О работе Генерального консульства в период празднования Международного Женского Дня
📢Уважаемые граждане!
📆Информируем, что в связи с празднованием
Международного Женского Дня консульский приём не будет осуществляться в период
с 8 марта по 10 марта 2024 года включительно.
📞В случае возникновения экстренных случаев, связанных с угрозой жизни, здоровью и безопасности, просьба звонить по телефону
📢Уважаемые граждане!
📆Информируем, что в связи с празднованием
Международного Женского Дня консульский приём не будет осуществляться в период
с 8 марта по 10 марта 2024 года включительно.
📞В случае возникновения экстренных случаев, связанных с угрозой жизни, здоровью и безопасности, просьба звонить по телефону
Forwarded from Консульский департамент МИД России
💍 Как в России легализовать брак с иностранцем?
🤔 Такой вопрос часто поступает в КД и загранучреждения.
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#легализация #консульскийликбез
🤔 Такой вопрос часто поступает в КД и загранучреждения.
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#легализация #консульскийликбез
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📰 Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov's interview with TASS (March 5, 2024)
Key talking points:
💬 Cooperation within #BRICS is undoubtedly one of the key features of Russia's long-term foreign policy.
• Russia, as the current president of the organization, has a special responsibility to ensure the fastest and smoothest integration of the new members into the operation of all BRICS mechanisms. This is undoubtedly a cornerstone and high priority task of our Presidency.
• In the relatively short period of its existence, the BRICS association has rapidly developed and transformed into an extensive multi-level mechanism of interaction on a wide range of issues on the global agenda.
🌐 Many perceive BRICS as a prototype of multipolarity, a structure uniting the Global South and East on the principles of equality, sovereignty and mutual respect.
• Support for the principles of multipolarity and a greater role of developing countries in global governance, as well as the fundamental values of the BRICS group, such as the spirit of equality, mutual respect, openness, inclusiveness and constructive cooperation, is an indispensable condition [for joining BRICS].
• We see increasing the role of BRICS counties in the international currency and financial system as a specific task for this year. <...> We believe that creating an independent BRICS payment system is an important goal for the future.
• There has never been a military aspect to cooperation within our group. <...> BRICS does not have plans to build such cooperation, including military drills.
☝️ Russia has never set BRICS in opposition to other international platforms, be it the Group of 20 or the Group of Seven. We believe that the association is unique.
• The recipe for BRICS’ attractiveness and success is based on the absence of a confrontational or “hidden” agenda. I will repeat that it brings together like-minded countries.
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Key talking points:
💬 Cooperation within #BRICS is undoubtedly one of the key features of Russia's long-term foreign policy.
• Russia, as the current president of the organization, has a special responsibility to ensure the fastest and smoothest integration of the new members into the operation of all BRICS mechanisms. This is undoubtedly a cornerstone and high priority task of our Presidency.
• In the relatively short period of its existence, the BRICS association has rapidly developed and transformed into an extensive multi-level mechanism of interaction on a wide range of issues on the global agenda.
🌐 Many perceive BRICS as a prototype of multipolarity, a structure uniting the Global South and East on the principles of equality, sovereignty and mutual respect.
• Support for the principles of multipolarity and a greater role of developing countries in global governance, as well as the fundamental values of the BRICS group, such as the spirit of equality, mutual respect, openness, inclusiveness and constructive cooperation, is an indispensable condition [for joining BRICS].
• We see increasing the role of BRICS counties in the international currency and financial system as a specific task for this year. <...> We believe that creating an independent BRICS payment system is an important goal for the future.
• There has never been a military aspect to cooperation within our group. <...> BRICS does not have plans to build such cooperation, including military drills.
☝️ Russia has never set BRICS in opposition to other international platforms, be it the Group of 20 or the Group of Seven. We believe that the association is unique.
• The recipe for BRICS’ attractiveness and success is based on the absence of a confrontational or “hidden” agenda. I will repeat that it brings together like-minded countries.
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Forwarded from Rusya Ankara Büyükelçiliği
💬Kremlin Sözcüsü Dmitriy Peskov, Almanya’nın üst düzey askeri yetkililerinin Taurus füzeleriyle Kırım Köprüsü’ne olası saldırıya ilişkin konuşmasının ifşa edilen ses kayıtlarını yorum yaptı:
▪️Alman subayları arasındaki konuşmanın içeriği, Batı’nın Ukrayna çatışmasına doğrudan dahil olduğunun altını çiziyor.
