Occident, qui fournit au régime de Kiev des armes et des informations tactiques;
🔹Moscou surveille les activités de l'Otan en Finlande et évalue les risques potentiels;
🔹Moscou vise à approfondir la coopération avec Pékin, ce qui profite à la fois à la Russie et à la Chine, ainsi qu'à la région et au monde dans son ensemble;
🔹Le travail de mise à jour de la doctrine nucléaire russe est principalement dû aux défis mondiaux et régionaux pour la sécurité internationale, qui se multiplient en raison de la position absolument irresponsable de l'Occident, en raison des actions, en premier lieu, des États-Unis et de leurs alliés de l'Otan.
🔹La partie russe avertit les responsables politiques de l'Union européenne et des pays de l'Otan qu'en cas de nouvelles mesures agressives de la part de l'Ukraine, la réponse de la Russie sera immédiate et douloureuse;
🔹L’Allemagne n'a toujours pas fourni de résultats concrets de l'enquête sur l'affaire du sabotage des gazoducs Nord Stream 1 et 2;
🔹Le sang des civils russes n'est pas seulement sur les mains des forces armées ukrainiennes et de Zelensky, mais aussi sur les mains de l'Occident, qui fournit au régime de Kiev des armes et des informations tactiques;
🔹Moscou surveille les activités de l'Otan en Finlande et évalue les risques potentiels;
🔹Moscou vise à approfondir la coopération avec Pékin, ce qui profite à la fois à la Russie et à la Chine, ainsi qu'à la région et au monde dans son ensemble;
🔹Le travail de mise à jour de la doctrine nucléaire russe est principalement dû aux défis mondiaux et régionaux pour la sécurité internationale, qui se multiplient en raison de la position absolument irresponsable de l'Occident, en raison des actions, en premier lieu, des États-Unis et de leurs alliés de l'Otan.