Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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Government Organization
"Как живется студентам в России?"
На этот вопрос собравшимся в Русском Доме в Дар эс Саламе родителям будущих студентов ответили танзанийцы, которые учатся в России.
Peoples of Russia. Lezgins

Southern Dagestan is a home to one of the oldest peoples of the Caucasus - the Lezgins. It is believed that the word "Lezgin" comes from the root "lek", which means "eagle".

The name of the popular Caucasian dance, also called the "dance of the eagle", goes back to the Lezgins. Today, the lezginka is danced during family celebrations and on the professional stage. The energetic dance of the man represents a predatory bird, his outstretched arms - the wings of an eagle. The woman in the paired lezginka becomes a "swan".

Wildlife plays a major role in Lezgin traditions even today. On their lands you can often see trees that are hung with pieces of cloth of different colors. These are “pirs”, sacred places, where the trees grow in unusual shapes. Standing by the “pir”, people ask for help from good spirits, after which they leave a gift - a piece of cloth on a twig.
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Стихотворение "Люблю тебя, Петра творенье..."
Читают: Тарик Хамия и Элия Машаури
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UNESCO monument. KlyuchevskayaSopka
KlyuchevskayaSopka volcano
Kamchatka is the land of volcanoes, on the territory of which there are more than 300 extinct volcanoes and 29 active ones. The most amazing and most powerful of them is KlyuchevskayaSopka. It is one of the highest volcanoes in Eurasia and Russia, which is about 7 thousand years old. KlyuchevskayaSopka is a part of "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" complex and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The first eruption of KlyuchevskayaSopka was fixed in 1737. The first in the history ascent on its top in 1788 was made by Daniel Gauss, a Russian naval officer.
The volcano height varies in the range from 4.7 to 4.85 kilometers above sea level. The volcano erupts once in every 3 to 5 years, and high-powered eruptions are in every 25 to 30 years.
The foot of the KlyuchevskayaSopka is an incredible and mysterious place. The locals are afraid of the volcano and do not climb it.
С Днем русского языка хотим сегодня поздравить всех, кто разговаривает и думает на русском. Только русскоязычный человек сможет правильно понять: «Да нет, наверное», «Руки в ноги — и вперед!», «Давай» вместо «Пока» и множество других выражений, непонятных иностранцам. Желаем, чтобы наш язык продолжал процветать в мире и пополняться новыми крылатыми и легендарными фразами.
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В завершение проекта “Пушкинские чтения” в День русского языка слушатели посетили фотовыставку посвящённую дню рождения Александра Сергеевича Пушкина, ответили на вопросы викторины и показали не только хорошее знание жизни и творчества, но и понимание особенностей его таланта.
Учащиеся также познакомились с творчеством великих русских писателей Л.Н.Толстого, Ф.М. Достоевского и Н.В.Гоголя и посмотрели видео ролик призывающий любить и уважать русскую литературу и поэзию.
За активное участие в проекте слушатели получили памятные подарки от руководства Русского Дома в Дар эс Саламе.
Tsarskoye Selo is a museum-reserve where the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin studied. Here his first poems were written.

The Catherine Park, where the little Sasha Pushkin walked, is part of the museum-reserve. Here we get into the atmosphere of the XVIII century, because since then the park itself has not changed much.

In different corners we will meet buildings of different stylistics and purposes. This was the idea of Catherine II - walking in the garden, the guests should make a trip to different countries and eras. In the photos you can see the Great Bridge of China, the Turkish bath and the Marble Bridge in the English style. But the fountain "Girl with a jug" is unique in its own way - it is the only sculpture created specifically for the Catherine Park. Now it is stored in the Russian Museum, and a copy of it is installed in the park.

There are many avenues of the maple trees in the park which lead to the Catherine Palace. Its facade is decorated with marble statues of heroes of ancient mythol