▪️Askerlerin konuşması, Alman ordusunun içinde, Rusya topraklarına saldırı düzenleme planlarının ayrıntılı ve somut bir şekilde müzakere edildiğini gösteriyor. Bunun hiçbir hukuki yoruma ihtiyacı yok. Burada her şey ortada.
💬Пресс-секретарь Президента РФ Дмитрий Песков прокомментировал публикацию разговора немецких военных о возможных ударах по Крымскому мосту ракетами Taurus:
▪️Содержание разговора немецких офицеров относительно ударов по Крымскому мосту подчеркивает прямую вовлеченность Запада в конфликт вокруг Украины.
▪️Сама по себе [беседа военных] говорит о том, что в недрах бундесвера предметно и конкретно обсуждаются планы по нанесению ударов по территории Российской Федерации. Это не нуждается ни в каких юридических трактовках. Здесь все более чем очевидно.
▪️Alman subayları arasındaki konuşmanın içeriği, Batı’nın Ukrayna çatışmasına doğrudan dahil olduğunun altını çiziyor.
▪️Askerlerin konuşması, Alman ordusunun içinde, Rusya topraklarına saldırı düzenleme planlarının ayrıntılı ve somut bir şekilde müzakere edildiğini gösteriyor. Bunun hiçbir hukuki yoruma ihtiyacı yok. Burada her şey ortada.
💬Пресс-секретарь Президента РФ Дмитрий Песков прокомментировал публикацию разговора немецких военных о возможных ударах по Крымскому мосту ракетами Taurus:
▪️Содержание разговора немецких офицеров относительно ударов по Крымскому мосту подчеркивает прямую вовлеченность Запада в конфликт вокруг Украины.
▪️Сама по себе [беседа военных] говорит о том, что в недрах бундесвера предметно и конкретно обсуждаются планы по нанесению ударов по территории Российской Федерации. Это не нуждается ни в каких юридических трактовках. Здесь все более чем очевидно.
Forwarded from Rusya Ankara Büyükelçiliği
🎙️Dışişleri Bakanı Sergey Lavrov’un Rusya'nın Sirius Federal Bölgesi'nde gerçekleştirilen Dünya Gençlik Festivali’nin özel oturumunda öne çıkan açıklamaları:
🔸Yeni bir dünya düzeninin kurulması BM Şartı'nın değiştirilmesini gerektirmez; tüm taraflar üzerinde mutabık kalınan hususları dürüstçe yerine getirirse, BM'nin uluslararası güvenliğin garantörü olduğu konsept devam edecektir;
🔸 Hiç kimse Batı halklarına “karşı çıkmaya” çalışmadı. Sadece diğer ülkelere saygılı davranmak gerekir;
🔸 Spor siyasetin dışında kalmalıdır. Biraz önce Kazan'da başlayan ve büyük bir başarıyla gerçekleştirilen "Gelecek Oyunları", Olimpiyat ilkelerinin çarpıtılmasına ve ayrımcılığa uğramasına bir cevap niteliğindedir;
🔸 Avrupa, Batı'nın Rusya'ya karşı savaşında en çok zarar görenlerden biridir;
🔸 Alman silahlarının hazırlanması, bu silahların bakımını yapan Alman uzmanların yetiştirilmesi, Kırım Köprüsü, mühimmat depoları da dahil olmak üzere Rusya'ya yönelik saldırılar şaşırtıcı gelmiyor.
🔸Yeni bir dünya düzeninin kurulması BM Şartı'nın değiştirilmesini gerektirmez; tüm taraflar üzerinde mutabık kalınan hususları dürüstçe yerine getirirse, BM'nin uluslararası güvenliğin garantörü olduğu konsept devam edecektir;
🔸 Hiç kimse Batı halklarına “karşı çıkmaya” çalışmadı. Sadece diğer ülkelere saygılı davranmak gerekir;
🔸 Spor siyasetin dışında kalmalıdır. Biraz önce Kazan'da başlayan ve büyük bir başarıyla gerçekleştirilen "Gelecek Oyunları", Olimpiyat ilkelerinin çarpıtılmasına ve ayrımcılığa uğramasına bir cevap niteliğindedir;
🔸 Avrupa, Batı'nın Rusya'ya karşı savaşında en çok zarar görenlerden biridir;
🔸 Alman silahlarının hazırlanması, bu silahların bakımını yapan Alman uzmanların yetiştirilmesi, Kırım Köprüsü, mühimmat depoları da dahil olmak üzere Rusya'ya yönelik saldırılar şaşırtıcı gelmiyor.
