Raúl Castro huyó ayer a Venezuela, cuando comenzaron las protestas.
Forwarded from Khazar Dictionary
Kremlin has published Vladimir Putin's article on Russia and Ukraine. It openly promotes Russian nationalism and even chauvinism. We will elaborate on its details later, but there is no doubt that not only Ukranians understand Putin's nationalist aggressive sentiment and its possible consequences.
Belarusians first of all.
The more Putin uses openly nationalist language, the less chances Russia has to maintain friendly relations with its neighbours. Biden should give his junior partner a call and thank him on behalf the US. Good job.
Belarusians first of all.
The more Putin uses openly nationalist language, the less chances Russia has to maintain friendly relations with its neighbours. Biden should give his junior partner a call and thank him on behalf the US. Good job.
Forwarded from Breaking News | Times (Feed Reader Bot - Premium)
NY Times
Opinion | A Foreign Agent in Trump’s Inner Circle? (Published 2021)
Even amid a glut of scandals, Tom Barrack’s arrest is a big deal.