❗️#LKOH #buyback #календарь
СД ЛУКОЙЛа 19 августа подведет итоги оферты акционерам о выкупе акций
20 июня акционеры "ЛУКОЙЛа" одобрили уменьшение уставного капитала НК путем приобретения части размещенных акций в целях сокращения их общего количества.
Согласно решению, будет приобретено 35 млн акций по цене 5,45 тыс. рублей за штуку. Приобретенные акции будут погашены, а уставный капитал компании, составляющий 18,75 млн руб., уменьшится на 875 тыс. рублей и составит 17,875 млн руб.
❗️Срок, в течение которого должны поступить заявления акционеров о продаже "ЛУКОЙЛу" принадлежащих им акций, установлен с 16 июля 2019 года по 14 августа 2019 года.
Срок оплаты приобретаемых акций - до 28 августа 2019 года.
Если общее количество заявленных к продаже бумаг превысит 35 млн штук, акции будут приобретены у акционеров пропорционально заявленным требованиям.
СД ЛУКОЙЛа 19 августа подведет итоги оферты акционерам о выкупе акций
20 июня акционеры "ЛУКОЙЛа" одобрили уменьшение уставного капитала НК путем приобретения части размещенных акций в целях сокращения их общего количества.
Согласно решению, будет приобретено 35 млн акций по цене 5,45 тыс. рублей за штуку. Приобретенные акции будут погашены, а уставный капитал компании, составляющий 18,75 млн руб., уменьшится на 875 тыс. рублей и составит 17,875 млн руб.
❗️Срок, в течение которого должны поступить заявления акционеров о продаже "ЛУКОЙЛу" принадлежащих им акций, установлен с 16 июля 2019 года по 14 августа 2019 года.
Срок оплаты приобретаемых акций - до 28 августа 2019 года.
Если общее количество заявленных к продаже бумаг превысит 35 млн штук, акции будут приобретены у акционеров пропорционально заявленным требованиям.
🔥🇨🇳#MTLR #китай
"Мечел" подписал долгосрочный контракт на поставку коксующегося угля с Baosteel Resources, входящей в China Baowu Steel, крупнейший сталелитейный холдинг КНР.
Новый контракт будет действовать с сентября 2019 года по август 2020 года. Всего "Мечел" отгрузит подразделениям Baosteel Resources до 700 тыс. тонн коксующегося угля премиальных марок. Основной объем продукции в рамках контракта будет направляться АО ХК "Якутуголь" – до 40 тыс. тонн ежемесячно. Стороны договорились о том, что цена будет рассчитываться на ежемесячной основе.
вчера 👉 "Мечел" до августа 2020 г поставит китайской Jiangsu Sha Steel до 720 тыс тонн угля
"Мечел" подписал долгосрочный контракт на поставку коксующегося угля с Baosteel Resources, входящей в China Baowu Steel, крупнейший сталелитейный холдинг КНР.
Новый контракт будет действовать с сентября 2019 года по август 2020 года. Всего "Мечел" отгрузит подразделениям Baosteel Resources до 700 тыс. тонн коксующегося угля премиальных марок. Основной объем продукции в рамках контракта будет направляться АО ХК "Якутуголь" – до 40 тыс. тонн ежемесячно. Стороны договорились о том, что цена будет рассчитываться на ежемесячной основе.
вчера 👉 "Мечел" до августа 2020 г поставит китайской Jiangsu Sha Steel до 720 тыс тонн угля
☢️#XRP #крипто
На Change.org появилась петиция с призывом к Ripple не обрушивать цену XRP
«Ripple продолжает сливать на нас миллиарды XRP, обрушивая цену! Поражает, как подобное поведение может быть широко распространено в мире криптовалют. Конечно, нам известно, что XRP — хорошая монета со значительным потенциалом, но это нужно прекратить», — говорится в петиции
На Change.org появилась петиция с призывом к Ripple не обрушивать цену XRP
«Ripple продолжает сливать на нас миллиарды XRP, обрушивая цену! Поражает, как подобное поведение может быть широко распространено в мире криптовалют. Конечно, нам известно, что XRP — хорошая монета со значительным потенциалом, но это нужно прекратить», — говорится в петиции
⚠️#RUAL #дивиденды
РусАл подтвердил прогнозы по снижению оборотного капитала и росту доли VAP, но пока не будет рекомендовать дивиденды - IFX
РусАл подтвердил прогнозы по снижению оборотного капитала и росту доли VAP, но пока не будет рекомендовать дивиденды - IFX
#AFLT #spo #мнение
Аналитики считают, что пока - в условиях низкого рынка -повторного SPO "квазиказначеек" "Аэрофлота" ждать не стоит. Текущая цена бумаг компании - 109 руб., то есть на 67% меньше цены прошлогоднего SPO - ВТБ Капитал
Аналитики считают, что пока - в условиях низкого рынка -повторного SPO "квазиказначеек" "Аэрофлота" ждать не стоит. Текущая цена бумаг компании - 109 руб., то есть на 67% меньше цены прошлогоднего SPO - ВТБ Капитал
🇨🇦#канада #недвижимость #экономика
Канада - Housing Starts (июль) = 222,013K (est 203.5K, prev 245.7K)
Канада - Housing Starts (июль) = 222,013K (est 203.5K, prev 245.7K)
🔥⚠️🇷🇺#россия #финпотоки #торговля #экономика
🇺🇸#акции #сша #premarket
премаркет США - акции - заметные движения:
#RKDA +48% Arcadia Biosciences, Inc. - after Verdeca received USDA approval of HB4 drought tolerant soybeans.
