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❄️Geopolitics, cyber security, multipolarity❄️ Russian journalist with PhD in political philosophy of neoplatonism
⚡️ Instead of a dialogue with Russia, the EU has chosen the path of illegitimate sanctions Lavrov
EU countries try to avoid honest face-to-face dialogue by choosing the path of sanctions – Lavrov
SHOUGU (minister of defence)During clashes, the Ukrainian side does not hesitate to use civilians as human shields. Multiple rocket launchers, cannons, large-calibre mortars are placed in the yards of residential buildings, near schools and kindergartens," Shoigu said. He thanked the personnel "for their courage and heroism, conscientious and professional execution of their tasks
The process of organizing negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Pripyat, which took place on February 28, can be compared to a thriller, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with members of the Security Council and the leadership of the Council of Ministers.
⚡️There is a struggle between good and evil, and Ukraine is being liberated from Nazi ideology, - Pushylin
⚡️According to Zelensky, 16,000 foreign mercenaries are expected to arrive in Ukraine to make up for the crushing military failures of the Ukrainian security forces. Visa-free regime officially introduced for them - Russian Ministry of Defense

⚡️In the past week alone, some 200 mercenaries from Croatia arrived via Poland and joined one of the nationalist battalions in southeastern Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry
Forwarded from Fil à retordre
⚡️Zelensky aurait quitté l'Ukraine pour la Pologne, selon le président de la chambre basse du parlement russe Volodine
Forwarded from Reese Report
Media is too big
Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine
Forwarded from PLATONOVA | Z
И еще важный ресурс - антифейк на английском и не только!! Подписывайтесь, делитесь с коллегами и репостите. Нужное в наше время информационной войны https://yangx.top/identarist_en
UN arms expert considers Kiev's dragging into NATO orbit a catastrophic mistake

Scott Ritter does not hide his position and voices it in the media. He suggests that the West should listen more carefully to Putin... Scott Ritter, a UN weapons expert, believes that dragging Kiev into NATO's orbit is a catastrophic mistake. "The Ukrainian army has de facto already acted in the interests of NATO. They participated in operations in Iraq, in Afghanistan, they were trained according to NATO standards. From the Russian point of view, it was already acting as a member of NATO.

And Russia demanded: stop, stop right now, we will not tolerate this. Russia drew a red line. We are used to American presidents talking about "red lines" and then doing nothing. Putin drew a 'red line' and when they crossed it he went to action," he noted. After Desert Storm, Ritter worked on the Iraq demilitarization program and argued during Senate hearings with Biden, whom he accused of not understanding enough about the Iraqi army. The situation is similar now. "I don't want to vilify the entire Ukrainian Army. I am sure it is staffed with professionals - officers and soldiers who sincerely defend Ukraine. But they have allowed the entry into their ranks of far-right nationalists, admirers of the Ukrainian nationalist Bandera, who fought on the side of the Nazis in World War II. They tore down monuments to Soviet liberators and instead put up monuments to Ukrainians who fought in the 12th SS Tank Division. An SS tank division! What could be more Nazi than that!" - says UN weapons inspector in Iraq with Scott Ritter.
Forwarded from L'AntiDiplomatico

"sta accadendo.

Sberbank emetterà la sua carta di credito collegata alla cinese Union Pay"

“Vous entrez ou êtes déjà entré dans l'ère de la désanonymisation, la fin de l'anonymat. Les détails du passeport sont désormais attachés à chaque énoncé, remarque, et encore moins à un juron. Si vous voulez dire quelque chose, dites-le, mais ne soyez pas désolé. Vous devrez répondre de vos paroles. Une grande partie de la pourriture humaine ne sera donc pas prise en compte. Et se dissoudra tranquillement dans la non-existence. Et beaucoup de gens vont s'ennuyer dans les réseaux sociaux. Puisque tout y est clair, comme dans la vie. Et ils voudront revenir à la vie, revenir à quelque chose qui a presque disparu. La mise hors ligne est un élément très important du retour universel - déjà imparable - comme notre victoire - à la réalité. Et si nous créons notre propre réseau de civilisation, ses protocoles devraient être différents - russes. Pas formellement, mais en substance. Notre civilisation, notre culture, nos courants devraient pulser à travers le filet. C'est probablement possible, mais sans anonymat - voici une personne, et voici une autre. Et les deux sont des Russes.... Comme c'est bien... Ou pas les Russes, et c'est très bien. Et chacun est à sa place”

