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Forwarded from Martin Sellner (english)
Lola's murderer just released!

🇩🇿 The main suspect of the Algerian murder gang that beat, raped, tortured and murdered 12-year-old Lola last October, has just been released, quietly and secretly, from prison. From the news reports at that time:

❗️"When found, the body had been bound at the hands and feet, the throat had been cut, and the nearly loose head had been wrapped with duct tape. The body was covered with cloths. The body of the little girl was painted with numbers."

👉 "Dahbia B" is a free woman after only 9 months prison time. Lola's family is shocked. The woman who confessed to the crime was taken to a sanatorium for a "mental disorder" - at the expense of all French people!

✈️ What it really needs is a detention center in the style of the U.S. supermax prisons, outside of European soil. That's where this subject needs to be deported, serve the full sentence with full rigor, and then be sent home.

💡here’s more:

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Adolf Hitler was a rothschild/controlled opposition (debunked)

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The German Waffen SS multiracial fighting force

The Impartial Truth Collection

Esoteric Truths Collection

Adolf Hitler's Speeches

Adolf Hitler's last will and testament

The Origin of the Word "Nazi

This 1981 interview is with SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS, Karl Wolff

The German Newsreel (1939–1945)

Adolf Hitler Content

The difference between a national socialist and a neo nazi

Third Reich Movies, Documentaries and Footage

National Socialism Explained

Adolf Hitler's defense of socialism

The struggle for freedom

National Socialism and the Laws of Nature

The Swastika


The Third Reich Speeches and Writings

The NSDAP regarding the inhumane treatment of animals

How the Germans friendship with the poles ended

The TRUTH about the German plan for the Jews

Massacre in katyn forest

Now and Then Series

Adolf Hitlers (last speech to the German nation in full January 30, 1945 HD)

Gottfried Feder and The Fight Against Interest Slavery

The real root cause of ww2

statements made regarding Adolf Hitler

The Eternal Jew exhibit

Herr Krause Adolf Hitler's Shadow - In The Service Of The Führer

How Adolf Hitler Defied the Bankers

In His Own Words The Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler PDF

General George S. patton

Wewelsburg Castle waffen SS headquarters

Ich Kämpfe pdf

Animal welfare in the third Reich PDF

The Truth About Josef Mengele

Money-lenders timeline

Ernst Zündel talks about Adolf Hitler in 1945 (1991)

Adolf Hitler the ultimate
avatar PDF

The Golden Thread - Esoteric Hitlerism PDF

NOS Book of the Resurrection PDF

Europa: The Last Battle


A list of recommended documentaries after watching Europa: The Last Battle
Forwarded from Hidden Truth
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told

Part 1 - Adolf Hitler's Childhood
Part 2 - The Early Years
Part 3 - Origins
Part 4 - Cultural Clash
Part 5 - War Declared
Part 6 - Battle of Britain
Part 7 - Stalin
Part 8 - Pearl Harbor
Part 9 - betrayal of the Cossacks
Part 10 - Stalingrad
Part 11 - The Red Terror
Part 12 - Mussolini
Part 13 - Roosevelt and Churchill
Part 14 - General Leon Degrelle
Part 15 - Battle of the Bulge
Part 16 - Treachery
Part 17 - Battle of Berlin
Part 18 - Germany Defeated
Part 19 - Nuremburg Trials
Part 20 - Confessions by Torture
Part 21 - The Leuchter Report
Part 22 - Ocean of Death
Part 23 - The Berlin Wall
Part 24 - What If Germany Had Won?
Part 25 - We Defeated the Wrong Enemy
Part 26 - Credits
Part 27 - Babylon Before Hitler - Bonus

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told Full Documentary

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told description

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told with subtitles in English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.

🇬🇧 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told [English subtitles]

🇩🇪 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told with [German subtitles]

🇩🇪 Adolf Hitler: Die größte nie erzählte Geschichte [deutschen Untertiteln]

🇳🇱 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told [Dutch subtitles]

🇳🇱 Adolf Hitler: het grootste verhaal dat nooit is verteld [Nederlandse ondertiteling]

🇪🇸 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told [in Spanish]

🇪🇸 Adolf Hitler: La historia más grande jamás contada [En español]

🇵🇹 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told [Portuguese subtitles]

🇵🇹 Adolf Hitler: A Maior História Nunca Contada [legendas em português]
Forwarded from Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺
I’ve always found it funny when people claim that the lack of proof for the existence of a God is somehow a checkmate against the religions.

It’s funny because in war, in politics and in society generally, faith overpowers fact.
Humans are believers and belief is stronger than knowing. People get emotional about their beliefs, they get inspired and enthralled. They fight and die for belief, they’ll search for and try to convert or eliminate non-believers. They don’t do any of this in the service of proven facts.

