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Knowledge is a perishable commodity; it can turn sour in a second. Like the future.
Rosstat has published a report on the social and economic well-being of Russians, which is actually a report on growing poverty and decline.

According to the official stat, the real pension in Russia is going downhill for the last 8 months. Raises of pension have been annihilated by the inflation, the living standard of Russian elders has deteriorated.

The average Russian pension is $220 a month which means that elder people are practically surviving. There is no money in Russia. For people.
The price of fake QR vaccination code in Russian regions is about $30-50, people are illegally buying them to get access to cinemas, restaurants etc.

Russian corruption is by far more devastating than COVID.

Conspiracy theories that were encouraged by Kremlin for years have hit back massively. At the same time, Russian healthcare overall showed its ineffectiveness and need for big time investment, although seemingly nobody is talking about it.

Russia is setting death records every day, and people still hesitate to get vaccine because of huge level of distrust in Russian society.

Lancet magazine published yesterday the results of Sputnik Light test. The vaccine proved to be highly effective.

Get vaccinated, people.
Kremlin decided to classify all FSB, FSO, SVR and National Guard procurements as state secret. In other words, Russians are not allowed to know how Russian siloviks spend their money.

In feudal terms, which are more appropriate for modern Russia, the peasants do not have to know how much money their feudals give to mercenaries.

Kremlin’s spokesman Peskov said that the provision is fair because it covers some “special departments”. Fair enough, if we take into consideration that anti-corruption investigations are extremism in Kremlin’s world.
Russia's rouble fell on Wednesday, heading towards a one-month low against the dollar and the euro, as oil prices dropped and the market awaited any U.S. Federal Reserve announcement on tapering.

The Fed announced it will taper its $120 billion monthly bond-buying programme by $15 billion. Monetary tightening in the United States is likely to support the dollar, while putting pressure on the rouble.

Russian Finance Ministry reacted to monetary changes in the US by announcing a plan to buy $7.2bln in November which is 70% more than in October. This put a great pressure on the national currency.

When Washington sneezes, Moscow catches a cold.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko signed a roadmap of 28 programs that include coordination on macroeconomic and monetary and credit policies, as well as having common policies on industry, agriculture and energy, among others.

The military doctrine of United State of Russia and Belarus has also been approved.

It’s all good on paper, the question is what will really come out of this integration project. So far Lukashenko always managed to be on top of Putin and even make humiliating remarks about Russian president.

There is no reaction in Washington so far. Belarus is not Ukraine, people care less.
Another ethnic scandal broke out in Russia. Four men attacked a man with child in Moscow area of Vatutinki. The attackers appeared to be ethnic Azerbaijanis from Ural region of Orenburg, their mother is ethnic Russian.

Still, Russian media and telegram immediately started to boost a xenophobic, chauvinistic narrative against North Caucasians, migrants and basically all non ethnic Russians, although they do not do the same when ethnic Russians commit the majority of all crimes in the country.

The headliner of anti-Caucasus xenophobia in this case is Margarita Simonyan. She started her career by lying about number of victims in Beslan school massacre, so it is the type of media figure appreciated by top ranked siloviks.

Xenophobia is seen by them as an instrument to distract Russians from real problems - corruption, poverty, bad economy and Moscow draining resources from all over the country. The latter is actually the reason why people of all ethnic background flood Moscow.

Simonyan's hate speech drew an angry rant from Ramzan Kadyrov who accused her of boosting hatred and xenophobia. Usually nobody dares to oppose Kadyrov publicly, but Simonyan knows that she has FSB and other siloviks behind her.

Anyway, it is interesting that Patrushev, Bortnkikov, Bastrykin and their likes are acting to boost ethnic conflicts in Russia using hate speech and chauvinism against citizens of Russia who are ethnic Caucasians, Asians, Tatars etc.

These brain dead people will
ruin the whole country only to save their capitals and pass them safely to their children.
Zhalo’s Case

A Russian diplomat who was found dead on October, 19 outside the country's embassy in Berlin appeared to be Kirill Zhalo – FSB officer and son of FSB general Alexey Zhalo.

Zhalo-senior isn’t just a random FSB general, he is the head of the FSB’s Directorate for Protection of Constitutional Order and Deputy of general Alexei Sedov, Director of the Second Service of FSB.

People of this rank are usually untouchable in Russian feudal hierarchy, but Zhalo did something unforgivable in the current dogfight of Russian elites. Of course, he was killed, we won’t even discuss that.

To understand the background of Zhalo’s assassination you have to accept the fact that Kremlin actually tried to kill Navalny. It wasn’t a joke, it wasn’t a fake – Navalny was supposed to die.

