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Knowledge is a perishable commodity; it can turn sour in a second. Like the future.
In total, 59 companies out of top 100 in the world are headquartered in the United States, making up 65% of the top 100’s total market capitalization.

There is a silly sentiment about the “end of American era”. This is either a bias or a complete misunderstanding of the matters in long term.

The American era is actually just getting started, there is a lot more to come. Not a single Russian company on the list.
Russian Catastrophe

According to Rosstat, there were 1.7mln households in Russia that could be considered “middle class” in the West. There are only 1mln left this year.

A 40% decline in one year is stunning, catastrophic increase of poverty rate. As we have said numerous times, putinism as a politicial system is based on poverty of the people.

Poverty is the goal of putinism, there is no other way to put it. Middle class is dangerous to Russian feudalism. Putin can say whatever he wants, but actions and numbers don’t lie.
Kremlin has provided Russian IT-sector with a heavy blow. Ilya Sachkov, the co-founder of Group IB which is the country’s top security firm, has been arrested on the charges of treason.

Sachkov will likely be accused of passing a secret information to foreign intelligence or assisting Western efforts to interfere with Russian “elections”. Anyway, it’s not clear why he even was in Moscow.

Group IB has been working along Russian state agencies, mainly FSB, for a very long time. Sachkov really should’ve known better, especially after his primary FSB contact, deputy head of the FSB’s Center for Information Security Sergei Mikhailov was sentenced to 22 years in prison for treason.

Sachkov was instrumental in creating modern Russian repressive cyber infrastructure, helped Kremlin in the case of the whistle blower Sergei Rodchenkov. Apparently it wasn’t enough.

Mikhailov was accused of passing information to America, personally Kimberly Zenz. There will be an American trace in Sachkov’s case, too.
Russian siloviks have come after Sberbank. Vice-president of the bank Marina Rakova has disappeared after being accused of corruption while being in the Education Ministry, two other top-managers – Evgeny Zak and Maxim Inkin – have been arrested.

Russian discourse is totally dominated by repressive structures of siloviks, but there always was some balance between them and so called liberals. Sberbank’s CEO German Gref is the leader of liberal part of Russian elites.

For a long time top-position in Sberbank was kind of a safety guarantee. It is no more.

Nobody is safe. After Zinichev’s death suspicious Putin became paranoid, which gives siloviks much more room to act. President is in the bunker anyway.
Thousands of employees from companies linked to sanctioned oligarch Oleg Deripaska were dispatched to Moscow for a pro-Kremlin rally on the final day of voting in Russia’s parliamentary elections.

There is a false sentiment about Russian oligarchs being strong independent figures.

The difference between them and traditional Western tycoons and Russian oligarchs is that billions in Russia are given by the state.

The real owner of Deripaska’s billions is Putin. He also is the owner of Deripaska himself.
Russian PM Mikhail Mishustin has signed a decree on submitting the draft of the federal budget for 2022 and the planned period of 2023-2024 to the State Duma.

The draft once again proves the dominance of social darwinism in Russia which is already a legit police state. Let’s take a look at federal expenditures compared to the previous period.

Social needs - down 371bln roubles;
Healthcare – down 117bln roubles;
National economy – down 152bln roubles;
Aircraft industry expenditures – down almost 300%;

Money saved on the people, healthcare, social programs and economy will be spent on “national security” – the expenditures on siloviks are up 17%.

No comments. It is a third world country with nuclear weapons, that's about it.
We haven’t given any comment on the Pandora papers for one reason – we haven’t found anything outstanding or, for that matter, new in the papers.

It is a well-known fact that Russian elites are busy with making money in Russia and transferring it to the West.

The only interesting thing about this case were comments of Kremlin’s spokesman Peskov. He pretended to be blind and claimed that the papers contain no information about hidden riches of Putin’s inner circle.

Moreover, Peskov said that the US are the main tax haven of the world.