And so the lack of evidence supporting God’s existence really just works to the advantage of religion, since it allows priests and preachers to tap into the relentless potential of human belief.

The same force that drives religious fervour also upholds social concepts like equality –despite all of the facts & evidence demonstrating that there is no equality, it persists nonetheless because people have been helped to believe it.

I suppose the underlying theme here is to understand that when dealing with humans, facts aren’t worth as much as faith; that in order to affect social life and generate real change, people need not know the facts, actually facts will probably just offend them. They only need to believe in your cause.
Forwarded from JC's Shitposting Fartzone (JC "Augmented Augtism" Denton)
All my niggas love Lain and the IBM Model M Keyboard
Forwarded from The End Times
Forwarded from Hidden Truth
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told - All 27 parts

Part 1 - Adolf Hitler's Childhood
Part 2 - The Early Years
Part 3 - Origins
Part 4 - Cultural Clash
Part 5 - War Declared
Part 6 - Battle of Britain
Part 7 - Stalin
Part 8 - Pearl Harbor
Part 9 - betrayal of the Cossacks
Part 10 - Stalingrad
Part 11 - The Red Terror
Part 12 - Mussolini
Part 13 - Roosevelt and Churchill
Part 14 - General Leon Degrelle
Part 15 - Battle of the Bulge
Part 16 - Treachery
Part 17 - Battle of Berlin
Part 18 - Germany Defeated
Part 19 - Nuremburg Trials
Part 20 - Confessions by Torture
Part 21 - The Leuchter Report
Part 22 - Ocean of Death
Part 23 - The Berlin Wall
Part 24 - What If Germany Had Won?
Part 25 - We Defeated the Wrong Enemy
Part 26 - Credits
Part 27 - Babylon Before Hitler - Bonus

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told Full Documentary

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told description

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told with subtitles in English, German, Dutch and Spanish.

🇬🇧 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told with English subtitles

🇩🇪 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told with German subtitles

🇩🇪 Adolf Hitler: Die größte nie erzählte Geschichte mit deutschen Untertiteln

🇳🇱 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told with Dutch subtitles

🇳🇱 Adolf Hitler: het grootste verhaal dat nooit is verteld met Nederlandse ondertiteling

🇪🇸 Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told in Spanish

🇪🇸 Adolf Hitler: La historia más grande jamás contada En español
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JUST IN - France orders Apple iPhone 12 sales halted over excessive electromagnetic radiation levels — Le Parisien

Forwarded from Mark Collett
Zionists have repeatedly insisted that Western nations should open their borders and let in millions of people from the Middle East - people that were displaced by wars that were fought largely for the benefit of Israel.

Now we see the same Zionists and their media puppets crying over the fact that hundreds of thousands of people in the West are protesting against the state of Israel and are flying the Palestinian flag. The hyperbole over this issue is astounding, with some likening these protests to a second ‘holocaust’.

So, what do you think the Zionists will propose as a solution to this problem – a problem that is largely of their own making? Well, I can tell you this: the Zionists are absolutely NOT going to call for an end to mass immigration or for the widespread deportation of those who came here from the Middle East – and they are definitely NOT going to stop waging wars on behalf of Israel.

Instead, the Zionists’ solution to this problem will be to call on the government to clamp down on freedom of speech and freedom of association. Zionists and their puppets in the media will call for draconian new laws, which when passed will not only be used to clamp down on pro-Palestinian protests, but will also be used against White people who dare to campaign against mass immigration and anti-White polices.
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This is the best thing I have ever seen before in my life and I have been an activists for 20+ years, this is genius!!!

Forwarded from Joel Davis (censored)
The CEO of Optus (the telecommunications company that still hasnt figured out how to bring its network which has been down all day back online, massively disrupting the country because half the population uses it) is a Jewish woman who is an active participant in the organised Jewish community btw, pretty clear that nepotism got her that job.

Remember when Australia was run by competent men of Anglo-Celtic extraction and everything wasn't retarded and you could rely upon shit working? Those days are over.
Hey, I got an idea... It's racial cuckoldry — but we rebrand it, so it's BASED racial cuckoldry. And we call it "Duginism". Fuck yeah.

Yeah, that's it!
Forwarded from Imperium Press (Imperium Press)
On the surface, folktales seem like a pretty weak redpill. But they teach:

- ugly = bad
- don't trust strangers
- natural gender dynamics
- oathkeeping
- ironclad taboo
- connection to the soil

If you aren't reading your kids folktales, you might as well be trannifying them.
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NEW - Ukraine's intelligence chief Budanov disappoints journalists who ask him of Navalny's death in Russia. He says Navalny died of a blood clot.