Zhalo-senior’s and Sedov's department is directly linked to Navalny’s failed assassination attempt, as well as to other “operations” abroad. Zhalo-junior’s assassination can be explained only one way: he was suspected of passing some sensible information on the case to Germans.

Russian political order is getting more and more archaic and vividly resembles the last years of Nicholas I.
Alexander Lukashenko has initiated another border crisis with Poland and Lithuania, using Iraqi migrants as a retaliation against sanctions imposed on his regime by the EU.

This is a full-scale fascist dictator who is leaning in his actions on Kremlin. Being under Western pressure, Putin is also trying to win some room by putting Europeans in a hard situation.

From American standpoint, there is nothing to worry about. Contrary to many opinions, the Minsk regime wasn’t in the middle of discussions held by William Burns in Moscow. Washington knows well, that even if Putin wanted to stop Lukashenko, he isn’t able to do so.

Still, the EU has to react now. It is not normal that the likes of Lukashenko impose any kind of threat to Europe.

Talking about Moscow, we know all too well that Kremlin isn’t capable of strategic thinking. Everything these people do abroad at the end works out against Russian people. It might be so with Lukashenko’s migrants, too.
On November, 2 CIA Director William Burns raised, among others, in Moscow the issue of Russian cyberattacks.

On November, 8 United States have charged two suspected hackers, nationals of Russia and Ukraine, in connection with a wave of ransomware attacks that targeted US companies earlier this year.

Ukrainian national Yaroslav Vasinsky has already been arrested in Poland at the American request. Yevgeny Polyanin is allegedly in Russia, but he also will be brought to justice, sooner or later. (banned by Rostelecom) NGO has released a new leaked video that shows inmates being sexually assaulted in prison hospital in Saratov. The video showed officers urinating on tied inmates, performing sexual intercourse and penetrating them with blunt objects.

The release is part of data obtained by former inmate Sergei Savelyev, a Belarusian national who smuggled the videos in a USB stick and is currently seeking asylum in France.

The reaction of Russian state was predictable - Russian police placed Savelyev on a wanted list last month on charges of obtaining legally protected data and sharing it with a third party for media distribution. He could face up to four years in Russian prison if extradited and found guilty.

The darkest side of this national torture scandal is that Saratov is by no way an exception. The whole FSIN system is based on tortures, corruption and humiliating people with lots of siloviks involved. Kremlin’s reaction shows that it’s ok with it.

Osechkin and Savelyev truly deserve the highest praise and support.
Nobody in a right state of mind, except for Kremlin propaganda talking heads, can say that they are politicking or looking for some kind of profit.
Russian economy continues to go downhill in spite of data provided by the Economy Ministry.

According to the data, Russian GDP went 4% year-on-year in January-September, the industry grew by 6.2%. These positive numbers are not an evidence of a growth, but rather of the economic decline in 2020.

This decline isn’t overcome by any means, as the inflation hits Russia hard, and almost all economic growth is due to the natural resources export.

The poor are getting poorer, the middle class has evaporated, but Russian banks are feeling very well due to the increase of the key rate which led to more expensive credits. Their profits are formidable, which means that the export of capitals to the West will go on as usual.
Following the release of more footage showing inmates being tortured at a prison hospital in the Saratov region, the local department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) fired 18 of its employees.

Another 11 employees were subject to the disciplinary action. That’s it. Nobody has been arrested for torturing people. This is unbelievable.

One of the most important public institution Russia lacks is the institution of reputation. It is a cultural borderline between Russia and the West.

This national torture scandal shows why reputation as an institution so important and how grave are the consequences of its absence. Thank God, at least they replaced Sergei Savelyev from the wanted list today.
Thanks for a meaningful feedback, always a pleasure.

We do not think that Navalny posed any serious threat to Kremlin, too, but you have to take into consideration the mentality of people in Kremlin who take decisions and ways of doing business among Russian siloviks and elites.

The killing of Nemtsov was also totally unnecessary, but he was killed. A group in FSB tried to kill Navalny (not necessarily on Putin's orders), it is a 100% verified information. We can only hope that Zhalo’s death will be the last in the Navalny series.
Russia's smallest enterprises raked in 13.7 trillion rubles ($189 bln) in combined revenue during the first six months of 2021, according to government statistics analyzed by the Vedomosti news.

That equates to just 11.5% of Russia’s combined corporate revenue, the lowest since such statistics were first published in 2008.

We could attribute this catastrophic stat to inflation and lack of support during the pandemic– as we all know, Russian money isn’t for Russians.

Anyway, we have stated many times that putinism is impossible without poverty. Destruction of middle class and overall poor population are essential factors of Russian modern political structure.

