Forwarded from Khazar Dictionary
Mental state of Vladimir Putin is publicly questioned by a growing number of American officials who know him personally.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: "I met with him many times, and this is a different Putin. He seems erratic”.
Former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper: "I personally think he’s unhinged. I worry about his acuity and balance".
Senior intelligence officials who have known Putin for decades told media that he has been isolated in a bunker for months interacting exclusively with a small group of advisers.
In all honesty, this looks like a bad dream. This war should be stopped as soon as possible in the interest of Russian people and Russian economy.
Do not support it. It will get worse for Russia day by day.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: "I met with him many times, and this is a different Putin. He seems erratic”.
Former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper: "I personally think he’s unhinged. I worry about his acuity and balance".
Senior intelligence officials who have known Putin for decades told media that he has been isolated in a bunker for months interacting exclusively with a small group of advisers.
In all honesty, this looks like a bad dream. This war should be stopped as soon as possible in the interest of Russian people and Russian economy.
Do not support it. It will get worse for Russia day by day.
Forwarded from Компромат 2.0 :: Мы решаем, что является компроматом
I am now finally a part of the Ukrainian foreign legion. From Finnish reservist Lt. to UA recruit. People from all over the world have come here to help to defend Ukraine. My bunkmates are Norwegian and American. There is still plenty of room for more! #Ukraine…
Forwarded from Компромат 2.0 :: Мы решаем, что является компроматом
Таинственно исчезла мегаяхта Вагита Алекперова "Галактика". Скорее всего, был отключен транспондер AIS. Алекперов готов продать ее за 75 млн евро, но специалисты говорят, что красная цена ей только 69 млн.
The Daily Beast
Russian Billionaire’s Superyacht Mysteriously Vanishes
The Galactica Super Nova yacht owned by Lukoil CEO Vagit Alekperov seems to have turned off its tracking system, which would violate international maritime regulations.
CNN: About 6,000 Russian troops may have been killed in Ukraine, US official says
Russia has potentially suffered 6,000 troops killed in action since its invasion of Ukraine began, according to a US official, who cautioned that an accurate estimate of combat casualties is incredibly difficult to make — especially as the fighting unfolds in real time.
The official said the number of Russian troops killed could be in the 5,000 to 6,000 range or even higher, but emphasized there is low confidence in the numbers.
Some context: The latest assessment comes after the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier told the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday the intelligence community assesses that 2,000 to 4,000 Russian troops have been killed in Ukraine.
Berrier also said there is “low confidence” in the assessment.
The number of wounded could be three times as high, he added.
Russia has potentially suffered 6,000 troops killed in action since its invasion of Ukraine began, according to a US official, who cautioned that an accurate estimate of combat casualties is incredibly difficult to make — especially as the fighting unfolds in real time.
The official said the number of Russian troops killed could be in the 5,000 to 6,000 range or even higher, but emphasized there is low confidence in the numbers.
Some context: The latest assessment comes after the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier told the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday the intelligence community assesses that 2,000 to 4,000 Russian troops have been killed in Ukraine.
Berrier also said there is “low confidence” in the assessment.
The number of wounded could be three times as high, he added.
Forwarded from The Washington Post
Forwarded from Zelenskiy / Official
Media is too big
Meaningful negotiations on peace, on security for us, for Ukraine - are the only chance for Russia to reduce the damage from its own mistakes.
It's time to meet. Time to talk. It is time to restore territorial integrity and justice for Ukraine. Otherwise, Russia's losses will be so huge that several generations will not be enough to rebound.
It's time to meet. Time to talk. It is time to restore territorial integrity and justice for Ukraine. Otherwise, Russia's losses will be so huge that several generations will not be enough to rebound.
Forwarded from Компромат 2.0 :: Мы решаем, что является компроматом
Stop calling Putin 'a president' or 'a leader' of Russia. He stole 3 or 4 last presidential elections and everybody knows this. Tons of proofs. And yet, BBC and CNN call him president and leader every day. He is an illegitimate dictator.
Not only he stole the elections a bunch of times, but he also unlawfully imprisoned his main opponent and competitor - Alexey Navalny. He never gave Navalny a chance to be a candidate in presidential elections, because there was a big chance of Navalny's win.
Прекратите называть Путина "президентом" и "лидером" России. Он украл 3 или 4 последних президентских выборов и все это знают. Полно доказательств. И всё равно BBC и CNN каждый день называют его президентом и лидером. Он - нелегитимный диктатор.
Он не только украл выборы, но и незаконно посадил в тюрьму своего главного оппонента и конкурента - Алексея Навального. Он отказал Навальному в шансе быть кандидатом на президентских выборах, потому что была большая вероятного того, что Навальный мог их выиграть.
Not only he stole the elections a bunch of times, but he also unlawfully imprisoned his main opponent and competitor - Alexey Navalny. He never gave Navalny a chance to be a candidate in presidential elections, because there was a big chance of Navalny's win.
Прекратите называть Путина "президентом" и "лидером" России. Он украл 3 или 4 последних президентских выборов и все это знают. Полно доказательств. И всё равно BBC и CNN каждый день называют его президентом и лидером. Он - нелегитимный диктатор.
Он не только украл выборы, но и незаконно посадил в тюрьму своего главного оппонента и конкурента - Алексея Навального. Он отказал Навальному в шансе быть кандидатом на президентских выборах, потому что была большая вероятного того, что Навальный мог их выиграть.
Forwarded from The Washington Post
Media is too big
Devastation of Mariupol captured in drone video of burned buildings, blown-out windows
Russian shelling and siege tactics have devastated Mariupol’s residential neighborhoods, drone video published Wednesday by Ukraine’s far-right Azov Battalion revealed. The video was verified by The Washington Post.
The majority of the structures visible sustained some amount of damage, from blown-out windows to entire multistory buildings burned ashen gray. Smoke rose from at least four areas in the minute-long clip.
Amid a communication blackout, the Azov Battalion has been one of the few sources of videos and information coming out of the city that has served as its primary base for years.
The paramilitary group with ties to extremists across Europe has been fighting for Ukraine since 2014, when it was absorbed into Ukraine’s national guard. Its presence has been used by Russian President Vladimir Putin to falsely claim that the Ukrainian government is run by neo-Nazis.
Read the full story here.
Russian shelling and siege tactics have devastated Mariupol’s residential neighborhoods, drone video published Wednesday by Ukraine’s far-right Azov Battalion revealed. The video was verified by The Washington Post.
The majority of the structures visible sustained some amount of damage, from blown-out windows to entire multistory buildings burned ashen gray. Smoke rose from at least four areas in the minute-long clip.
Amid a communication blackout, the Azov Battalion has been one of the few sources of videos and information coming out of the city that has served as its primary base for years.
The paramilitary group with ties to extremists across Europe has been fighting for Ukraine since 2014, when it was absorbed into Ukraine’s national guard. Its presence has been used by Russian President Vladimir Putin to falsely claim that the Ukrainian government is run by neo-Nazis.
Read the full story here.