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Vaccination and Corruption in Russia: Indian Trace
Black vaccination market in Russia has been boosted by Indian demand.
Our Russian insiders claim there is an illegal vaccination tourism from India and other countries to Russia. Indians come to Moscow and illegally buy vaccines sold by the criminal machine controlled by Russian officials.
The black market is getting double profits from selling fake certificates to Russians and selling the vaccine to Indians. It is unknown whether the vaccination tourists from India contributed to the latest growth of Covid cases in Moscow.
Even if they did, the corrupted high-ranked Russian officials couldn’t care less: the market and state budgets are too big. Everything in Russia is about money.
Russian corruption stays undefeated, while people try to find ways to avoid the unprecedented mandatory vaccination which clearly abuses their constitutional freedoms and will lead to social segregation and give the Government an opportunity to further collect and use personal data.
Black vaccination market in Russia has been boosted by Indian demand.
Our Russian insiders claim there is an illegal vaccination tourism from India and other countries to Russia. Indians come to Moscow and illegally buy vaccines sold by the criminal machine controlled by Russian officials.
The black market is getting double profits from selling fake certificates to Russians and selling the vaccine to Indians. It is unknown whether the vaccination tourists from India contributed to the latest growth of Covid cases in Moscow.
Even if they did, the corrupted high-ranked Russian officials couldn’t care less: the market and state budgets are too big. Everything in Russia is about money.
Russian corruption stays undefeated, while people try to find ways to avoid the unprecedented mandatory vaccination which clearly abuses their constitutional freedoms and will lead to social segregation and give the Government an opportunity to further collect and use personal data.
TRT World’s budget isn’t disclosed, in 2016 the Financial Times said industry analysts estimated its annual running costs at $77 million to $155 million.
Regarding REvil - we do not know anything about REvil that probably isnt already known.
1. "Who they are?" An alleged russian-based Threat Actor. Some rumor it to be a fork of Egregor/Maze?
2. "How many of them are there?", We do not know
3. "How do they work (choose targets for attack)?", We do not know. Some are probably the works of their affiliate program though.
4. "How are they connected to russian government/intelligence officials?", We do not know
Please expand on #3: what kind of affiliate program are they running?
They used to advertise fairly often on various forums, most notably However, I believe they were banned from (or ransomware discussions in general were). They looked for 'pentesters'. The summary is if someone breached a company and successfully executed their ransomware - REvil would negotiate with the company & give the affiliate a percentage of the ransom.
Regarding REvil - we do not know anything about REvil that probably isnt already known.
1. "Who they are?" An alleged russian-based Threat Actor. Some rumor it to be a fork of Egregor/Maze?
2. "How many of them are there?", We do not know
3. "How do they work (choose targets for attack)?", We do not know. Some are probably the works of their affiliate program though.
4. "How are they connected to russian government/intelligence officials?", We do not know
Please expand on #3: what kind of affiliate program are they running?
They used to advertise fairly often on various forums, most notably However, I believe they were banned from (or ransomware discussions in general were). They looked for 'pentesters'. The summary is if someone breached a company and successfully executed their ransomware - REvil would negotiate with the company & give the affiliate a percentage of the ransom.
Raúl Castro huyó ayer a Venezuela, cuando comenzaron las protestas.
Forwarded from Khazar Dictionary
Kremlin has published Vladimir Putin's article on Russia and Ukraine. It openly promotes Russian nationalism and even chauvinism. We will elaborate on its details later, but there is no doubt that not only Ukranians understand Putin's nationalist aggressive sentiment and its possible consequences.
Belarusians first of all.
The more Putin uses openly nationalist language, the less chances Russia has to maintain friendly relations with its neighbours. Biden should give his junior partner a call and thank him on behalf the US. Good job.
Belarusians first of all.
The more Putin uses openly nationalist language, the less chances Russia has to maintain friendly relations with its neighbours. Biden should give his junior partner a call and thank him on behalf the US. Good job.