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🎙 Выступление и ответы на вопросы Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова в ходе конференции, приуроченной к 10-й годовщине госпереворота на Украине (Москва, 16 февраля 2024 года)

Основные тезисы:

💬 Происходящее [на Украине] является ещё одним результатом политики «разделяй и властвуй», стравливания между собой различных стран и народов, провоцирования межгосударственных конфликтов. Эту политику давно в разных регионах мира проводит «коллективный Запад» во главе с США, правильнее сказать, с англосаксами.

• Если говорить про позицию Запада по отношению России, то Украина всегда, с момента обретения независимости, рассматривалась им как антироссийский плацдарм.

Как Запад будет требовать от Украины не воровать деньги, которые он ей предоставляет, если сам же ворует наши деньги? Уже открыто обсуждает, как это сделать получше, чтобы не нарушить их «моральных» принципов и не создать прецедент.

• Украина, получившая от СССР и Российской Империи богатейший промышленный потенциал, превратилась в самое бедное государство Европы, в территорию, без преувеличения, вымирающую. Киевские власти – это уже всеми признанный международный попрошайка. Независимости Украины не осталось.

❗️ Европа, стремясь поскорее сделать что-то, чтобы закончить эту драму поражением России, по сути дела, обслуживает интересы США, совершенно не заботится о своих интересах.

• Ещё в ноябре 2021 года <...> Зеленский сказал, что есть люди, а есть «особи». А ещё он ранее заявлял, что если кто-то живёт на Украине, но ощущает сопричастность русской культуре, русской цивилизации, то ради блага своих детей и внуков пусть «проваливает» в Россию.

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‼️Опубликована статистика ЕАЭС по итогам 2023 года

📈 В 2023 году в ЕАЭС выросло:
▫️на 3,8% ВВП ЕАЭС ($2,4 трлн)
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#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself

On the 10th anniversary of the coup d'état in Kiev, we recall the West's role in fuelling the conflict in Ukraine, its support for Ukrainian nationalists and their terrorist activities.

🎬 Operation Ukraine: America's Fingerprints. Who supports Ukrainian Nationalism? - an RT Doc Film.

Synopsis: Immediately after the end of World War II and the defeat of the Nazis, American intelligence agencies established contacts with former Hitler collaborators to work together against the Soviet Union and later Russia. The operation to form an armed underground movement in Western Ukraine was dubbed "Aerodynamic".

The CIA assembled war criminals and Bandera movement activists from filtration camps, and created an agent network. Their task was to sabotage nuclear plants and dams on Ukrainian territory in an effort to separate it from the Soviet Union. According to CIA co-founder Frank Wisner, they terrorised civilians and were responsible for at least 35,000 casualties

In the early 1950s, Red Army units mostly wiped out the nationalist insurgency, however the CIA employed a new strategy. Since then Ukrainian nationalists have been engaged in an ideological anti-Russian war. The operation "Prolog" gradually stoked nationalist sentiment in Ukraine and bred loyalty to Nazi ideas.

What is the outcome of half-century-long American influence

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🗓 February 22 marks the 10th anniversary of the unconstitutional coup d'etat in Ukraine — an event, which led to an armed civil conflict, essentially a war waged by the Kiev regime against its own people, and a deepest crisis of international and European security since World War II.

10 years have passed since the tragic and horrible events of February 2014. The residing "authorities" in Kiev, aka the Kiev regime, and their Western sponsors are, as per their usual m.o., are attempting to distort the truth, conceal true facts, and turn the timeline of those events, their substance upside down.

❗️ But the truth is stubborn; it tends to get revealed sooner or later.


On the origins of Ukrainian nationalism, the crimes of the OUN-UPA, and the support of the West


The most horrific events unfolded on 20 February: the still unidentified snipers began shooting on the Institutskaya Street in the centre of Kiev at both law enforcement and protesters. Euromaidan supporters and Western politicians, seized "the opportunity", blamed the legitimate authorities of Ukraine. No evidence of Yanukovich's involvement was provided, and there is none to this day. Unlike, the Maidan activists & the opposition who benefited the most and was seen smuggling weapons into the area <...>

On 21 February, in an attempt to avoid further bloodshed, Yanukovych signed an Agreement on the Settlement of the Political Crisis in Ukraine with the opposition (from the opposition's side — Vitali Klitschko (UDAR party), Arseniy Yatsenyuk ("Fatherland"), and Oleg Tyagnybok ("Freedom")), which was supported and guaranteed by the foreign ministers of Germany, France, and Poland. This document envisaged the creation of a government of national trust, constitutional reform, and the organization of early presidential elections. None of the Agreement's provisions were implemented.

