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Стратегическая атомная подводная лодка ВМФ России К-554 «Император Александр III» (заводской номер 207) вышла на связь с сигналом о помощи в эвакуации экипажа и ликвидации последствий блокировки Р-30 (SS-NX-30 ) Ракета "Булава" в пусковой шахте.

The strategic nuclear submarine of the Russian Navy K-554 "Emperor Alexander III" (serial number 207) contacted with a signal for assistance in evacuating the crew and eliminating the consequences of blocking the R-30 (SS-NX-30) "Bulava" missile in the launch silo Starting Part.
«Странные мужики в синем» из Крокуса привлекают всё большее внимание общества. Венедиктовско-газпромовский Наки выступил против «этой конспирологии», а директор ФБК Жданов поддержал подозрения твиттерян. Может кто-то их идентифицирует по рожам, наконец-то?
Один из «мужиков в синем» из Крокуса потом захватывал таджиков в лесу. Теперь нет никаких сомнений в том, кто это.
Forwarded from The Washington Post
Russia co-opts far-right politicians in Europe with cash, officials say

For nearly a year, European intelligence officials said, the Czech authorities secretly recorded hours of meetings between several far-right politicians from across Europe and the associate, Artem Marchevsky, who was running the propaganda website, Voice of Europe, including at its offices on a quiet side street in the center of Prague. E.U. and Czech authorities, which have shut down the site, have labeled Voice of Europe a Russian propaganda operation.

The Czech probe rapidly expanded into Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and France, European security and intelligence officials said, as investigators concluded that Voice of Europe represented far more than its official veneer as a pro-Russian website interviewing favored European politicians about ending aid to Ukraine.

Read the full story here.
Forwarded from The Washington Post
A list of people freed in prisoner swap deal with Russia

It’s the largest international prisoner exchange since the Cold War. Through this complicated deal, journalists, a former U.S. Marine and political activists were freed by Russia in exchange for the release of a convicted Russian assassin imprisoned in Germany and several Russian intelligence operatives and hackers held in the United States and Europe.

Here is a complete list of who was released as well as the Americans still being held in Russia.

Read the full story here.