Tanzania receives guests from Samara
A delegation from Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University (SSSPU), headed by the Acting Rector Dr. Svetlana Bakulina, is on a working visit to the United Republic of Tanzania.
On May 23rd , Dr. S. Bakulina held a meeting with the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Tanzania , Mrs. Maria Pateeva, at which issues of promoting Russian Language in Tanzania, close cooperation between the SSSPU and the Russian House in Dar es Salaam, as well as the possibility of enrolling Tanzanian students at the SSSPU, were discussed.
On the same day, a meeting of the delegation with representatives of Tanzanian universities, organized by the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office, took place at the Russian House. The Head of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Tanzania, Mr. Clement Sanga, gave the guests a detailed presentation of the Tanzanian education system.
During this visit, Dr. S. Bakulina also met with the Vice- Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam, Professor W.Anangisye and the Head of the Department of International Cooperation Mr D. Stephen. During the discussions, a consensus was reached on the signing of an agreement for cooperation between SSSPU and the University of Dar es Salaam.
The main purpose of cooperation between the two universities is to promote the Russian language and culture in the territory of a friendly country.
"We have, for several days, been meeting with students and teachers, and discussed the strategy of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to promote the Russian language in Tanzania. I would like to point out here that the colleagues are showing great interest in the training of young specialists at our university," Dr. C. Bakulina noted. “We informed our colleagues about the changes that have taken place in the Russian education system, including the implementation of the national project "Education". I am sure that our working visit to this beautiful country will strengthen the cooperation between Russia and Tanzania, and that the agreements reached will be reflected in the scientific-research works of our universities."
A delegation from Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University (SSSPU), headed by the Acting Rector Dr. Svetlana Bakulina, is on a working visit to the United Republic of Tanzania.
On May 23rd , Dr. S. Bakulina held a meeting with the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Tanzania , Mrs. Maria Pateeva, at which issues of promoting Russian Language in Tanzania, close cooperation between the SSSPU and the Russian House in Dar es Salaam, as well as the possibility of enrolling Tanzanian students at the SSSPU, were discussed.
On the same day, a meeting of the delegation with representatives of Tanzanian universities, organized by the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office, took place at the Russian House. The Head of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Tanzania, Mr. Clement Sanga, gave the guests a detailed presentation of the Tanzanian education system.
During this visit, Dr. S. Bakulina also met with the Vice- Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam, Professor W.Anangisye and the Head of the Department of International Cooperation Mr D. Stephen. During the discussions, a consensus was reached on the signing of an agreement for cooperation between SSSPU and the University of Dar es Salaam.
The main purpose of cooperation between the two universities is to promote the Russian language and culture in the territory of a friendly country.
"We have, for several days, been meeting with students and teachers, and discussed the strategy of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to promote the Russian language in Tanzania. I would like to point out here that the colleagues are showing great interest in the training of young specialists at our university," Dr. C. Bakulina noted. “We informed our colleagues about the changes that have taken place in the Russian education system, including the implementation of the national project "Education". I am sure that our working visit to this beautiful country will strengthen the cooperation between Russia and Tanzania, and that the agreements reached will be reflected in the scientific-research works of our universities."
Today, for the 60th time, the whole world is celebrating “Africa Day”. Russia has long outlined all the main vectors of long-term cooperation with the countries of this continent in the area of economics, scientific- technical and humanitarian development. The interest in the African region is well-founded: its dynamically developing countries have not only a significant resource base, but also an enormous potential, making Africa a real magnet for business for the coming decades:
The population of Africa and its cities are rapidly growing, and the level of poverty is decreasing
Today, Africa has a population of 1.44 billion people. In 30 years, according to forecasts, this figure will grow to 2.4 billion people. In 2050, 25% of the world's population will live on the African continent. At the same time, the average age of people in African countries is rapidly declining: about half of the 2.4 billion mentioned in the coming years will be people younger than 25 years. And consequently, there will be a lot of young labor force.
These new generations will be concentrated mainly in cities, because Africa has the highest rate of urbanization in the world — 4.5% per year. According to McKinsey & Co. estimates, 24 million new residents are replenished in African cities every year, and this dynamic is projected to continue until 2045. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development believes that by 2050 the population of African cities will grow by 950 million people.
At the same time, according to the World Bank, the poverty rate in Africa decreased from 54% in 1990 to 40% in 2018. While maintaining the existing economic growth rates, it will drop to 23% by 2030.
▪️ The volume of the middle class is increasing and with it consumption
The population of the middle class citizens in African countries is expected to reach 580 million people by 2030, and the number of the richest citizens will grow by another 116 million.
Sprawling cities are rapidly turning into economic centers ,with a relatively small area but a significant purchasing power. McKinsey & Co. estimates that household consumption will reach a record $2.1 trillion for the continent by 2025, and $2.5 trillion by 2030. It is also predicted that business spending on industrial goods will increase from $2.6 trillion in 2015 to $3.5 trillion in 2025.
