Paul Joseph Watson
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The purge of Dr. Seuss books continues after it was revealed that eBay has banned sales of the books, labeling them “offensive material.”
The only people more obsessed with QAnon than QAnon is the media.
As it was announced that the National Guard will be asked to stay stationed around the Capitol for another TWO MONTHS Thursday, Nancy Pelosi claimed that the centre of government is under threat from “all the President’s men”, a reference to Trump supporters.
Former secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson described leftist attempts to cancel Dr Seuss books as ‘poison’, adding that cancel culture on the whole stems from the fact that “socialists believe that everything comes from government.”
Tucker Carlson outlined Thursday how Democrats intend to maintain a permanent military presence in Washington DC and will continue to manufacture security threats to keep fear among leftists high.
China has made COVID-19 anal swab tests mandatory for nearly all international arrivals despite complaints that the procedure is humiliating.
A product called Nosy that is positioning itself as a competitor to the face mask attracted ridicule after people pointed out that it looked absurd.
Australian reporters working for ABC Tasmania were angered when they were advised by top brass to stop using the word “pedophile” to refer to an accused serial child molester because it could discourage other pedophiles from seeking help.
Of course the “good guys” censor books, ban dissidents, and advocate for putting everyone under de facto house arrest.

Come on, when in history has this not been the case?
Forwarded from MILO (Milo (Ex-Gay))
No you may not post videos about free speech
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

CNN provided a platform for NYU medical ethics professor Arthur Caplan Sunday, who argued that Americans skeptical of taking the COVID vaccine will soon come around and accept it if their freedoms otherwise remain restricted.
A new poll shows that support for Black Lives Matter is continuing to fall, particularly amongst black people where advocacy for the group has dropped by 12 per cent since June.
People in Britain have expressed excitement and gratitude en mass to the government for allowing them to once again sit on park benches next to another person from today.
A tweet posted by Burger King which said “women belong in the kitchen” that was meant to be a woke virtue signal to mark International Women’s Day backfired horrendously.