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🇷🇺 🇹🇷 📞 Состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Президентом Турецкой Республики Реджепом Тайипом Эрдоганом.

❗️Владимир Путин информировал о ходе специальной военной операции по защите Донбасса, изложил принципиальные подходы и оценки в этом контексте, подробно разъяснил поставленные основные цели и задачи. Подчеркнуто, что спецоперация идет по плану и в соответствии с графиком.

Подтверждена готовность российской стороны к диалогу с украинскими властями и с зарубежными партнерами в целях урегулирования конфликта. Вместе с тем, обращено внимание на бесперспективность любых попыток затянуть переговорный процесс, что используется украинскими силовиками для перегруппировки своих сил и средств. В этой связи подчеркнуто, что приостановка спецоперации возможна только в случае прекращения Киевом боевых действий и выполнения хорошо известных требований России.
🇷🇺📞🇹🇷 Devlet Başkanı Vladimir #Putin, Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile görüştü.

Putin, Erdoğan’a Donbass'ı savunmaya yönelik özel askeri operasyonun ilerleyişi hakkında bilgi verdi, ana amaç ve hedefleri ayrıntılı olarak açıkladı. Özel harekatın plana uygun olarak yürütüldüğü vurgulandı.

Putin, Erdoğan’a Rus Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin bölgedeki sivillerin hayatını kurtarmak ve güvenliğini sağlamak için mümkün olan her şeyi yaptığını iletti, Rusya tarafından Ukrayna’da gerçekleştirilen nokta vuruşlarının yalnızca askeri altyapı tesislerine yapıldığının altını çizdi

Putin, Donbass'ı yoğun bir şekilde bombalamaya devam eden ve bölgedeki yabancılar dahil sivilleri rehin alan Ukraynalı aşırı milliyetçi ve Neo- Nazi oluşumlarının sivilleri bir “canlı kalkan” olarak kullandığını Erdoğana’a söyledi.

Görüşmede Rus tarafının anlaşmazlığı çözmek için Ukrayna makamları ve yabancı ortaklarla diyaloga hazır olduğu teyit edildi.
Müzakere sürecini uzatmaya yönelik her türlü girişiminin boşuna olduğu, Ukrayna’nın bu sırada güçlerini yeniden gruplandırmaya çalıştığına dikkat çekildi.

Görüşmede Putin, Erdogan’a planlanan bir sonraki müzakere turunda Ukrayna temsilcilerinin ortaya çıkan gerçekleri tam olarak dikkate alan daha yapıcı bir yaklaşım sergileyeceklerini umduğunu söyledi.

Rusya ve Türkiye liderleri, ikili ticari ve ekonomik işbirliğini sürdürmeye yönelik niyetlerini belirtirken, çeşitli düzeylerde yakın temasların sürdürülmesi konusunda da anlaşmaya vardı.

🇷🇺ve🇹🇷 liderleri, iki ülkenin dışişleri ve savunma bakanlıkları arasındaki temasların sürdürülmesinin önemini dile getirdi. Putin, Rus tarafının Türk vatandaşlarının savaş alanlarından güvenli bir şekilde tahliyesi için gerekli tüm yardımı sağlamaya hazır olduğunun altını çizdi.
💬 Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı:

▪️ Ukrayna’da özel bir askeri operasyonu sırasında ABD Savunma Bakanlığı tarafından finanse edilen Ukrayna'da uygulanan bir askeri biyolojik programın izlerinin Kiev rejimi tarafından acil bir şekilde temizlendiği gerçeği ortaya çıkarıldı.

▪️ Ukraynalı biyolaboratuvarların çalışanlarından, veba, şarbon, tularemi, kolera ve diğer ölümcül hastalıklara yol açan özellikle tehlikeli patojenlerin 24 Şubat'ta acilen imha edildiğine dair belgeler aldık.

▪️ Alınan belgeler, Rusya topraklarına yakın bir yerde bulunan Ukrayna biyolaboratuvarlarında biyolojik silah bileşenlerinin geliştirilmesinin gerçekleştirildiğini teyit ediyor. Yakın gelecekte, alınan belgelerin analiz sonuçlarını sunacağız.

Kirillov: Ukrayna'da Pentagon ile yürütülen ortak programlar kapsamında 30'dan fazla biyoloji laboratuvarı kuruldu. Pentagon,bu koleksiyonların 🇷🇺uzmanların eline geçmesi halinde,🇺🇦🇺🇸nin bu alandaki uluslararası sözleşmeyi ihlal ettiğinin doğrulanacağını anlıyor.
Forwarded from MoD Russia
🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Emergency statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (March 7, 2022)

Due to the failure and inability of the Ukrainian side to ensure the functioning of humanitarian corridors, the situation in a large number of settlements on almost the entire territory of Ukraine, primarily in such cities as Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy, Kharkov and Mariupol, is rapidly deteriorating and has acquired the character of a humanitarian catastrophe.

At the same time, the Russian Federation provided full preparation and security on the planned routes during the previously announced humanitarian operations to evacuate civilians and foreign citizens.

