የሁለተኛው ዙር ዕደላ የሚሆኑ እሽጎች ለማዘጋጀት የበጎፈቃደኞች እገዛ ስለሚያስፈልግ ፈቃደኛ የሆናችሁ የቤተሰቡ አባላት ዛሬ ረቡዕ መስከረም 03, 2009 ዓ.ም ከ9:00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ 5ኪሎ አካባባቢ በመገኘት የተለመደውን ትብብራቸሁን እንድታደርጉ እንጠይቃለን
ለአድራሻና ተጨማሪ መረጃ 0922752993 ይደውሉ
ለአድራሻና ተጨማሪ መረጃ 0922752993 ይደውሉ
ሁለተኛውንና የመጨረሻዉን ዙር ዕደላ ነገ ቅዳሜ መስከረም 27 እና እሁድ መስከረም 28 የሚደረግ ስለሆነ ባለፉት ዕደላዎች መገኘት ያልቻላችሁ የቤተሰቡ ዓባላት በሁለቱም ቀናት ከጠዋቱ 2:00 ጀምሮ 5ኪሎ አካባባቢ በመገኘት ወይም ከታች በተገለፀው ቁጥር በመደወል እንድትሳተፉ ጥሪያችንን እናስተላልፋለን።
Our Annual Report and Family Get together Is around the corner.....
Stay tuned.
#onepackforonechild #2017Campaign
Stay tuned.
#onepackforonechild #2017Campaign
Just as it has in previous years, ONE PACK FOR ONE CHILD family seen an outpouring of support from this community. For that, on behalf of the students, we thank you. We appreciate your efforts and your donations. It is truly heartwarming to be part of a community that comes together in such a supportive way. In this growing city we often see local businesses, organizations and individuals chipping in to help the less advantaged. With your kind support we managed to support 7,295 students in more than 70 schools and Non Governmental Organizations all around the nation.
Behalf of all beneficiary students from #onepackforonechild campaign 2010/2017 academic year, we want to thank everyone who donated the thousands worth of school supplies, such as Ex books, pens, pencils, sharpeners and erasers.
Students who could otherwise not afford such supplies now have those items for their use at the beginning of the school year. Thank you for caring about the needs of others.
In addition, we would like to offer a special gratitude to all our family members for their energy and voluntary works, and the always accommodating supporters for facilitating this years closing musical event. Kind and responsible Communities are a big reason why our family is successful. Thank you for helping us reach 7000 and more children throughout the campaign.
Our Family would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge this amazingly compassionate community.
Behalf of all beneficiary students from #onepackforonechild campaign 2010/2017 academic year, we want to thank everyone who donated the thousands worth of school supplies, such as Ex books, pens, pencils, sharpeners and erasers.
Students who could otherwise not afford such supplies now have those items for their use at the beginning of the school year. Thank you for caring about the needs of others.
In addition, we would like to offer a special gratitude to all our family members for their energy and voluntary works, and the always accommodating supporters for facilitating this years closing musical event. Kind and responsible Communities are a big reason why our family is successful. Thank you for helping us reach 7000 and more children throughout the campaign.
Our Family would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge this amazingly compassionate community.
ውድ ቤተሰቦች
ባሳለፍነው የ 2010 የትምሕርት ዘመን የአንድ እሽግ ለአንድ ልጅ የሙዚቃ ዝግጅት ላይ ተሳትፋችሁ የምስጋና ወረቀት ያልወሰዳችሁ ግለሰቦች እና የድርጅት ተወካዮች ከታች በተገለፁት ስልኮች በመደወል መውሰድ የምትችሉ መሆኑን በአክብሮት እንገልፃለን::
ባሳለፍነው የ 2010 የትምሕርት ዘመን የአንድ እሽግ ለአንድ ልጅ የሙዚቃ ዝግጅት ላይ ተሳትፋችሁ የምስጋና ወረቀት ያልወሰዳችሁ ግለሰቦች እና የድርጅት ተወካዮች ከታች በተገለፁት ስልኮች በመደወል መውሰድ የምትችሉ መሆኑን በአክብሮት እንገልፃለን::
ውድ ቤተሰቦች
ስለ one pack for one child ብቻ አዳዲስ እና ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችን የያዘ እና እስከ አንድ ሚሊየን ቤተሰቦችን መያዝ የሚችል አዲስ Official Viber Channel በቅርብ ቀን ይጠብቁ.
ስለ one pack for one child ብቻ አዳዲስ እና ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችን የያዘ እና እስከ አንድ ሚሊየን ቤተሰቦችን መያዝ የሚችል አዲስ Official Viber Channel በቅርብ ቀን ይጠብቁ.
One pack for one child pinned «ውድ ቤተሰቦች ስለ one pack for one child ብቻ አዳዲስ እና ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችን የያዘ እና እስከ አንድ ሚሊየን ቤተሰቦችን መያዝ የሚችል አዲስ Official Viber Channel በቅርብ ቀን ይጠብቁ.»
Call out to all family members.
As we're counting down 90 days to start 2011/2019 campaign we will start New and Old members registration for a better planning and campaign strategy soon and your kind cooperation is needed.
Stay Tuned for updates.
Thank you
As we're counting down 90 days to start 2011/2019 campaign we will start New and Old members registration for a better planning and campaign strategy soon and your kind cooperation is needed.
Stay Tuned for updates.
Thank you