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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇺🇿📞 President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The Leaders discussed a number of current issues related to strengthening the Russian-Uzbekistani strategic partnership and allied relations, including promising projects in trade and the economy.

🇷🇺🇺🇿📞 ロシアのプーチン大統領は、ウズベキスタンのミルジヨエフ大統領と電話会談を行った。




🇷🇺🇰🇿📞 ロシアのプーチン大統領は、カザフスタンのトカエフ大統領と電話会談を行った。

✍️ ロシア外務省A.Y.ドロビニン対外政策企画局長による雑誌『グローバル政治におけるロシア』誌への寄稿記事:「多極化世界のイメージ 新たな世界秩序における文明ファクターとロシアが占める位置」

💬 世界の大多数が反ロシア同盟に加わろうとしない本当の理由は、ウクライナとは関係がない。ロシアの専門家らによれば、「かつての『第三世界』に住む人々は、植民地の旧支配者らへの反対行動を正当で歴史的に不可逆的なものであると見ている」という。


全文を読む: https://globalaffairs.ru/articles/obraz-mnogopolyarnogo-mira/

🇯🇵日本は2月3日、医療製品などの対露輸出を原則として禁止する追加制裁を発動した。経済産業省が発表した資料によると、具体的には「ワクチン、免疫毒素並びに軍⽤の細菌製剤の原料として⽤いられる⽣物、毒素若しく はそのサブユニット⼜は遺伝⼦を含む医療製品及び診断⽤⼜は⾷品検査⽤のキット」が対象になっている。



▶️ https://sputniknews.jp/20230306/15186812.html
🇷🇺🎙Министр здравоохранения РФ Михаил Мурашко:
💬"По🇯🇵 Японии хочу отметить, что они не приняли каких-то жестких решений, но для нас это сигнал. То, что сегодня они это заявили, не последовало каких-то жестких ограничений, но для нас это сигнал, что надо развивать свое производство", - сказал он на заседании Госдумы по охране здоровья.
Ранее правительство Японии в рамках нового пакета санкций в отношении России из-за ситуации вокруг Украины запретило экспорт радиоактивных материалов, вакцин и медицинских изделий, а также роботов. Меры вступили в силу с 3 февраля.
▶️ https://tass.ru/obschestvo/17202805
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
✍️ Article by Alexey Drobinin, Director, Foreign Policy Planning Department, Russia’s Foreign Ministry “The vision of a multipolar world: The civilizational factor and Russia’s place in the emerging world order“, the Journal “Russia in Global Affairs“, February 20, 2023

💬 Undoubtedly, deep down the reasons for the World Majority’s unwillingness to become part of the anti-Russian coalition are not directly related to Ukraine. Russian experts are of the view that “residents of the former ‘third world’ believe that opposing former colonial rulers is right and historically irreversible”.

Russia’s actions are viewed through the prism of restoring the historical justice. There is a genuine “opportunity emerging to build effective patterns of interaction and development not against the West, but in circumvention of the West and without its involvement”. This is not what is known as the “non-violent resistance to evil” according to Leo Tolstoy or Mahatma Gandhi, but just the elementary disregard of the West (the embodiment of evil). As it happens, it is possible to develop successfully outside the “master and slave” paradigm imposed by the former colonial powers.

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
✍️ Article by Alexey Drobinin, Director, Foreign Policy Planning Department, Russia’s Foreign Ministry

“The vision of a multipolar world: The civilizational factor and Russia’s place in the emerging world order“

Key points

🔹 The world is moving on from globalization to the emergence of civilizational platforms, and onward to the interaction and integration between them. This is a long term historical process, a whole new era that we are entering.

🔹 Civilizational commonwealths need not be, and indeed cannot be, equal in their economic and military might, territorial scope or population numbers. They are united by the fact that they can influence global processes and introduce to the global discussion their own views on how to address various problems.

