Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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Чебурашка — официальный талисман #ВФМ2024!

Об этом стало известно 20 августа на закрытии Фестиваля молодого искусства «Таврида.АРТ» в Крыму.

🤝Выбор Чебурашки в качестве талисмана ВФМ 2024 года подчеркивает важность дружбы, взаимопонимания и солидарности между молодежью разных стран.

📅Напомним, фестиваль пройдет в образовательном центре «Сириус» с 1 по 7 марта 2024 года.

Регистрация по ссылке 👇

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🇷🇺 The Russian House in Dar es Salaam congratulates you on the Day of the National Flag of Russia! 🇷🇺

📅On 22nd of August, Russia annually celebrates the National Flag Day.
The holiday, dedicated to the Russian tricolor, was also celebrated in Tanzania.

Today the students who are learning Russian language at the Russian House were told about the state symbols of Russia. The Tanzanians listened to the anthem of the Russian Federation with great interest and learned that the colors of the Russian flag symbolize .

🤍 - peace, purity
💙 - loyalty, honesty
❤️ - strength, courage
🇷🇺 Русский Дом в Дар-эс-Саламе поздравляет вас с Днём Государственного флага России! 🇷🇺

📅22 августа в России ежегодно отмечают День Государственного флага.
Праздник, посвященный российскому триколору, отметили и в Танзании.

Студентам, изучающим русский язык в Русском Доме, рассказали о государственных символах России: танзанийцы с большим интересом прослушали гимн Российской Федерации и узнали, что символизируют цвета Российского флага.

🤍 - мир, чистота
💙 - верность, честность
❤️ - сила, храбрость

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Discover treasures of the past at the Bolgar Kremlin, its majestic mosques, and enchanting churches

Video by: Туроператор «Казань-тур»

🔔 Russia Beyond
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Discover ancient wooden structures, stone temples and monasteries, as well as influences from Byzantine, Islamic, and Russian architecture on the island of Sviyazhsk.

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🔔 Russia Beyond
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🇷🇺🚀The "Soyuz-2.1а" carrier rocket with the "Progress MS-24" transport cargo ship launched from Baikonur. In two days, the vessel will dock with the "Zvezda" service module on the International Space Station.

The total weight of the delivered cargo is 2.5 thousand kg. It consists of refueling fuel, drinking water, compressed nitrogen in cylinders, as well as various equipment and materials for conducting experiments. In addition, the ship will deliver food for Russian cosmonauts.

The design of the rocket is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Yekaterinburg and the 100th anniversary of the designer of intercontinental ballistic missiles and spacecraft Vladimir Utkin.

More details:
🇷🇺🚀Ракета-носитель «Союз-2.1а» с транспортным грузовым кораблем «Прогресс МС-24» стартовала с Байконура. Через двое суток судно состыкуется со служебным модулем «Звезда» на Международной космической станции.

Общий вес доставляемого груза составляет 2,5 тыс. кг. В составе: топливо дозаправки, питьевая воды, сжатый азот в баллонах, а также различное оборудование и материалы для проведения экспериментов. Кроме того, корабль доставит питание для российских космонавтов.

Дизайн ракеты посвящен 300-летию Екатеринбурга и 100-летию конструктора
межконтинентальных баллистических ракет и космических аппаратов Владимира Уткина.


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🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦 XV саммит БРИКС стартовал в столице ЮАР. Лидеры Бразилии, России, Индии, Китая и ЮАР участвуют в деловом форуме. На эти страны приходится почти половина населения планеты, а так же треть мирового ВВП и международной торговли.

Президент России Владимир Путин присоединился к саммиту в формате видеоконференции.

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🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦 The XV BRICS summit have started in the capital of South Africa. The Brazilian, Russian, Indian, Chinese and South African leaders are participating in the business forum. These countries account for almost half the world's population, as well as a third of global GDP and international trade.

Russian President Vladimir Putin joined the summit in the videoconference format.

Watch the report from the scene to learn more.
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10 greatest Russian CHOREOGRAPHERS of all time

Reducing the 250-year history of Russian ballet to a dozen or so names is difficult. Too many choreographers have given the world not just individual productions but universal concepts and new forms of artistic expression.
Thanks to these brilliant minds, European performing art became one of the highest expressions of national character and the very notion of what constitutes beauty.

This is the story of the people who radically changed Russian and world ballet, from Ivan Valberkh to Alexei Ratmansky.

🔔 Russia Beyond
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📚Are you considering to study in Russia? With its rich cultural heritage and world-class education system Russia is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a degree in engineering, medicine, or the arts, Russian universities offer a wide range of programs.
🌍You will not only receive a quality education, but you’ll also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in Russian culture, explore breathtaking landscapes, and make lifelong connections.
Don’t miss out on the chance to broaden your horizons and experience the wonders of studying in Russia! ✈️🇷🇺
#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #EducationinRussia #RussianUniversities #TimetoStudyinRussia #studyinrussia
🌍Registration for the III Congress of Young Scientists has begun. It will be held at the Sirius Science and Art Park in Sochi from November 28 to 30.

Among the participants are representatives of leading scientific schools from different regions of the country, scientific and educational organizations, authorities, industrial partners, winners of grant competitions, students and schoolchildren from Russia and other countries.

The Congress will be one of the key events of the Decade of Science and Technology, announced from 2022 by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Learn more:
🌍Началась регистрация на III Конгресс молодых ученых. Он пройдет в Парке науки и искусства «Сириус» в Сочи с 28 по 30 ноября.

Среди участников - представители ведущих научных школ из разных регионов страны, научных и образовательных организаций, органов власти, индустриальные партнеры, победители конкурсов грантов, студенты и школьники из России и других стран.

Конгресс станет одним из ключевых мероприятий Десятилетия науки и технологий, объявленного с 2022 года указом президента России Владимиром Путиным.


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The most INCREDIBLE elements performed by Soviet & Russian gymnasts

In the 1970s and 1980s, artistic gymnastics changed rapidly – feminine and balanced programs were replaced by athletic and challenging performances. The new elements that young athletes included in their programs were absolutely unprecedented and some of them are now even banned.

High results were achieved by brutal training: gymnasts almost lived in the gym and were on strict diets, despite the enormous physical activity. Many continued to train and participate in competitions with injuries.

🔔 Russia Beyond
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