Ok, Mr.Peskov, let it be. Why won’t you quit hiding your money in American and other tax havens though?
A prominent Russian human rights defender Vladimir Osechkin has obtained a large batch of videos showing prison inmates being tortured and raped under supervision of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN).

The Mediazona news website published three of the videos that show inmates being tortured at a prison hospital in Saratov. The footage is indeed shocking.

The story has gone international. Let’s wait now until tortures and rapes will be proclaimed a part of Russian cultural code, and Osechkin will be marked as a “foreign agent”.

Tortures are not a part of Russian penitentiary and law enforcement systems, they are a system by themselves.

Russian Council on Defense and Foreign Policy: “Russia poses an existential threat for the West”.

What threat? On the one hand, it is funny. On the other hand, it’s really sad that Russian expertise has hit a rock bottom, North Korean style. These people believe that a third world country like Russia can pose any threat to the West. Jesus Christ.

Russian Council on Defense and Foreign Policy: “It is important to avoid changes in Russia in the coming 10 years”.

That’s what it’s all about, there was really no need to use complicated words like “existential”. It’s really sad that once promising experts like Fedor Lukyanov and others have become what Russians call “obsluga”.

Long live corruption and poverty, long live Putin, Sechin and Patrushev. God forbid any changes.
NATO expelled today eight members of Russia's mission to the military alliance on the grounds that they were in fact working secretly as spies.

Another “success” of Sergei Naryshkin’s Foreign Intelligence Service. One scandal after another, this is just a sheer incompetence which is widely ridiculed in intelligence circles.

This incompetence is obvious to anyone who knows the context, but Naryshkin will surely get away with it. Let’s wait for another interview though. Naryshkin never fails to make fun out of himself.
Dmitry Muratov’s Nobel prize is of course a message to Moscow. It upgrades the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta and makes him in many ways untouchable.

It is actually not that bad for Kremlin, too. Muratov is predictable, has contacts with Russian elites and won’t do anything crazy, so Kremlin will try to engage him in various ways.

So, basically, this decision means that Alexei Navalny isn’t Nelson Mandela so far.

It also means that Ramzan Kadyrov’s long standing beef with Novay Gazeta has turned international. Hopefully Putin will personally order Kadyrov not to do anything stupid again.
Uzbek Colonization of Russia

Russia may lease million hectares to Uzbekistan for growing soybeans and wheat.

Uzbeks will start with 35 thousand hectares with the subsequent export of the crop to Uzbekistan and will gradually increase its amount. Twenty three Russian regions have already agreed to allocate lands to Uzbeks.

Russian telegram is going crazy, the nationalist sentiment here is also very strong. Well, what can we say… Good morning!

This is an inevitable future of Russia, and all the questions should be addressed to Russian feudal lords in Kremlin starting from Putin. Of course, nobody will ask these questions, so it will all end up with furious xenophobic texts.
Russian Vaccination Crisis

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said today that the vaccination level in Russia is too low: ”That is why we have mortality numbers that are so high. We are using every opportunity to make a simple call on all citizens — go ahead and get the shot.”

At the same time, Peskov rejected the idea of imposing fines on those who fail to get the vaccine and emphasized that it’s up to regional authorities to decide whether to tighten coronavirus restrictions.

The elections are over. We assume that unpopular vaccination ideas will be “initiated” from the regions on Kremlin’s order. Moscow will act depending on the reaction without suffering reputation losses.

Kremlin being ready to give regions right to decide on coronavirus restrictions is a joke, because that’s about the only right it is ready to grant them.
Donbass’ industrial giants have officially changed their owner. Previously Donbass industry was monopolized by “Vneshtorgservis” – holding controlled by Ukranian oligarch Sergei Kurchenko and Russian officials like Vladislav Surkov (arranged numerous corruption schemes in Donbass) and Deputy Minister of Economy Sergei Nazarov.

Instead of Kurchenko will now be Yurchenko – Russian billionaire, who previously worked in Svyazinvest. This is not a major change, Kremlin oligarchs just tightened their grip on Donbass economy.