Putinism is when rich is getting richer, the poor is getting poorer, and, more important, these poor do not demand any political representation. Russian elites feast on the poverty of Russians.
EU foreign ministers have reached a political agreement to sanction Wagner, the Russian mercenary group with links to the Kremlin.

The announcement followed discussions by EU member-states’ foreign ministers on the situation in Mali and was initiated by France. Paris is withdrawing its military bases from Mali, while the local military junta is planning to deploy up to 1000 Wagner fighters.

France strongly opposes this deal. Sanctions will be imposed on any company working with Wagner. The group’s contact with Kremlin, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has been already sanctioned last year.

We have no illusions whatsoever about any mercenary groups, including American, but Wagner’s systemic crimes against civilians are that of animals. This PMC is a product of total ignorance of any law, honor and basic human dignity.
One of our favorite Russia telegram-channels (much respect, guys) published a text about Khabib Nurmagomedov.

The retired Dagestani fighter is one of the most hated figures among Russian ethnic nationalists and Russian public in general. Throughout his illustrious career Khabib was heavily criticized in Russia on various occasions.

The problem of Russians with Khabib, really, is his identity. Nurmagomedov personifies everything Russians are afraid of in context of Caucasus, although personally Khabib hasn’t ever done anything outrageous.

People hate him just because he is not Russian culturally and doesn’t want to be one.

Our Tatar friends pointed out that he is a political figure because of his enormous popularity in Caucasus and all over the world. Khabib could’ve been an MP or head of Makhachkala if he wanted to, but so far he was staying out of politics.

He isn’t involved in any pro-Kremlin activities and is minding his own business. Khabib isn't the most educated person (most of Russians aren't either), but he is smart.

If it wasn’t for his status, with modern Russian nationalist sentiment, especially among siloviks, something bad could've happened to him already.

It shouldn't be that difficult to accept that not all Dagestanis, Tatars, Yakuts, Chechens, Ossets etc want to be culturally Russian. It doesn’t mean they are anti-Russian, they just have their own identity, it’s ok.
The latest escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan basically means that Russia isn’t able to contain Turkey in South Caucasus anymore.

Having a significant advantage over Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to get a direct Azerbaijani access to the Nakhchivan enclave through Meghri corridor. Little by little Armenians are losing the control over this strategic part of its territory.

This is already creating immediate challenges to Russia, but Kremlin isn’t handling the situation well.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said today it is necessary to reduce the number of labor migrants at Moscow construction sites, primarily those included in the housing renovation program.

All good, but Russian moguls are not ready to pay Russians fair money. How is Sobyanin going to solve this problem?

Russian wages are a joke. Migrants are not cheap either, but they are still cheaper and rarely complain or protect their rights. Perfect workers for Moscow neo-feudalism.
Talking about migrants on the border of Belarus and Poland, it’s important to see things the way they are. These poor people are more of hostages of Lukashenko and Putin.

Lukashenko created this crisis to achieve several goals.

First, he wanted someone from the EU to directly contact him, and Merkel did. Second, he wanted to change the agenda and move the focus from “elections” and repressions in Belarus to other issues. Third, Lukashenko wanted to show the EU that sanctions against him are costly.

Putin supported the plan not only because of his emotional anti-Western sentiment. Unlike the West, Kremlin sees Lukashenko as a legitimate president. Merkel’s call in Putin’s eyes confirmed the legitimacy of Belarusian regime, but overall the plan failed.

Merkel's call wouldn’t happen if Poland wasn't involved. Germans clearly wanted to punish its neighbor country which is becoming a difficult partner in EU talks.
Thanks for a feedback, colleagues, but we do not have any problem of white man's burden. At the same time, you are denying the very fact of Russian colonialism in Asia and Caucasus.

Don't make it a problem. Believe it or not, but Britain built much more roads and infrastructure all over the world than Russia did, but it doesn't mean that it wasn't a colonial power.

Concerning the text on Nurmagomedov, you accuse him of being an islamist which donated to ISIS-connected structures. Could you provide us with any evidence?
Two members of US Congress introduced a resolution to end the United States' recognition of Vladimir Putin as president of Russia if he remains in power after 2024.

Russian senators and MPs have slammed the resolution and so on, but their reaction isn’t that significant. Putin is under a growing pressure from Washington, and the case is becoming more and more interesting.

On the one hand, this resolution project is a clear warning. There are certain red flags that Putin cannot cross. If he does so, the consequences will be costly to Putin and his friends personally.

On the other hand, Putin is known for not tolerating any pressure, so now he has to go for it in 2024.

The way Kremlin handled the Covid situation shows that Russian public administration and the President personally are basically dysfunctional. If Putin stays, Russia will continue to go downhill, which Washington is ok with.

We do not need much from Russia now.