The next day, on February 22, the Supreme Council passed a resolution on Viktor Yanukovych's "self-removal" from performing the duties of the President of Ukraine, thereby usurping power (although he remained a legitimate president, remained in Ukraine and had made no statements regarding resignation). It was then announced that the "government of the victors (winner)" would be formed. The West turned a blind eye to all violations and hurried to declare a "change of power" in Ukraine, openly encouraging the putschists to pursue their anti-Russian policy. What ensued was basically a hunt for the remaining law enforcement officers and officials loyal to their oath and the country. <...> The very next day, the very first decision of the new "government" through the Verkhovnaya Rada was to revoke the law on the status of the Russian language, which according to data was back then the mother tongue of the majority (!) of the Ukrainian citizens.


The "mediation" meddling of the West led to a sharp polarisation of Ukrainian society, which created the preconditions for an armed civil conflict. The first legislative steps of the "Maidan victors" — the abovementioned cancellation of the language law — were received with alarm in South-Eastern Ukraine, where spontaneous formation of popular militia forces began. Kiev immediately accused all the inhabitants of the region of "state treason" and "terrorism", threw the army and neo-Nazi punitive battalions to violently suppress the protests.


‼️ "Euromaidan" created a deep rift in Ukrainian society, lead to persecution, fight against dissent, spread of nationalism and neo-Nazism, legal lawlessness and nihilism, fighting the Russian language and own history, complete degradation of the socio-economic situation in the country.

The terror and horror brought by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and nationalists in 2014 must be brought to an end. Denazification and demilitarisation will be achieved.

📖 Read more about these tragic events of 2014 in our article.

📄 Foreign Ministry Spox Maria Zakharova's comment on the crisis in Ukraine
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⚡️Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the crisis in Ukraine

💬 Today is the 10th anniversary of the anti-constitutional armed coup d’etat in Kiev. Back then, in February 2014, skilled provocateurs guided by American and European instructors led crowds of people into the streets in protest, with attractive slogans about a better European life, democracy, human rights and anti-corruption struggle.

☝️ In reality, the mass disorder was well orchestrated and funded from outside the country in a bid to overthrow the legitimate government.

🔻Euromaidan led to a deep rift in society, persecution, suppression of dissent, rampant nationalism and neo-Nazism, lawlessness and nihilism, a war on the Russian language and history, and the complete socioeconomic decay of the country.

🔻With the coup, the nationalists and their political supporters finally drove the situation to an impasse, taking the country and its citizens to the edge of an abyss.

Today, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis continue firing Western weapons on civilians in Russian regions.

During his traditional touring act in European capitals with outstretched hands last week, Zelensky signed security cooperation agreements with Germany and France in the wake of a similar agreement signed by Kiev and London in January.

The worth of Western “guarantees” to Ukraine is well known.

- In February 2014, Berlin, Paris and Warsaw “guaranteed” the implementation of the agreement between Viktor Yanukovych and the opposition but did nothing to this end.

- In February 2015, Germany and France assumed the role of “guarantors” of the Minsk Package of Measures that they buried together with Kiev, cheating the entire international community.

Today, the Westerners pursue only one goal by again giving carrots to the Kiev regime. They want to turn Ukraine into a colony deprived of any rights and use it as a tool against Russia. Their “guarantees” are worth nothing.

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❗️ The aforementioned facts confirm the urgency of the goals of the special military operation to denazify and demilitarise Ukraine and remove the threats emanating from its territory. These goals will be achieved without fail.
⭐️ 21 февраля с.г. накануне Дня защитника Отечества сотрудники военного атташата России в Греции возложили цветы к монументу на Русском военно-морском некрополе в Пирее и к Памятнику советским воинам, павшим за свободу и независимость Греции в 1941 – 1944 гг., в афинском районе Каллифея.
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🌟 February 23 is a day of military glory in Russia - the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

On this day in 1918, in the vicinity of villages of the Bolshoe Lopatino and Maloe Lopatino near Pskov, the fighters of the 2nd Red Army Corps started to fight against an advanced detachment of German troops that were marching toward Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg).

That is why upon the initiative of the Petrograd Council, February 23 was proclaimed the Red Army Day.

🎆 After the World War II, in Moscow, the other capitals of the USSR's Republics, as well as hero cities, and the hero fortress of Brest, established a tradition to perform solemn artillery salutes on February 23rd.

On this day, by long-standing custom, people meet with veterans, pay tribute and lay flowers to the graves of fallen soldiers, participate in solemn ceremonies.

🎥 © Russian Military Historical Society
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✍️ Eduard Popov, Director of the Independent Non-Profit Organisation "Center for Public and Information Cooperation "Europe"

Ukrainian Nazism today: origin and ideological and political typology

Key points:

💬 The current-day Ukrainian nationalism / Nazism partly dates back to the early 1990s. Its rise can be traced to the Nazi proponents and social engineering technologies being "exported" to Ukraine [from the West], which became an independent state following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

• The world does not understand the nature of modern Ukrainian (neo)Nazism. The West prefers not to notice it and to stigmatize any considerations concerning this problem as a "Russian propaganda".

