Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 President of Russia Vladimir Putin's remarks at the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meetings (restricted and expanded-formats)
Key points:
• We are expected to approve a declaration, drafted on the Russian side’s initiative, on the further development of economic processes within our association for the period to 2030 and further to 2045.
🇮🇷 In the run-up to our meeting, a free trade agreement between the EAEU and Iran was signed. Once the agreement comes into force, practically all categories of goods produced in the Union will obtain duty-free access to the extensive Iranian market with 90 million consumers, and non-tariff barriers will be significantly reduced.
📈 The Eurasian Union will soon be 10 years old. Over this period, the scale of trade has almost doubled and the aggregate GDP of the EAEU countries has grown from $1.6 trillion to $2.5 trillion US dollars.
• In Russia, GDP added three percent in the first three quarters and we expect it to reach 3.5 percent for the annual results. Other EAEU countries have also recorded a substantial increase in GDP.
🇪🇬🇦🇪🇮🇩 Work on a draft free trade agreement with Egypt is at a very advanced stage. Apart from that, the Eurasian Commission is negotiating with the UAE and Indonesia.
• Overall, as the EAEU’s authority and economic weight grows, an increasing number of countries and international organisations are showing interest in establishing mutually beneficial contacts with the EAEU.
🇨🇳 The work on aligning integration processes within the EAEU and China's Belt and Road Initiative is also yielding real results.
Key points:
• We are expected to approve a declaration, drafted on the Russian side’s initiative, on the further development of economic processes within our association for the period to 2030 and further to 2045.
🇮🇷 In the run-up to our meeting, a free trade agreement between the EAEU and Iran was signed. Once the agreement comes into force, practically all categories of goods produced in the Union will obtain duty-free access to the extensive Iranian market with 90 million consumers, and non-tariff barriers will be significantly reduced.
📈 The Eurasian Union will soon be 10 years old. Over this period, the scale of trade has almost doubled and the aggregate GDP of the EAEU countries has grown from $1.6 trillion to $2.5 trillion US dollars.
• In Russia, GDP added three percent in the first three quarters and we expect it to reach 3.5 percent for the annual results. Other EAEU countries have also recorded a substantial increase in GDP.
🇪🇬🇦🇪🇮🇩 Work on a draft free trade agreement with Egypt is at a very advanced stage. Apart from that, the Eurasian Commission is negotiating with the UAE and Indonesia.
• Overall, as the EAEU’s authority and economic weight grows, an increasing number of countries and international organisations are showing interest in establishing mutually beneficial contacts with the EAEU.
🇨🇳 The work on aligning integration processes within the EAEU and China's Belt and Road Initiative is also yielding real results.
Forwarded from Roscongress Direct
🇷🇺 🇪🇬 Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation opened a representative office in Egypt. It was announced at an official presentation at a Cairo hotel, TASS news agency reported.
🏭 Currently, Rosatom is cooperating with Egypt to build the first nuclear power plant in the country, El Dabaa. This is Rosatom’s first large project in Africa. Egypt expects it to reach full capacity by 2030.
🏭 Currently, Rosatom is cooperating with Egypt to build the first nuclear power plant in the country, El Dabaa. This is Rosatom’s first large project in Africa. Egypt expects it to reach full capacity by 2030.
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in Egypt
تعمد الطغمة العسكرية الأوكرانية، بناء على تعليمات من واشنطن، شن هجوم صاروخي بالذخائر العنقودية على وسط مدينة بيلغورود الروسية، حيث لا توجد منشآت عسكرية، وكانت الأمهات مع أطفالهن الصغار يسيرون. سيدفع زيلينسكي الأمريكي ثمن هذه الجريمة. ولا يستطيع أسياده الغربيون أيضًا الهروب من الإجابة.
Украинская хунта, действующая по инструкциям Вашингтона, специально нанесла ракетный удар кассетными боеприпасами по центру российского Белгорода, где нет никаких военных объектов, а гуляли матери с маленькими детьми. Американский выкормыш Зеленский поплатится за это преступление. Его западным хозяевам тоже не уйти от ответа.
Украинская хунта, действующая по инструкциям Вашингтона, специально нанесла ракетный удар кассетными боеприпасами по центру российского Белгорода, где нет никаких военных объектов, а гуляли матери с маленькими детьми. Американский выкормыш Зеленский поплатится за это преступление. Его западным хозяевам тоже не уйти от ответа.
Forwarded from Как дела, Эль-Дабаа?
На прошлой неделе прошло очередное выездное заседание Клуба Египтологии АСЭ в Русском доме в Александрии. На этот раз мероприятие вышло еще более запоминающимся – в гости к участникам клуба приехал выдающийся российский египтолог Виктор Солкин, который прочитал лекцию о всемирно известной правительнице Египта – Клеопатрe.
Заинтересованные слушатели, яркий и интересный рассказ лектора, уютные стены Русского дома в Александрии – на субботнем мероприятии были все составляющие для его успеха!
@eldabaanpp #КлубЕгиптологии
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