Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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On 14th October 2022, a concert of choral music “poetic melodies” prepared by the Tanzania Philharmonic Society took place at the Russian House in Dar es Salaam.

14 октября в Русском Доме в Дар эс Саламе состоялся концерт хоровой музыки, подготовленный Филармоническим обществом Танзании.

#Россотрудничество #russianhouseindar #русскийдом
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A brilliant perfomance of "Baba Yetu" song by Tanzania Philarmonic Society 🤩

The concert of choral music "Poetic Melodies" took place at the Russian House in Dar es Salaam.

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #philarmonictz
Discovering Russia 🇷🇺


Moscow is one of the world's largest mega-cities. Here you can see plenty of historic, cultural and natural sights and find any activity to your liking. Students can be eligible for numerous discounts and benefits. The main thing is to know how and where they can be used. Our article covers all the places of interest in Moscow where you can relax and get away from your university routine.

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania
Выпускники школы русского языка при представительстве Россотрудничества в Замбии стали участниками заключительного этапа конкурса 1 канала Российского телевидения "Поем на кухне всей страной"
Graduates of the Russian language school at the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Zambia became participants in the final stage of the competition of the Channel One of Russian television "Singing in the kitchen by the whole country"
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"Hello, Russia!" program introduces young compatriots to the culture and history of Russia, as well as educational opportunities in our country.
Watch our video to discover how the participants visited Crimea, Yugra, Samara and Pskov this year.

Программа «Здравствуй, Россия!» знакомит юных соотечественников с культурой и историей России, а также возможностями получения образования в нашей стране.

В нашем видео отзывы ребят, посетивших в этом году Крым, Югру, Самару и Псков.

#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #ЗдравствуйРоссия #Крым #Псков #Югра #Самара #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #HelloRussia #Krimea #Pskov #Yugra #Samara
📣 We have started a special session of the SputnikPro educational project for young journalists from African countries.

This week they will listen to lectures by leading Sputnik media experts, talk to colleagues from different countries and get acquainted with the cultural life of Moscow.

In total, 15 people came to us to gain experience - TV and radio hosts, correspondents and producers of the largest African media holdings (thanks to Rossotrudnivhestvo for facilitating the New Generation program).

The photo shows their happy faces.

Our delegates are participating in the project - Tanzanian journalists Mary Ramathani and Sebastian Kolowa 🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿

#NewGeneration #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouseinDaresSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #SputnikPro

Russian House in Dar es Salaam has published a collection of Russian folk tales "The Fire Bird". The book was published by Readit Book Limited. Literary translation from Russian into Swahili was done by the RTCC employee Bernard Sepetu and was edited by R.K. Pateev. Original illustrations in the style of tinga-tinga were prepared by a Russian artist Elena Sotnikova, who lives in Zanzibar. The project was implemented with the support of ANO "Institute of Translation". The collection will be launched by the Central Library of Tanzania, which will receive 100 copies of the book for its 43 branches throughout Tanzania. The books will also be donated to Tanzania's secondary school libraries.

Российский центр науки и культуры в Дар эс Саламе выпустил сборник русских народных сказок «Жар птица».

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