Forwarded from Rusya Ankara Büyükelçiliği
Комментарий Посольства РИА Новости:
💬 Обращений от туристов в посольство и в генконсульство в Анталье из-за проблем с оплатой отелей в Турции пока не поступало.
💬 Обращений от туристов в посольство и в генконсульство в Анталье из-за проблем с оплатой отелей в Турции пока не поступало.
РИА Новости
Россияне не обращались в посольство из-за проблем с оплатой отелей в Турции
Посольство РФ в Анкаре и генконсульство РФ в Анталье заявили РИА Новости, что не получали обращений от российских туристов по сложностям в оплате за отдых в... РИА Новости, 05.03.2024
Forwarded from ЦИК России
По каким документам можно проголосовать на выборах Президента Российской Федерации?
Основной документ – это паспорт.
Какие документы могут заменить паспорт?
◽️военный билет – для лиц, которые проходят военную службу;
◽️временное удостоверение личности, выдаваемое на период оформления паспорта;
◽️справка установленной формы, выдаваемая, находящимся в местах содержания под стражей подозреваемых и обвиняемых
За границей это:
◽️Дипломатический паспорт
◽️Служебный паспорт
◽️Свидетельство на возвращение в Россию (в случае утраты иных документов оно удостоверяет личность и наличие российского гражданства)
В регионах, на территории которых введено военное положение, для жителей этих регионов может быть установлен перечень дополнительных документов, по которым можно проголосовать на территории этих регионов
◽️паспорта Донецкой Народной Республики и Луганской Народной Республики
◽️паспорт или ID-карта гражданина Украины
◽️удостоверения личности, военные билеты военнослужащих Донецкой Народной Республики и Луганской Народной Республики
◽️иные документы, удостоверяющие личность, выданные уполномоченными органами
Основной документ – это паспорт.
Какие документы могут заменить паспорт?
◽️военный билет – для лиц, которые проходят военную службу;
◽️временное удостоверение личности, выдаваемое на период оформления паспорта;
◽️справка установленной формы, выдаваемая, находящимся в местах содержания под стражей подозреваемых и обвиняемых
За границей это:
◽️Дипломатический паспорт
◽️Служебный паспорт
◽️Свидетельство на возвращение в Россию (в случае утраты иных документов оно удостоверяет личность и наличие российского гражданства)
В регионах, на территории которых введено военное положение, для жителей этих регионов может быть установлен перечень дополнительных документов, по которым можно проголосовать на территории этих регионов
◽️паспорта Донецкой Народной Республики и Луганской Народной Республики
◽️паспорт или ID-карта гражданина Украины
◽️удостоверения личности, военные билеты военнослужащих Донецкой Народной Республики и Луганской Народной Республики
◽️иные документы, удостоверяющие личность, выданные уполномоченными органами
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🔴 #ПрямойЭфир: Встреча руководства Группы стратегического видения «Россия - исламский мир» с послами государств-членов Организации исламского сотрудничества
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🔴 #ПрямойЭфир: Встреча Группы стратегического видения «Россия - исламский мир» с послами стран ОИС
Встреча руководства Группы стратегического видения «Россия - исламский мир» с послами государств-членов Организации исламского сотрудничества
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🧑🚀 On March 6, 1937, world’s first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova was born. To this day, she remains the only woman who flew to the Earth’s orbit alone, as well as the youngest woman to travel into space. She was only 26 years old back at the time of that historic event.
Valentina joined the cosmonaut corps in 1962. She was selected from 800 young women who excelled in parachuting. At that time, Tereshkova had 163 parachute jumps under her belt.
In June 1963, she informed her family that she was leaving for a parachute competition. Only from the news did they learn that their Valya actually spent almost three days aboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft, orbiting the Earth 48 times.
💬 “Every 90 minutes I saw the dawn, the sun rising in a unique array of colours,” Tereshkova said of her impressions on board.
Vostok-5 piloted by cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky, with whom Tereshkova maintained radio contact, was also in orbit at the same time. Despite fatigue and waning health, Valentina completed her mission successfully.
❗️Tereshkova’s space flight was a global sensation. For the United States, the USSR’s main rival in the space race, it was inconceivable. The American space agency did not take the idea of a woman flying into space seriously at the time.
Valentina boarded the spaceship as a lieutenant, and returned to Earth with the rank of captain. Three days after the landing, she was also awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Later she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Vietnam, and Mongolia, and became an honorary citizen of 18 Russian and foreign cities.