🔹 A list of criteria which civilizations and other globally significant players should meet:

- the capability and will to carry out a sovereign and independent domestic and foreign policy;
- the availability of a sufficient comprehensive economic, military, demographic, scientific educational and technological potential;
- access to adequate resources that make it possible to maintain socioeconomic resilience and high-level of self-sufficiency of the national economy;
- the capability to act as an “assembly node” for contiguous geographical spaces and to lead integration projects is a critical element;
- authentic philosophy of development as well as its own “signature” vision of international politics, its authentic cultural and spiritual potential with significance for the world at large.

🔹 The compliance with the principle of sovereign equality enshrined in the UN Charter is called upon to guarantee freedom and prosperity of all countries in a multipolar world, regardless of their affiliation with a particular civilizational commonwealth. By working to ensure the compliance with this principle, we are defending a major constant in the fight for the democratization of international relations, for the protection of cultural, civilizational diversity and for the construction of a multipolar world system, in which no nation’s interests should be infringed upon.

🔹 The decolonization in the 1960s did not lead to the new independent states achieving a full-fledged economic and political sovereignty. Neo-colonialism was designed to ensure a continious diversion of resources from the developing world to satisfy the needs of the “Golden Billion.” In the wake of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and socialist commonwealth, this system spread practically worldwide under the slogans of globalization.

🔹 In the early 21st century, the rise of the Global East and Global South, which gained momentum thanks to the expanded cross-border cooperation, broke this economically and morally untenable paradigm. In 2021 BRICS countries surpassed the G7 share in the global economic activity and accounted for 32 percent of the Global GDP, calculated on the purchasing power parity basis. Economic development is followed by the acquisition of a political entity status. Each of the world’s macro-regions saw a globally significant leading country, or several such countries, come to the fore.

🔹 The realization of the fact that rules of the game are changing could, in principle, in itself become an incentive for everyone to sit down and talk. But for now, we are watching Anglo-Saxons, or rather, their ruling elites, attempt to restore the “unipolar moment” of the early 1990s by force. To get there, they are pushing to dismember civilizational commonwealths into segments, suitable to be absorbed, in line with the “divide and rule” maxim.

🔹 The civilizational factor in international affairs is a hallmark of time. As we live through the transition to a new historic era, the ever ongoing struggle of ideas and notions about the future intensifies. But this collision takes place neither in an abstract world, nor, or in a power vacuum. Its frame is defined by the geopolitical and civilizational vision of a multipolar world, which is being born today.

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🖼 1918年に描いた『商人の妻』は、クストーディエフの代表作の1つとなっている。


🧑🏻‍🎨145 лет со дня рождения выдающегося русского художника Бориса Кустодиева.

🇷🇺На своих ярких и жизнерадостных полотнах он запечатлел сцены русских будней и праздников, обыденную жизнь жителей столицы и провинциальных городов России. 🎨Художник любил жанр портрета-картины, когда характер героя раскрывается через окружающий его пейзаж, интерьер.

Онлайн-галерея работ Б.Кустодиева🔎 https://gallerix.ru/storeroom/443038206/
💬Russian MP, journalist and TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy ridiculed the West's attempts to "cancel" Russian culture. In his address to Western leaders, the politician encouraged them to be consistent and go beyond attacks on Russian art and literature. ❗️Tolstoy suggested that Europe and the United States stop using all the achievements of Russian culture and science, as well as all the technologies that were created on their basis. The list turned out to be quite impressive.

💬Российский депутат, журналист и телеведущий Пётр Толстой высмеял попытки Запада отменить русскую культуру. В обращении к западным лидерам политик призвал быть последовательными и не ограничиваться нападками на русскую литературу и искусство. ❗️Толстой предложил Европе и США перестать пользоваться всеми достижениями культуры и науки России, а также всеми технологиями, которые были созданы на их основе. Список впечатляет.
✍️ ロシア外務省A.Y.ドロビニン対外政策企画局長:「多極化世界のイメージ 新たな世界秩序における文明ファクターとロシアが占める位置」









