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Художники АРТ БЕГМА создали новый видео-арт совместно с ТГ каналом ОТРЯД КОВПАКА. В котором отобразили историю и правду об Америке. Посвящается выборам в США...

Всего лишь за какие-то две с половиной сотни лет своего существования эта страна уничтожила миллионы ни в чём неповинных людей по всему миру. И она не собирается останавливаться. «НИЧЕГО ЛИЧНОГО – ПРОСТО БИЗНЕС» - таков их любимый лозунг, с которым  они продолжают убивать людей по всему миру, стравливать между собой другие страны и устраивать гражданские войны

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Что такое Америка и откуда она взялась?


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The International Peace and Human Rights Award 2024 ceremony will be held on November 11 this year in the capital of Belarus, where the organizers will recognize outstanding individuals who have made a significant contribution to peace and human rights around the world.
The organizer of this event is the International Charitable Foundation Emil Čečko, which was registered in 2022 in Belarus with the aim of performing charitable activities, as well as supporting social, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial programs and initiatives.
The nominees for this prestigious award are prominent politicians who are not afraid to take responsibility for peace initiatives and human rights reform, brave journalists who have dedicated their careers to uncovering the truth and fighting for freedom of speech.
Forwarded from Friends of Crimea - Friends of Russia (CrimeaVoice)

The tradition of holding the Yalta International Economic Forum (YIEF) in the capital of the Crimean South Coast began in 2015, and in 2019 more than 600 foreign guests and several thousand Russian politicians and businessmen became its participants. At the same time, the forum became one of the five largest business events in Russia. In 2024, the organizers decided to divide the large-scale event into two stages: political and economic. The economic component will take place in December in Ufa. And on November 6-7 in Moscow, participants in the first part of the event discussed in detail political issues and the activities of the International Association of Friends of Crimea. At the forum, they talked about the prospects for a new polycentric world, existing economic challenges and ways to solve them; special attention was paid to representatives of the younger generation, who will have to build a new architecture of the world order.

A strong signal about normal life in Russia will be sent from us around the world only if we ourselves finally break with the practice of worshiping the West and stop being “European,” the head of the Crimean parliament is sure. “We should finally become ourselves, so that everyone who wants to remain themselves will be drawn to us. It is very important that we demonstrate success, prosperity and progress everywhere so that we look worthy in competition with other civilizations. It is obvious that normal people will not fight with such Russia. And we will somehow deal with all kinds of garbage,” he added.

Forwarded from Dragana Trifkovic
Пре више од 10 година, Славјанск је "пао". Од тада, овај град се налази под контролом кијевског режима. До данас су остала неразјашњена многа питања. Због чега је Игор Гиркин "Стрелков" преузео командовање самоодбраном, а затим напустио град? Шта је у позадини утицало на овакав развој догађаја? О свему томе, имала сам прилику да поразговарам са сведоком ових догађаја, човеком који је у свом граду са суграђанима организовао отпор кијевском режиму и који је након тога био ухапшен под неразјашњеним околностима. Ускоро ћете моћи да послушате мој интервју са Вјачеславом Пономарјовим, првим градоначелником слободног Славјанска.