A Soviet woman’s flight to the orbit enriched scientific knowledge about the impact of space conditions on the human body and reaffirmed the leadership of the USSR in space exploration.
🎊 Today Valentina Tereshkova turns 87 years old. Happy birthday to our iconic cosmonaut! Many happy returns!
Valentina joined the cosmonaut corps in 1962. She was selected from 800 young women who excelled in parachuting. At that time, Tereshkova had 163 parachute jumps under her belt.
In June 1963, she informed her family that she was leaving for a parachute competition. Only from the news did they learn that their Valya actually spent almost three days aboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft, orbiting the Earth 48 times.
💬 “Every 90 minutes I saw the dawn, the sun rising in a unique array of colours,” Tereshkova said of her impressions on board.
Vostok-5 piloted by cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky, with whom Tereshkova maintained radio contact, was also in orbit at the same time. Despite fatigue and waning health, Valentina completed her mission successfully.
❗️Tereshkova’s space flight was a global sensation. For the United States, the USSR’s main rival in the space race, it was inconceivable. The American space agency did not take the idea of a woman flying into space seriously at the time.
Valentina boarded the spaceship as a lieutenant, and returned to Earth with the rank of captain. Three days after the landing, she was also awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Later she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Vietnam, and Mongolia, and became an honorary citizen of 18 Russian and foreign cities.
A Soviet woman’s flight to the orbit enriched scientific knowledge about the impact of space conditions on the human body and reaffirmed the leadership of the USSR in space exploration.
🎊 Today Valentina Tereshkova turns 87 years old. Happy birthday to our iconic cosmonaut! Many happy returns!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (March 2, 2024)
Key talking points:
🔸 The UN is not a "bad organisation" per se and by itself. Let me stress once again that its Charter contains all the principles necessary to ensure fairness in international relations. Those who had decisive weight in the world economy and in technological development until recently, decided that they needed to manipulate international law in order to maintain their dwindling dominance. I think this is the main problem today.
🔸 We have no shortage of goodwill [for negotiations with Ukraine]. But we see a lack of it on the other side. And it is not so much goodwill that is in short supply as an understanding of what is happening.
🔸 The war camp in Europe remains strong. The most recent statements by French President Macron, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, and the dialogue of German generals go to show that the war party is insisting on its policy of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield.
🔸 We can withhold the funds that the Western countries hold in Russia and which were frozen in response to the seizing of Russia’s national reserves. There can be no doubt that we will respond appropriately.
🔸 The West must understand that they made a mistake in Ukraine and should right that wrong. We will not stop them from doing so in a way that will make them think they have saved face.
🔸 We are convinced that a Palestinian state is not a whim, nor just a resolution the UN approved in the remote past. It is impossible to stop violence in the Middle East unless it is implemented. The Arab street won’t calm down, when it sees injustice and how attempts are being made to perpetuate this injustice.
🔸 We are sorry that the Armenian leadership has apparently made a conscious decision to pursue a policy of undermining relations with Russia and blaming Russia for everything that happened to Nagorno-Karabakh. This is not in the nature of allied relations
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Key talking points:
🔸 The UN is not a "bad organisation" per se and by itself. Let me stress once again that its Charter contains all the principles necessary to ensure fairness in international relations. Those who had decisive weight in the world economy and in technological development until recently, decided that they needed to manipulate international law in order to maintain their dwindling dominance. I think this is the main problem today.
🔸 We have no shortage of goodwill [for negotiations with Ukraine]. But we see a lack of it on the other side. And it is not so much goodwill that is in short supply as an understanding of what is happening.
🔸 The war camp in Europe remains strong. The most recent statements by French President Macron, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, and the dialogue of German generals go to show that the war party is insisting on its policy of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield.
🔸 We can withhold the funds that the Western countries hold in Russia and which were frozen in response to the seizing of Russia’s national reserves. There can be no doubt that we will respond appropriately.
🔸 The West must understand that they made a mistake in Ukraine and should right that wrong. We will not stop them from doing so in a way that will make them think they have saved face.
🔸 We are convinced that a Palestinian state is not a whim, nor just a resolution the UN approved in the remote past. It is impossible to stop violence in the Middle East unless it is implemented. The Arab street won’t calm down, when it sees injustice and how attempts are being made to perpetuate this injustice.
🔸 We are sorry that the Armenian leadership has apparently made a conscious decision to pursue a policy of undermining relations with Russia and blaming Russia for everything that happened to Nagorno-Karabakh. This is not in the nature of allied relations
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