All we can do is send our sincere condolences to the people of Donbass. It is really turning into a wasteland as almost anything Kremlin touches.
Pakistani PM Imran Khan said that America should actively engage in Afghanistan and help talibs to maintain stability, otherwise chaos will start in the whole region:

“Unless America takes the lead, we are worried that there will be chaos in Afghanistan and we will be most affected by that“.

Khan added that America must get over shock of defeat in Afghanistan and send aid to avert a looming humanitarian disaster. The Pakistani PM always had a good sense of humour.

What defeat? There is only a change of direction.

Washington assumes that Afghanistan with its new government is not an American problem anymore. If there was a defeat, then why should Pakistan or anyone else look for American help? Biden made the right call.
Corporation Russia

Net capital outflow from Russia in the first nine months of 2020 increased by 50% to $59bln, according to the Central Bank of Russia.

In January-Septemper 2019, the level of capital flight was $39.8bln.

Needless to say, this money goes mostly to Europe and the US, to which Russia, according to Kremlin’s propaganda, poses an existential threat. We would say that this is a nice threat.

America definitely needs more of those.
Former MP and Crimean prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya was finally appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Cape Verde Islands.

Poklonskaya was the Prosecutor of Crimea in 2014 and fully supported the Russian operation in Crimea. She had an immense PR potential which hasn’t gone unnoticed – Poklonskaya became the MP in 2016.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know that MP in Russia isn’t supposed to have his or her own opinion on anything. Duma in Russia is a printer which prints drafts, laws and bills written by Presidential Administration.

When she didn’t support Kremlin’s criminal pension reform, which was a robbery of elder people by Kremlin, it was all over. Anyway, nobody really knew what she was doing in Duma.

It is so symbolic and so Russian that Poklonskaya’s Russian Spring ended in Africa. Lucky her. Many of its “heroes” are already dead.
According to the HSE survey, the number of people engaged in scientific activities in Russia has hit a ten year minimum and is slightly above 679000. There number of researches decreased almost by 2000 in a one year span.

Throughout its history Russia produced a lot of prominent scientists, but now Russian science is headed to nowhere. Kremlin is practically exterminating it by numerous treason charges against scientists.

Aging Putin and his cronies do not understand that scientific research is impossible without international contacts. Absurd repressive changes to Russia’s education law banning non-state-approved educational activities and cooperation with foreign academics have already come to effect.

Even if they understand the importance of science, these people do not need it. Russia is not a scientific or hi-tech corporation, it is solely about money.
Very symbolic incident in Chechnya. If the third war there ever starts, it will be much more brutal than the previous two.

According to various accounts, Kadyrov, being obsessed with matters of prestige the way he understands it, pays money to every Chechen awarded a maroon beret – an honor insignia of Russian commandos.

It appeared that Chechen applicants cheated while trying to meet the standard necessary for getting the beret. For example, they were given rides in the cars during the “march”, which is unheard of.

Of course, these manipulations couldn’t go unseen. A fight among Chechens and Russians broke out. Now the holders of berets among Russian commandos want to give the insignia up because it has been disgraced.

Russian Guard denied these facts as rumors, which was predictable since its Director Viktor Zolotov is one of Kadyrov’s closest contacts in Kremlin.

Russian veterans and military personnel are naturally very nationalist. Most of them sincerely hate Kadyrov, Chechens and all "nerusskiys".

The problem with this narrative is that it is not Kadyrov’s fault. He is only following the rules set by Kremlin. That’s the way the country is run, and Kadyrov is the most Russian leader in Caucasus ever.
The expulsion of eight Russian spies from the country’s mission in Brussels offended Kremlin so much that it decided to suspend the whole mission and will strip NATO’s mission in Moscow from accreditation starting from November.

It is like when a kid is caught doing wrong and gets offended by it so much that stops talking to anyone.

Well, let the kid be silent. This is hilarious. That’s what happens when the country and its foreign intelligence are being run on commercial grounds.