In 2005, only 2% of African residents could use the Internet and mobile communications. Now, even in Black Africa, mobile Internet is available to 45% of the population, and in the next four years, $ 52 billion in infrastructure investments will allow this figure to grow to 65%.
And a bonus: the top 5 fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa - Angola, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa.
We hope that the second summit, the “Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum” will be held as constructively as possible and relations with the continent will go beyond the declarations.
The population of Africa and its cities are rapidly growing, and the level of poverty is decreasing
Today, Africa has a population of 1.44 billion people. In 30 years, according to forecasts, this figure will grow to 2.4 billion people. In 2050, 25% of the world's population will live on the African continent. At the same time, the average age of people in African countries is rapidly declining: about half of the 2.4 billion mentioned in the coming years will be people younger than 25 years. And consequently, there will be a lot of young labor force.
These new generations will be concentrated mainly in cities, because Africa has the highest rate of urbanization in the world — 4.5% per year. According to McKinsey & Co. estimates, 24 million new residents are replenished in African cities every year, and this dynamic is projected to continue until 2045. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development believes that by 2050 the population of African cities will grow by 950 million people.
At the same time, according to the World Bank, the poverty rate in Africa decreased from 54% in 1990 to 40% in 2018. While maintaining the existing economic growth rates, it will drop to 23% by 2030.
▪️ The volume of the middle class is increasing and with it consumption
The population of the middle class citizens in African countries is expected to reach 580 million people by 2030, and the number of the richest citizens will grow by another 116 million.
Sprawling cities are rapidly turning into economic centers ,with a relatively small area but a significant purchasing power. McKinsey & Co. estimates that household consumption will reach a record $2.1 trillion for the continent by 2025, and $2.5 trillion by 2030. It is also predicted that business spending on industrial goods will increase from $2.6 trillion in 2015 to $3.5 trillion in 2025.
In 2005, only 2% of African residents could use the Internet and mobile communications. Now, even in Black Africa, mobile Internet is available to 45% of the population, and in the next four years, $ 52 billion in infrastructure investments will allow this figure to grow to 65%.
And a bonus: the top 5 fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa - Angola, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa.
We hope that the second summit, the “Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum” will be held as constructively as possible and relations with the continent will go beyond the declarations.
Сегодня во всём мире уже в 60-ый раз отмечают День Африки. Россия давно наметила все основные векторы долгосрочного сотрудничества со странами этого континента в области экономики, научно-технического и гуманитарного развития. Интерес к африканскому региону вполне обоснован: его динамично развивающиеся страны обладают не только значительной ресурсной базой, но и мощным потенциалом, делая Африку настоящим магнитом для бизнеса на ближайшие десятилетия:
▪️ Население Африки и её города активно растут, а уровень бедности снижается
Сегодня население Африки насчитывает 1,44 млрд человек. Через 30 лет, по прогнозам, эта цифра вырастет до 2,4 млрд человек. В 2050 году на африканском континенте будет жить 25% населения планеты. При этом средний возраст граждан стран Африки стремительно снижается: примерно половина из упомянутых 2,4 млрд уже в ближайшие годы будут составлять люди моложе 25 лет. А следовательно, появится много молодой рабочей силы.
Эти новые поколения будут сосредоточены, главным образом, в городах, ведь в Африке самые высокие темпы урбанизации в мире — 4,5% в год. По подсчетам McKinsey & Co., каждый год африканские города пополняются 24 млн новых жителей, и в прогнозах до 2045 года эта динамика сохранится. В Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития полагают, что к 2050 году население африканских городов вырастет на 950 млн человек.
При этом, по данным Всемирного банка, уровень бедности в Африке снизился с 54% в 1990 году до 40% в 2018 г. При сохранении существующих темпов роста экономики уже к 2030 году он опустится до 23%.
▪️ Увеличивается объём среднего класса и вместе с ним потребление
Численность среднего класса в африканских странах, как ожидается, к 2030 году достигнет 580 млн человек, а ещё на 116 млн вырастет число самых богатых граждан.
Разрастающиеся города стремительно превращаются в экономические центры с относительно небольшой площадью, но значительной покупательной способностью. По оценкам McKinsey & Co., потребление домохозяйств к 2025 году достигнет рекордных для континента 2,1 трлн долл., к 2030 году — 2,5 трлн долларов. Также прогнозируется, что затраты бизнеса на товары производственного назначения увеличатся с 2,6 трлн долл. в 2015 г. до 3,5 трлн долларов в 2025 году.
▪️ Стремительное развитие связи
В 2005 году интернетом и мобильной связью могли пользоваться всего 2% африканских жителей. Сейчас же даже в Чёрной Африке мобильный интернет доступен 45% населения, а в ближайшие четыре года 52 млрд долларов инвестиций в инфраструктуру позволят этой цифре вырасти до 65%.
И бонус: топ-5 самых быстрорастущих экономик мира находятся в Африке — Ангола, Кения, Нигерия, Эфиопия, ЮАР.
Надеемся, что второй саммит, экономический и гуманитарный форум Россия – Африка пройдет максимально продуктивно и отношения с континентом выйдут за рамки деклараций.