#PBYI +21% Puma Biotechnology Inc - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#ALRM +12%$ Alarm.com Holdings, Inc. -after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#SRTS +12% Sensus Healthcare Inc - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#SIEN +11% Sientra, Inc. - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#ELY +11% Callaway Golf Company - after the company reported upbeat Q2 results and raised FY19 earnings outlook.
#TXMD +10% TherapeuticsMD, Inc. - after surging 16% on Thursday.
#RGLS +10% Regulus Therapeutics Inc -after the company reported Q2 EPS and sales are up from the same quarter last year.
#OSS +9% One Stop Systems, Inc. -after the company reported Q2 results.
#LLEX +9% Lilis Energy Inc - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#YELP +9% Yelp Inc. - after the company reported better-than-expected earnings for its second quarter. The company also announced CFO Charles Baker will step down on Sept. 2 in order to accept an executive position at another company. Yelp has initiated an executive search for a new CFO.
#FNKO +9% Funko, Inc. -after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 sales results and raised FY19 sales forecast.
#WPRT +8% Westport Fuel Systems Inc -after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#CLVS +7% Clovis Oncology, Inc. -reported pricing of $250 million of convertible senior notes.
#PRTY +7% Party City Holdco Inc. - after dropping 18% on Thursday.
#HCAT +6% Health Catalyst, Inc.- after climbing 5% on Thursday.
##WPP +6% WPP plc - after the company reported H1'19 sales results up from last year.
#LVGO +5% Livongo Health, Inc.
#FGEN +5% FibroGen, Inc.- following upbeat Q2 results.
#AGS +5% PlayAGS, Inc. - after dropping 51.97% on Thursday.
#MGPI +4% MGP Ingredients, Inc.
#HTZ +4% Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.
#OMER +4% Omeros Corporation - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#SYMC +3% Symantec Corporation - after the company reported better-than-expected Q1 EPS and sales results. The company also issued Q2 guidance inline with analyst estimates.
#VRAY -52% ViewRay, Inc. - after the company reported Q2 results.
#FTCH -38% Farfetch Limited - after the company reported Q2 results.
#NKTR -32% Nektar Therapeutics - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results. JP Morgan also downgraded the company's stock from Overweight to Neutral.
#PUMP - 31% ProPetro Holding Corp.- after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS results.
#FSLY -22% Fastly, Inc. - after reporting Q2 results.
#WTRH -22% Waitr Holdings Inc. - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results and lowered FY19 revenue guidance.
#DXC -20% DXC Technology Company - after the company reported Q1 results and several firms downgraded the company's stock.
#AMRN -20% Amarin Corporation plc - Amarin received a communication from the FDA that it plans an Adcom meeting, tentatively scheduled for November for reviewing the sNDA for Vascepa labeling. The regulatory agency also indicated that the earliest date on which an Adcom could be scheduled is Nov. 14 due to scheduling constraints for such meeting. The company also said it does not expect the FDA to rule by the originally scheduled PDUFA date of Sept. 28, although the agency did not comment on any delay.
#TRUE -20% TrueCar, Inc. - after reporting Q2 results.
#TPC -18% Tutor Perini Corp-after the company reported weaker-than-expected Q2 results.
#PYX -14% Pyxus International Inc - after the company reported Q1 EPS and sales are lower from the same quarter last year.
#HEAR Turtle Beach Corporation - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results.
премаркет США - акции - заметные движения:
#RKDA +48% Arcadia Biosciences, Inc. - after Verdeca received USDA approval of HB4 drought tolerant soybeans.
#PBYI +21% Puma Biotechnology Inc - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#ALRM +12%$ Alarm.com Holdings, Inc. -after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#SRTS +12% Sensus Healthcare Inc - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#SIEN +11% Sientra, Inc. - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#ELY +11% Callaway Golf Company - after the company reported upbeat Q2 results and raised FY19 earnings outlook.
#TXMD +10% TherapeuticsMD, Inc. - after surging 16% on Thursday.
#RGLS +10% Regulus Therapeutics Inc -after the company reported Q2 EPS and sales are up from the same quarter last year.
#OSS +9% One Stop Systems, Inc. -after the company reported Q2 results.
#LLEX +9% Lilis Energy Inc - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#YELP +9% Yelp Inc. - after the company reported better-than-expected earnings for its second quarter. The company also announced CFO Charles Baker will step down on Sept. 2 in order to accept an executive position at another company. Yelp has initiated an executive search for a new CFO.
#FNKO +9% Funko, Inc. -after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 sales results and raised FY19 sales forecast.