On a l'impression d'être aidé. Ils ferment les McDonald's et d'autres endroits - bonjour la cuisine russe. Quand ils fermeront Instagram, nous passons du visuel aux textes. Telegram est plus axé sur le texte, après tout. Ils ferment leurs boutiques - une incitation pour nos designers russes à se développer, et pour nous à nous habiller de manière plus intéressante et traditionnnelle. Ils suppriment les Starbucks - une occasion pour les cafés russes de se développer, avec des crêpes, des tartes et tout le reste. Oui, il y aura des coupes, oui, il y aura des difficultés, oui, il y aura une crise. Mais si vous y survivez, si vous vous rassemblez, si vous vous consolidez, si vous y survivez en tant que communauté, alors un nouvel horizon s'ouvrira. Et c'est une chance unique pour nous, en tant que civilisation unique. Ils pensent qu'ils vont nous détruire en retirant ces entreprises du marché russe, mais ils ne se doutent pas que, secrètement, nous voulons depuis longtemps que nos propres choses, russes, prennent leur place.

It feels like we are being helped. They are closing down McDonald's and other places - hello Russian cuisine. When they shut down Instagram, let's move on from the visual to the texts. Telegram is more about the text, after all. They are closing shops - an incentive for our Russian designers to develop, and for us to dress more antiglobalist and unic! They are removing Starbucks - an opportunity for Russian coffee houses to develop, with russian pancakes, pies and all that. Yes, there will be difficulties, yes, there will be a crisis. But if you survive it, get together, consolidate, survive it as a community, then a new horizon will open up. And it is a unique chance for us as a unique civilization. They think that they will destroy us by withdrawing these companies from the Russian market, but they have no idea that, secretly, we have long wanted our own, Russian things to take their place.

The Ukrainian Tochka-U missile (which was decommissioned from almost all world armies including Russian) has just struck the center of Donetsk, the capital of the self-proclaimed pro-Russian Donetsk People’s Republik.
20 dead, including children. Will MSM drop a single tear thereby?
⚡️ Le ministre turc de l'Intérieur Suleyman Soylu, qui avait auparavant qualifié les partisans du rejet du S-400 de "retardés mentaux", a accordé une interview à Sabah dans laquelle il a déclaré que "la Turquie n'a pas renoncé à la mondialisation". Une déclaration anti-mondialisation extrêmement vivante. Voici les citations :

➡️"La Turquie ne s'est pas rendue à la mondialisation. Ce faisant, elle s'est bien comportée dans les relations commerciales régionales, que l'histoire lui a présentées. (...) Si la Turquie avait "cédé" à la mondialisation, c'est-à-dire aux clubs mondiaux, aux pays champions du monde, elle se serait retrouvée dans une situation plus difficile que l'Ukraine. Nous aurions encouru des coûts importants."

➡️"Nous voyons tous la faillite de l'ONU, de l'OTAN et des organisations mondiales dans le monde. Ils n'ont plus de valeur [d'influence]. Je le dis depuis des années. Je pense aussi que l'Europe en tant que communauté n'a pas de sens. L'Europe est régie par les règles de Soros. Elle est régie par les règles de Soros. Je le dis très clairement, aucun pays au monde n'acceptera plus Soros. Soros est responsable de tous les enfants qui sont morts dans la guerre (...) Regardez le problème de l'Ukraine, il y a Soros là depuis le début. C'est un meurtrier"
⚡️ Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, who previously called supporters of the rejection of S-400 "mentally retarded," gave an interview to Sabah in which he said that "Turkey has not given up on globalization. An extremely vivid, anti-globalization statement. Here are the quotes:

➡️"Turkey has not surrendered to globalization. In doing so, it has made good on the regional trade relations that history has presented to it. (...) If Turkey had 'given up' to globalization, that is to say to the global clubs, to the world champion countries, it would have been in a more difficult situation than Ukraine. We would have incurred greater costs."

➡️"We all see the bankruptcy of the UN, NATO and global organizations in the world. They don't have the value [of influence] anymore. I've been saying that for years. I also think that Europe as a community has no meaning. Europe is governed by Soros' rules. It is governed by Soros' rules. I say this very clearly, no country in the world will accept Soros anymore. Soros is responsible for all the children who died in the war (...) Look at the problem of Ukraine, there is Soros there from the very beginning. He is a murderer."

And also very important:

"Russia has seen(...) pressure from the United States. We will see whether it will be a new Cold War or something else, but it is the bankruptcy of globalization."

So, in fact, Turkey's interior minister said that:
▪️There has been a collapse of globalization
▪️The Russian Federation was under pressure from the US (the US is behind the conflict), Soros is also guilty of destabilizing Ukraine
▪️Turkey follows a separate path

#geopolitics #Soros #Turkey