☝️ After the coup d'état on February 21, 2014, carried out by the US, UK and a number of EU countries, the state OF Ukraine as such does not exist. It is more correct to speak about the state IN Ukraine. Ukraine as a state has been abolished and is under external administration.

State institutions responsible for ideology and education have adopted the slogans and ideologemes of the Ukrainian Nazis. For example, the Nazi slogan "Glory to Ukraine!" adopted by the so-called Ukrainian Insurgent Army – Nazi cronies and war criminals, who later sponsored by the West waged terrorist attacks against civilians in Soviet Ukraine – is now officially used in the Ukrainian armed forces. Nazi collaborators Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych are officially included in the list of heroes. The state authorities in Ukraine are pursuing a policy of Nazification, many provisions of which are borrowed from the programs of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

❗️ The rise of Nazism in Ukraine and the already accomplished transformation of this country into the epicenter of world Nazism/neo-Nazism is no longer a factor of internal Ukrainian politics or even Russian-Ukrainian relations. This is an important aspect of pan-European, and perhaps even world, politics.

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💬 Το σχόλιο της Επίσημου Εκπροσώπου του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών της Ρωσίας Μ.Ζαχάροβα για την απόφαση του Διεθνούς Δικαστηρίου του ΟΗΕ να απορρίψει τις κατηγορίες της Ουκρανίας ότι η Ρωσία παραβίασε τη Σύμβαση περί Γενοκτονίας:

Στις 2 Φεβρουαρίου στη Χάγη το Διεθνές Δικαστήριο εξέδωσε απόφαση στην υπόθεση «Ουκρανία κατά Ρωσίας: ερμηνεία και εφαρμογή της Σύμβασης για την Πρόληψη και Τιμωρία του Εγκλήματος της Γενοκτονίας». Όλες οι ουκρανικές δηλώσεις ότι η Ρωσία δήθεν παραβίασε τη Σύμβαση, «κάνοντας κατάχρηση» για να δικαιολογήσει την έναρξη της ειδικής στρατιωτικής επιχείρησης (ΕΣΕ), απορρίφθηκαν πλήρως από το Δικαστήριο.

👉 Διαβάστε γιατί
🎨 Στις 27 Φεβρουαρίου του 1831 γεννήθηκε ο Ρώσος καλλιτέχνης Νικολάι Γκε. Μερικοί από τους πίνακές του εξυμνούνταν από τους κριτικούς και αγοράζονταν από τους πιο διάσημους συλλέκτες, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ίδιου του αυτοκράτορα Αλέξανδρου Γ', ενώ οι άλλοι έμειναν ακαταλαβίστικοι και μόνο μετά από πολλά χρόνια η κοινωνία συνειδητοποίησε την καινοτομία των ιδεών του.

Kirill Shevchenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Russian State Social University

From Galician Rus' to Western Ukraine: Galician-Russian figures on the Ukrainian movement In Galicia in the 19th – early 20th century

"Even in the first quarter of the 20th century, Ukrainian identity was not fully shaped as such among Galician Russians. Researchers believe that at that time, half of the Galician peasantry did not possess a clearly expressed national identity in its modern sense and served as an object of struggle "for souls."

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🇺🇦 The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was founded in 1929 at the congress in Vienna. By 1940, it had split into two parts. The most radical of them, OUN (b), was headed by S.Bandera. In 1942, the so-called Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) (organization banned in the Russian Federation), known for its brutal executions and atrocities against civilians, was formed on the basis of the structures of the OUN (b). Radical Ukrainian nationalism has been poisoning Ukraine with its existence for almost a century.

🔗 Read in full about the crimes of the Banderites
🏘 Οι κάτοικοι της Μαριούπολης ήδη έλαβαν πάνω από τρεις χιλιάδες εντολές για την αποζημίωση κατοικίας

Από τον Οκτώβριο του 2022 στη Μαριούπολη ξεκίνησαν οι ενεργές εργασίες για την παροχή νέων κατοικιών ως αποζημίωση στους πολίτες που έχασαν τα σπίτια τους κατά τη διάρκεια των μαχών.

Σύμφωνα με τη Διεύθυνση Εγγραφής των Πολιτών και Παροχής Στέγασης της Διοίκησης της Μαριούπολης, από τις 21 Φεβρουαρίου του 2024 οι ειδικοί ήδη εξέδωσαν στους πολίτες 3 269 εντολές για να λάβουν νέα κατοικία, και αυτό το έργο συνεχίζεται. Οι πολίτες που έχασαν τα σπίτια τους μπορούν να επιλέξουν τον μελλοντικό τους τόπο διαμονής.