Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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Vyborg is one of the most beautiful towns in Russia with a rich, centuries-old history.

It is located in the western part of the Karelian Isthmus, 122 km from St. Petersburg.

Let's take a walk through some of the city's sights. The visiting card of the city is the Vyborg Castle. Today here are the Museum of Underwater Archaeology and Vyborg Museum of Local Lore. On the territory of the castle there are exhibitions devoted to the rich history of this region. Theatrical performances and interactive exhibition "Knight's hall" will help you to plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

⛪️One of the most beautiful buildings in Vyborg is the clock tower. Earlier there was a Catholic church. In the second half of XVII century after a fire, the building was repaired and the Olaf Tower was completed. The tower got its present name after the clock was installed on it in 1660.

At the end of XVIII century another fire destroyed the whole Vyborg. The Empress Catherine II allocated money from the treasury to rebuild the damaged buildings and gave the town the alarm bell, installed later on the tower, together with a new clock. Its ringing still goes on in Vyborg. In 1848 the clock was replaced by adding two more dials.

You can relax in the city on the beach or, for a walk, in the beautiful parks 🌳

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #РусскийДомвДарЭсСалам #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #РусскийДом #RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russia
31 марта первая плавучая насосная станция нового водовода, соединяющего Ростовскую область и Донбасс, начала забор воды на реке Дон. Впереди предстоит поэтапное наполнение водой накопительных резервуаров, запуск системы очистки, гидравлические испытания, комплексная
настройка всего оборудования и его тестирование в рабочем режиме.

Водовод Ростов-на-Дону — канал Северский Донец — Донбасс состоит из двух веток, по 200 км каждая, а также из семи насосных станций. В работах по его возведению в круглосуточном режиме работало более 3,5 тыс. человек и 1,3 тыс. единиц техники.

При строительстве были учтены особые условия местности, первые 16 км водовода проложены по искусственной насыпи через подтопленные территории. Построено 63 искусственных перехода через автомобильные, железнодорожные пути и водные преграды.

Мощность водовода составит до 300 тыс. кубических метров воды в сутки.

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #РусскийДомвДарЭсСалам #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam
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On 31 March, the first floating pumping station of the new water pipeline linking Rostov region and Donbass started drawing water from the Don River. A step-by-step filling of the storage tanks with water, start-up of the treatment system, hydraulic tests, comprehensive adjustment of all equipment and its testing in operation are ahead.

The Rostov-on-Don - Seversky Donets Canal - Donbass water pipeline consists of two branches, 200 km long each, and seven pumping stations. More than 3,500 people and 1,300 vehicles worked around the clock to build it. Special terrain conditions were taken into account during construction, with the first 16 km of water pipeline laid on an artificial embankment through flooded areas. Sixty-three artificial crossings over roads, railways and water barriers were built.

The capacity of the pipeline will be up to 300,000 cubic metres of water per day.

#RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russia
En / Ru

On 31st of March, in the Main Hall of the Russian House in Dar es Salaam the Russian-Tanzanian cinema club screened the Russian film "Summer time: travel back" (directed by K. Zakharov, 2022).

A summer comedy for the whole family with beautiful Crimean landscapes and a reflective soundtrack did not leave anyone indifferent. The audience laughed and sincerely worried about the little heroes of the film.

#russiandomvdaressalame #russiandomvdaressalame #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania #cinemaclub #russiantanzaniancinemaclub #russianmovies #russianfilms

31 марта в Большом Зале Русского Дома в Дар эс Саламе на встрече российско-танзанийского киноклуба состоялся показ российского комедийного фильма «Артек. Большое путешествие» (реж. К. Захаров, 2022 год).

Летняя солнечная комедия для всей семьи с прекрасными крымскими пейзажами и ярким ностальгическим саундтреком никого не оставила равнодушным. Зрители смеялись и искренне переживали за маленьких героев фильма.

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Russia ranked among the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. Neither the coronavirus pandemic nor anti-Russian sanctions have hindered the development of the Russian education system.

Россия вошла в десятку ведущих стран по качеству общего образования. Ни пандемия коронавирусной инфекции, ни антироссийские санкции не помешали развитию системы российского образования.


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One of the most mysterious places in Russia is the Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region.

The name comes from the Turkic word "arka" - "ridge", "back", "base".

The town is located in a place of natural tectonic fault of earth crust, in the mouth of the extinct volcano millions of years ago, so it is called "the place of power" and surrounded by numerous legends and a halo of mystery.

There is a version that the ancient town was burned in a few days by its inhabitants, as suggested by the researchers. However, opinions on the reasons for this deed are divided: one group of scientists believe that the Arkaim people destroyed the town before changing their residence, which was typical for that time, the other group calls the Arkaim people fire-worshippers and connects the destruction of the town with one of the sacred rituals.

Archaeologists believe that the town had an area of 20,000 square meters. The building area was carefully planned, provided with water and even a sewage system. There were ovens and a well inside each dwelling.

Today in this religious place tourists can see the dwellings of the Stone Age, as well as visit the museums of Arkaim. One of them displays genuine artifacts about different spheres of life of the Arkaim people. There is also a museum with finds dating back to the Stone Age.

Tourists can also take a look at the tools of ancient people found on the territory of the reserve: knives, choppers and scrapers. And you will also be able to personally touch the story: take a copy of an ancient axe, look into a real hearth with stones, and get acquainted with the approximate diet of our ancestors.
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🇷🇺🇹🇿🥋 The karate seminar at the Russian House in Dar es Salaam 🥋🇹🇿🇷🇺

On 1st and 2 nd of April, a karate seminar was held at the Russian House in Dar es Salaam, under the guidance of famous masters from Russia:

🥋Veniamin Garmaev (7 dan, multiple champion and prize-winner of Russian and International competitions, the world champion, the winner of the National Prize "Golden Belt") and

🥋Denis Klyuev (2 dan, a winner of the karate World Cup, prize-winner and the winner of many Russian and International tournaments).

The seminar gathered more than 40 participants - athletes from different karate clubs of Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and Arusha, including members of the Tanzanian National karate team.

The seminar was attended by Hon. Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Tanzania Andrey Avetisyan 🇷🇺

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #РусскийДомвДарЭсСалам #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania
1 и 2 апреля в Русском Доме в Дар-эс-Саламе прошел семинар по карате 🥋 под руководством известных мастеров из России:
🥋Вениамина Гармаева (7 дан, многократного чемпиона и призера российских и международных соревнований, чемпиона мира, лауреата национальной премии "Золотой пояс") и
🥋Дениса Клюева (2 дан, обладателя кубка мира по карате, призера и победителя многих российских и международных турниров).

Семинар собрал более 40 участников - спортсменов из разных клубов карате Дар-эс-Салама, Додомы и Аруши, включая членов национальной сборной Танзании по карате 🇹🇿

На семинаре присутствовал Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Российской Федерации в Танзании Андрей Аветисян 🇷🇺

#РусскийДомвДарЭсСаламе #РусскийДомвДарЭсСалам #RussianHouseinDarEsSalaam #RtccDarEsSalaam #RtccTanzania