12.4M subscribers
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158 links
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz
Давайте расскажу немного и о Мажоре, тем более что он продолжает стремительно развиваться.
Мы с командой готовим для вас кучу крутых обновлений, вот вам парочку инсайдов по секрету:

— Уже на следующей неделе владельцы каналов смогут подтвердить владение сквадом;
— Готовится интересная механика промокодов;
— Награды за рефералов уже увеличены в три раза!

Мажоры из Топ-100 Июля скоро получат свои награды, а уже с Августа эти награды значительно вырастут 🤠

Кроме того, в Августе выйдет еще одно очень интересное обновление по Мажору. Его рассекречивать не стану, но...Дуров оценит ⭐️
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Бета перед 1️⃣1️⃣-летием Telegram ✈️

Уже завтра Telegram исполняется 11 лет, а сегодня вышла новая бета версия!

Добавили сразу 2 фишки для Stars:
— Добавление платной подписки на каналы.
— Донат автору канала через платные реакции которые будут в виде звезды ⭐️ и с очень крутой анимацией!

Также можно писать в каналы от личного аккаунта или от имени другого канала, для этого нужно включить функцию «подписывать сообщения». Это наверняка будет очень полезно для рекламных сообщений и в случае если у канала сразу несколько авторов. ✍️

В прошлом году на 10-летие Telegram пользователям дали сторисы, в этом году авторам и подписчиков их каналов дают больше возможности взаимодействовать друг с другом, интересно что будет еще через год? 🤔
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@Major не отстает от Telegram ⭐️

Завтра у нас выходит обновление, с очень интересным функционалом, но чтобы была интрига, то скину в следующей публикации картинку из обновления 👀
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Дуров верни стену

Сегодня вышло сразу 2 крутых обновления:

• Обновление Telegram про которое я рассказывал вчера.

• И обновление @Major которое отменяет мем со стеной Дурова, ведь мы ее вернули. И вместо того чтобы ее убирать, будем активно ее обновлять и улучшать.
🏴‍☠️ I've changed my number again...

Not long ago, I told you about purchasing a number that I had been chasing for a long time and hoped I wouldn’t have to change it again. However, just yesterday I was gifted a short number, +8888811 😧

These numbers are very rare and are exclusive. There are only about 350 of them, and they are owned only by the big players. The price reflects their rarity; for example, +8888886 was sold for 90k TON, and +8888000 even for 130k TON. I also learned that the approximate price of my number is $150k. What price would you give it? 🤔

By the way, my channel now has more than 3 million subscribers, and it’s unlikely that all of you speak Russian.
Therefore, some posts will be published in German English. 🇬🇧
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⭐️ I’ve seen plenty of contests offering paid reactions for various prizes like Xiaomi, iPhone, washing machines, and so on. Here at Roxman, we won’t have such prizes. Instead, I suggest setting a record for the most paid reactions on Telegram. By the way, I’m also participating, so everything is as fair as possible ⭐️

If you agree to set this record — put a 🌟 on THIS post! Don’t agree? Put it anyway, 1⭐️  = 10 🤡
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⭐️ I’ve seen plenty of contests offering paid reactions for various prizes like Xiaomi, iPhone, washing machines, and so on. Here at Roxman, we won’t have such prizes. Instead, I suggest setting a record for the most paid reactions on Telegram. By the way…
🥳 We have collected over 1.1 million paid reactions on the previous post!

🫡 It seems we have achieved our goal and managed to set a record on Telegram. Quite a few channels have already mentioned this. Thank you for your support!

🎵 If we convert these stars, the amount will be around ~$20k. In 21 days, once the stars are available for withdrawal, I will decide what to do with them.
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😌 The more subscribers join Roxman, the more often I am approached about advertising. But advertising on this channel is not for sale. In my blog, I want to praise (hopefully deservedly) only those projects in which I am directly involved, such as @Major, @Fintopio, and broadcast their development to you.

⚙️ One of them is @fabrika, some of you know me precisely because of it. I haven't talked about this project for a long time, but believe me, work there has been boiling just as much as in Major. For example, this month in "Factory Friends" a mini app will be released with huge functionality that will take the game to a new level. Do not worry, we will not become like the countless other clickers, and you won't have to point fingers at one of the representatives of the mammals.

📈 Well, if you are still interested in expanding your audience, you can add your channel to the @major folder by the end of August and attract up to 700k subscribers. Price: $10k $7k. Only 10 days left.

Contact: @borz
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I created a RU channel for my CIS audience. From now on, i will post only in English on this channel.

I also started a giveaway in my new channel for subscribers from the CIS!
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It is absolutely stupid to hold accountable those who create great products, they cannot be responsible for how these products are used.. Weapons, for example, are used for both Attack and DEFENSE, but are weapon makers responsible for this? Freedom for Pavel…
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🔒 Pavel has reached out, and we set a new record in his support!

Pavel Durov finally released a post where he very accurately and correctly once again emphasized his values that have not changed even under the pressure of the French government 🗿

As a sign of support, I sent all our reactions in ⭐️Stars from this legendary post to the latest post on Pavel’s channel, which now already has almost 2,500,000 paid reactions! All Stars will go to a good cause, as Pavel clearly needs them more now. After all, the €5,000,000 bail amount is quite significant🤬
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We’re getting closer to the top of the mountain, and Major’s listing is just around the corner 🚀

Before the final push, our team released a puzzle game called "Assemble the Dream Durov". Just kidding, but there are some algorithms that savvy folks can use to find the correct answer. This game is the last chance (probably) to farm even more Rating Points, as the much-anticipated listing is almost here 📊

Day and night, our team is working on this and several other products to impress you with quality. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel — Major is now there too! Don’t worry, we probably won’t go to TikTok (maybe) 😅

Here’s a one-time hint for you: 8:1:14:11
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Forwarded from Major Community
You, our awesome community, get to decide the name of our future token! 🪙
Anonymous Poll
Austrian Chillout 🇦🇹

A bunch of you have probably already seen my stories with those beautiful lakes, amazing mountains and untouched forests. You know, places like these help you relax and clear your head. I have a favorite hotel there, and I strongly recommend checking it out! 💯

What was I clearing my head from? You probably remember the diligent work on @Major — it paid off! 45,000,000 players… 30,000,000 of them are still playing actively, almost 20,000,000 subscribers in Major Channel. An amazing result. Major keeps growing, and it’s gonna surprise you all soon! 🌟
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