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Hellenismos, philosophy, classical aesthetics and a devotional to the Gods, mainly to Hermes,
Khaire Hermes, who dwells in our homes with lovely Hestia.
Hermes carrying the infant Herakles
Raven Dreams the Land
John Howe
Khaire Hermes, Almighty is your heart. We praise you and honor you!
Hermes by Valeria Corvino
Hermes, Lord of birds of omen | Ravens
Herakles, Hermes and Athena slaying the Hydra by Paolo Farinati
Khaire Hermes psychopomp, who helps unite us with the deathless gods.
Hermes above Grand Central Station, NY.
The universe is a shrine for the gods. (Cf. Plato, Timaeus 37c)
Hermes, Lord of birds of omen | Owls
Philemon and Baucis Receive Jupiter and Mercury. 1818. Joseph Ferdinand Lan
A cult image or sanctuary must always be given a friendly greeting - a chaire - even if one is simply passing by without any special reason, or else the gesture of a kiss may be made by raising a hand to one's lips; a short, simple prayer may always be added.

Burkert, Greek Religion, II.3
Khaire Hermes, who disguises himself as a traveler to test the hospitality of men.
Early classical white ground lekythos with Hermes Psychopompos leading deceased woman to Charon.