Without the participation of Ukraine, the Russian side has managed to withdraw 173,773 people from the areas of the special military operation from the Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics, Ukraine to the Russian Federation territory, including 44,187 children, as well as 19,969 personal vehicles.

Currently, these citizens of Ukraine are in temporary accommodation centres, in hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses, they are provided with hot meals, the children went to schools, kindergartens, issues of temporary employment are being promptly resolved. Despite the irresponsible attitude of the Ukrainian side to the life and health of ordinary civilians, including foreigners, the Russian Federation is ready for the next humane steps to withdraw the civilian population from all settlements that have been in a humanitarian catastrophe, as well as to create decent accommodation conditions in Russia for all refugees.

Taking into account the persistent continuous appeals of foreign embassies, as well as direct requests from Ukrainian citizens for evacuation from almost all settlements (such appeals only from March 5 to March 7, 2022 in the official structures of the Russian Federation and in the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine more than 2 million (2,000,417) have been registered, the Russian Federation is ready to prepare and conduct a humanitarian operation.

But its effectiveness depends only on the Ukrainian side. The key issues of preparing a humanitarian operation and ensuring the safety of the civilian population, as well as foreign citizens during their evacuation from settlements, where nationalists controlled by Kiev are taking all measures to prevent people leaving, are completely within the competence of the Kiev authorities.
Forwarded from MoD Russia
In order to conduct a humanitarian operation:
➡️ 1. From 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) on March 8, 2022, the Russian Federation declares cease-fire and is ready to provide humanitarian corridors:

from Kiev and adjacent settlements to the Russian Federation through the territory of the Republic of Belarus to Gomel city with delivery by air to the Russian Federation, in the southern direction - in agreement with the Ukrainian side;

from Chernigov through the territory of the Republic of Belarus to Gomel with delivery by air transport to the Russian Federation, in the southern direction - in agreement with the Ukrainian side;

from Sumy by two routes to Poltava and to the territory of the Russian Federation to Belgorod - then by air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or temporary accommodation, in the southern direction - in agreement with the Ukrainian side;

from Kharkov to the territory of the Russian Federation to Belgorod - then by air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or temporary accommodation, to Lvov, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk - in agreement with the Ukrainian side;

from Mariupol by two routes to the territory of the Russian Federation to Rostov-on-Don through Novoazovsk and Taganrog cities, to Zaporozhye - in agreement with the Ukrainian side.

➡️ 2. This statement should be immediately brought to the Ukrainian side (Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuk) proposed to coordinate the specified routes and the start time of humanitarian corridors by 03:00 a.m. (Moscow time) on March 8, 2022, and to submit written approval of these approaches, including guarantees to ensure security on the declared routes of humanitarian operations by the Ukrainian authorities to the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine by the specified time.
The Ukrainian side have to publish this statement in Ukrainian and Russian languages in Ukrainian media by 03:00 a.m. (Moscow time) on March 8, 2022.

➡️ 3. This statement (in Russian and English) should immediately be brought to the attention of the embassies of foreign states, relevant structures of the UN, the OSCE, the ICRC and other international organizations through all available information resources, including the media.

➡️ 4. The Ukrainian side should also inform, in accordance with the established procedure, about the planned humanitarian operation before 03:00 a.m. (Moscow time) on March 8, 2022, representatives of the embassies of foreign states, specialized structures of the UN, the OSCE, the ICRC and other international organizations located on the territory of Ukraine, through all available information resources, including Ukrainian media.

➡️ 5. For the purpose of implementation of measures for the evacuation of civilians and foreign citizens along agreed routes during the humanitarian operation, from 09:30 a.m. (Moscow time) on March 8, 2022, organize continuous communication between the Russian and Ukrainian sides for the mutual exchange of information on the preparation and carrying out the evacuation of civilians and foreign citizens.

➡️ 6. This emergency statement is subject to immediate publication and communication to all interested parties through all available information resources, including media.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianCorridor
💬 Rusya Başbakan Yardımcısı Novak:

🔹 Avrupa bugün yılda yaklaşık 500 milyar metreküp #gaz tüketiyor. Bu tüketimin yüzde 40'ı Rusya tarafından sağlanıyor. Rusya onlarca yıldır her şeye rağmen her zaman güvenilir bir ortak olmuştur.

🔹 Edindiğimiz bilgilere göre Ukrayna'nın gaz nakil sistemine ve özellikle gaz pompa istasyonlarına yönelik provokasyon hazırlanıyor. Bu konuda önceden uyarmak istiyorum, bu son derece tehlikeli, Rusya bununla ilgilenmiyor. Bunu önlemek için her şeyi yapıyoruz.

🔹 Rus Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Zaporojskaya NGS’ne saldırdığına dair çeşitli sahte haberler üretiliyor. Bu doğru değil. IAEA ile sürekli temas halindeyiz, IAEA yönetimini bilgilendiriyoruz ve 🇺🇦 uzmanlara santralin bakımı konusunda teknik destek sağlamaya her zaman hazırız.