▪️ Население Африки и её города активно растут, а уровень бедности снижается
Сегодня население Африки насчитывает 1,44 млрд человек. Через 30 лет, по прогнозам, эта цифра вырастет до 2,4 млрд человек. В 2050 году на африканском континенте будет жить 25% населения планеты. При этом средний возраст граждан стран Африки стремительно снижается: примерно половина из упомянутых 2,4 млрд уже в ближайшие годы будут составлять люди моложе 25 лет. А следовательно, появится много молодой рабочей силы.
Эти новые поколения будут сосредоточены, главным образом, в городах, ведь в Африке самые высокие темпы урбанизации в мире — 4,5% в год. По подсчетам McKinsey & Co., каждый год африканские города пополняются 24 млн новых жителей, и в прогнозах до 2045 года эта динамика сохранится. В Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития полагают, что к 2050 году население африканских городов вырастет на 950 млн человек.
При этом, по данным Всемирного банка, уровень бедности в Африке снизился с 54% в 1990 году до 40% в 2018 г. При сохранении существующих темпов роста экономики уже к 2030 году он опустится до 23%.
▪️ Увеличивается объём среднего класса и вместе с ним потребление
Численность среднего класса в африканских странах, как ожидается, к 2030 году достигнет 580 млн человек, а ещё на 116 млн вырастет число самых богатых граждан.
Разрастающиеся города стремительно превращаются в экономические центры с относительно небольшой площадью, но значительной покупательной способностью. По оценкам McKinsey & Co., потребление домохозяйств к 2025 году достигнет рекордных для континента 2,1 трлн долл., к 2030 году — 2,5 трлн долларов. Также прогнозируется, что затраты бизнеса на товары производственного назначения увеличатся с 2,6 трлн долл. в 2015 г. до 3,5 трлн долларов в 2025 году.
▪️ Стремительное развитие связи
В 2005 году интернетом и мобильной связью могли пользоваться всего 2% африканских жителей. Сейчас же даже в Чёрной Африке мобильный интернет доступен 45% населения, а в ближайшие четыре года 52 млрд долларов инвестиций в инфраструктуру позволят этой цифре вырасти до 65%.
И бонус: топ-5 самых быстрорастущих экономик мира находятся в Африке — Ангола, Кения, Нигерия, Эфиопия, ЮАР.
Надеемся, что второй саммит, экономический и гуманитарный форум Россия – Африка пройдет максимально продуктивно и отношения с континентом выйдут за рамки деклараций.
Tunawaalika kusikiliza kipindi cha dakika 30 "Tuikumbukie Urusi" kinachorushwa kwenye redio "Tumaini" (96.5 FM Dar es Salaam) kila Siku ya Jumamosi, kuanzia saa kumi na robo hadi saa kumi na moja kasoro robo jioni. Kipindi hiki kinaandaliwa na kituo cha utamaduni cha Urusi (Jumba la Urusi) kwa lugha ya Kiswahili na mada ya wiki hii itahusu ''Siku ya Afrika - Africa Day" inayoadhimishwa tarehe 25 Mei.
Tafadhali usikose kusikiliza!
Tunawaalika kusikiliza kipindi cha dakika 30 "Tuikumbukie Urusi" kinachorushwa kwenye redio "Tumaini" (96.5 FM Dar es Salaam) kila Siku ya Jumamosi, kuanzia saa kumi na robo hadi saa kumi na moja kasoro robo jioni. Kipindi hiki kinaandaliwa na kituo cha utamaduni cha Urusi (Jumba la Urusi) kwa lugha ya Kiswahili na mada ya wiki hii itahusu ''Siku ya Afrika - Africa Day" inayoadhimishwa tarehe 25 Mei.
Tafadhali usikose kusikiliza!
On 26th May 2023, in the main hall of the Russian House in Dar es Salaam held the 1st forum of its kind in Tanzania “Russia – Africa, what next?” The forum was held as a reflection of similar forum “Russia – Africa’s 2nd forum“ which will be held in St. Petersburg – Russia in July 2023.
The idea of the forum is to bring together young and energetic African and Russian people with the vision and ambition of transforming their livelihoods through dialog in order to explore available opportunities to strengthen cooperation between Africa and Russia for economic and social development such as increasing business potentials, transfer of technology and cultural exchange.
The forum was attended by various young economists, columnists, journalists, lecturers and businessmen such as the Economist from the Dar es Salaam City Council, lecturer from the Center for Foreign Relations, editor of the Government newspaper “Daily News”, prominent international business lawyer, researchers and students of universities
The idea of the forum is to bring together young and energetic African and Russian people with the vision and ambition of transforming their livelihoods through dialog in order to explore available opportunities to strengthen cooperation between Africa and Russia for economic and social development such as increasing business potentials, transfer of technology and cultural exchange.
The forum was attended by various young economists, columnists, journalists, lecturers and businessmen such as the Economist from the Dar es Salaam City Council, lecturer from the Center for Foreign Relations, editor of the Government newspaper “Daily News”, prominent international business lawyer, researchers and students of universities