#WPRT +8% Westport Fuel Systems Inc -after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#CLVS +7% Clovis Oncology, Inc. -reported pricing of $250 million of convertible senior notes.
#PRTY +7% Party City Holdco Inc. - after dropping 18% on Thursday.
#HCAT +6% Health Catalyst, Inc.- after climbing 5% on Thursday.
##WPP +6% WPP plc - after the company reported H1'19 sales results up from last year.
#LVGO +5% Livongo Health, Inc.
#FGEN +5% FibroGen, Inc.- following upbeat Q2 results.
#AGS +5% PlayAGS, Inc. - after dropping 51.97% on Thursday.
#MGPI +4% MGP Ingredients, Inc.
#HTZ +4% Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.
#OMER +4% Omeros Corporation - after the company reported better-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#SYMC +3% Symantec Corporation - after the company reported better-than-expected Q1 EPS and sales results. The company also issued Q2 guidance inline with analyst estimates.
#VRAY -52% ViewRay, Inc. - after the company reported Q2 results.
#FTCH -38% Farfetch Limited - after the company reported Q2 results.
#NKTR -32% Nektar Therapeutics - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results. JP Morgan also downgraded the company's stock from Overweight to Neutral.
#PUMP - 31% ProPetro Holding Corp.- after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS results.
#FSLY -22% Fastly, Inc. - after reporting Q2 results.
#WTRH -22% Waitr Holdings Inc. - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results and lowered FY19 revenue guidance.
#DXC -20% DXC Technology Company - after the company reported Q1 results and several firms downgraded the company's stock.
#AMRN -20% Amarin Corporation plc - Amarin received a communication from the FDA that it plans an Adcom meeting, tentatively scheduled for November for reviewing the sNDA for Vascepa labeling. The regulatory agency also indicated that the earliest date on which an Adcom could be scheduled is Nov. 14 due to scheduling constraints for such meeting. The company also said it does not expect the FDA to rule by the originally scheduled PDUFA date of Sept. 28, although the agency did not comment on any delay.
#TRUE -20% TrueCar, Inc. - after reporting Q2 results.
#TPC -18% Tutor Perini Corp-after the company reported weaker-than-expected Q2 results.
#PYX -14% Pyxus International Inc - after the company reported Q1 EPS and sales are lower from the same quarter last year.
#HEAR Turtle Beach Corporation - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results.
ВНИЗ (продолжение)
#AAXN -12% Axon Enterprise, Inc. - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#RVLV -12% Revolve Group, Inc.- after the company reported Q2 earnings.
#VSLR -12% Vivint Solar, Inc.-after the company reported Q2 results.
#CLNE -11% Clean Energy Fuels Corp - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#PYX -10% Pyxus International, Inc.- after the company reported Q1 EPS and sales are lower from the same quarter last year.
#CTST -10% CannTrust Holdings Inc.
#USCR -9% U.S. Concrete, Inc. -after the company reported Q2 EPS results.
#AVT -9% Avnet, Inc. -after the company posted downbeat Q4 earnings.
#KALA -9% Kala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Kala Pharmaceuticals received a complete response letter from the FDA regarding its NDA for KPI-121, 0.25% for the temporary relief of the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. The FDA said an additional clinical trial will be needed to support a resubmission.
#UBER -8% Uber Technologies, Inc. -after the company reported weaker-than-expected results for its second quarter on Thursday.
#CHMI -7% Cherry Hill Mortgage Investment Corp - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#TSE -6% Trinseo S.A. - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results. The company also lowered FY19 EPS guidance.
#INO -6% Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#TTPH -4% Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals Inc - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#TTD -4% Trade Desk Inc - after the company reported Q2 results.
#DBX -4% Dropbox Inc - reported upbeat earnings and sales results for its second quarter.
#AAXN -12% Axon Enterprise, Inc. - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#RVLV -12% Revolve Group, Inc.- after the company reported Q2 earnings.
#VSLR -12% Vivint Solar, Inc.-after the company reported Q2 results.
#CLNE -11% Clean Energy Fuels Corp - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#PYX -10% Pyxus International, Inc.- after the company reported Q1 EPS and sales are lower from the same quarter last year.
#CTST -10% CannTrust Holdings Inc.
#USCR -9% U.S. Concrete, Inc. -after the company reported Q2 EPS results.
#AVT -9% Avnet, Inc. -after the company posted downbeat Q4 earnings.
#KALA -9% Kala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Kala Pharmaceuticals received a complete response letter from the FDA regarding its NDA for KPI-121, 0.25% for the temporary relief of the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. The FDA said an additional clinical trial will be needed to support a resubmission.
#UBER -8% Uber Technologies, Inc. -after the company reported weaker-than-expected results for its second quarter on Thursday.
#CHMI -7% Cherry Hill Mortgage Investment Corp - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 sales results.
#TSE -6% Trinseo S.A. - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results. The company also lowered FY19 EPS guidance.
#INO -6% Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#TTPH -4% Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals Inc - after the company reported worse-than-expected Q2 EPS and sales results.
#TTD -4% Trade Desk Inc - after the company reported Q2 results.
#DBX -4% Dropbox Inc - reported upbeat earnings and sales results for its second quarter.