🔹 Rus petrolünden vazgeçilmesinin, küresel piyasa için feci sonuçlara yol açacağı kesinlikle açık. Fiyatlardaki artış tahmin edilemez olacak, varil başına en az 300 dolar olacak, belki de daha fazla.

Поздравляем милых дам с Международным женским днем 8 марта!

8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü kutlu olsun! 💐
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
🎙 Head of the Russian delegation at Russian-Ukrainian talks Vladimir #Medinsky on the matter of the humanitarian corridors in Ukraine (March 7, 2022), following third round of negotiations.

💬 The Ukrainian forces in the surrounded cities are keeping people as human shields, ignoring orders from Kiev.

Let the people go!
​​Фейк: Российская авиация нанесла удар по роддому в Мариуполе. Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский назвал это «зверством»: по его словам, под завалами остались женщины и дети.

Правда: Несмотря на то, что информация об ударе появилась вчера в середине дня (на многочисленных видео и фото не было видно ни одного пациента), кадры с беременными женщинами оказались в информационном пространстве намного позже — вечером 9 марта. Однако они сразу облетели все информагентства и паблики, стали распространяться в различных популярных сообществах и у блогеров, что может являться следствием спланированной кампании. И это несмотря на то, что сами местные жители утверждают, что в роддоме не было ни рожениц, ни персонала.

История вызывает много вопросов: логично предположить, что если бы там действительно были роженицы, сотрудники службы спасения и очевидцы, прибывшие на место первыми, сразу сделали бы фото с места ЧП на свои телефоны, не дожидаясь известного репортажного фотографа. Однако так получилось, что первым подготовил и опубликовал фотографии известный украинский пропагандист Евгений Малолетка. Начав свою карьеру в УНИАН, сейчас он сотрудничает с такими медиаигроками, ведущими антироссийскую кампанию годами, как the Guardian, The Times, The NYT. На него подписан даже личный фотограф Барака Обамы, а в 2015 году Малолетка даже прошел стажировку в престижной программе Eddie Adams Workshop в Нью-Йорке. Любопытно, что этот фотограф рассказывает о «военных преступлениях России» еще с 2014 года.

Сегодня же мы получили неоспоримые подтверждения постановки «кадров с беременными», за которую отвечают украинские пропагандисты и их польские медиаинструкторы, о которых мы писали ранее. Украинцы использовали для самых громких кадров (всего их три) модель Марианну из Мариуполя. Любопытно, что она играет сразу двух разных беременных: ей пришлось даже переодеться и перекраситься, что, впрочем, не удивсительно: ведь на самом деле Марианна известный в регионе бьюти-блогер. Хотим отметить, что девушка действительно беременна, но только в роддоме находиться никак не могла: учреждение уже несколько дней использовалось боевиками "Азова" как укрепленный объект, не функционирующий как медучреждение. Слава уже нашла героиню данной постановки: в ее инстаграме под последним постом уже больше 500 комментариев от реальных пользователей, осуждающих девушку за участие в грязных информационных вбросах.
🇷🇺🇹🇷 В рамках визита в Анталью С.В.#Лавров встретился с Министром иностранных дел Турции М.Чавушоглу.

🇷🇺🇹🇷🇺🇦 В рамках визита в Анталью С.В.#Лавров проводит встречу с Министром иностранных дел Турции М.#Чавушоглу и Министром иностранных дел Украины Д.И.Кулебой
🔴 #ПрямойЭфир: Пресс-конференция С.В.Лаврова по итогам переговоров с главой МИД Турции М.Чавушоглу и мининдел Украины Д.Кулебой
Forwarded from MoD Russia
🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, continuing offensive operations, took control of Blizhnee and Tavla. The advance was 4 kilometers.

The operation to liberate Mariupol from nationalists continues.
The units of People's Militia of Donetsk Republic took control of Azovskiy, Naidenovka, Lyapino, Vinogradar disticts in the east of the city and went to Azovstal plant. "Western" neighbourhood has been liberated in the west part of the city.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to strike at the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

💥 In total, 2,911 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

💥 Among them: 97 aircraft, 107 unmanned aerial vehicles, 141 anti-aircraft missile defence systems, 86 radar posts, 986 tanks and other armored vehicles, 107 multiple launch rocket systems, 368 field artillery and mortars, 749 special military vehicles.

The Russian Ministry of Defence continues analysis of documents provided by employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories on the secret military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine.

Russian specialists of the NBC protection troops have studied documents on the transfer of human biomaterials taken in Ukraine to foreign countries on the instructions of US representatives.

Detailed information about the implementation of a project by the United States on the territory of Ukraine to study the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia and other neighboring countries was of particular interest.

According to the documents, the American side planned to organize work on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022. And further study of the possibility to transfer of African swine fever and anthrax by them.

According to the documents, experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were carried out in biological laboratories created and funded in Ukraine.

The purpose of these and other Pentagon-funded biological researches in Ukraine was the creation of mechanism for the covert spread of deadliest pathogens.

In the near future, we will show another set of documents received from Ukrainian employees of biological laboratories and present the results of their assessment.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP