#️⃣ I
wrote about
MemHash earlier — a mini app single-handedly built over a weekend. It inspired dozens of copycats and established an entirely new genre of mining mini apps on Telegram.
📈 MemHash proved there’s always room for a new app on Telegram — provided you deeply understand which features made its predecessors popular. The key is to borrow only what works while innovating and differentiating elsewhere
💡✉️ This is exactly how Telegram itself became popular. We didn’t invent messaging, but in 2013, we took only what was necessary from existing apps. Then, by continuously listening to users and innovating, we introduced hundreds of new useful features over 12 years. This not only brought Telegram immense popularity but also helped establish a new genre of messaging
💭💡 I know Telegram’s success story inspired the creator of MemHash, and I hope future app creators will draw inspiration from us as well. Good luck!