Telegram Desktop
22.1K subscribers
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24 links
The official Telegram Desktop channel, firsthand information from the developer.
Channel created
Channel photo updated
Stable version 0.9.1 that supports channels is finally available! Same version was uploaded for Mac App Store, but it will take about a week to pass the review.

I will inform you in this channel about all new dev and stable versions, so if you are interested in Telegram Desktop progress feel free to join 😌
Right now replies from custom bot keyboards are broken in group chats :( This is a critical bug and it will require another bugfix stable update (one already was released today, 0.9.1 after 0.9 with channels).

I will prepare this version tomorrow morning and I hope you won't be bothered too much with such frequent updates.
By the way, such fixes will be required less often if more bugs will be found in the new upcoming dev versions. Dev version is a less stable version of Telegram Desktop, all features appear first there and only after some testing by all the users who installed a dev version — to all the public, who use stable update channel.

And that means more dev version users => more testers => less bugs and bugfix updates in stable version. So if you want to in the first line and get all the new features as quick as possible you are welcome to install dev version from the bottom of that page:
The new stable version 0.9.2 is available. Some critical bugs are fixed there, including sending replies to bots from custom keyboards.

You can update your current version in Settings or download it from
The new dev version 0.9.3 is already out! You can update in Settings or download this new version from the bottom of page.

This one should render your conversations list, emoji and stickers panel and almost all other parts a little bit faster. Especially it could be noticed if you own not a very fast PC or you run OS X with Retina display.

I remind you that the «dev version» update channel is less stable but it gets all new features (and bugs, and crashes 😄) a little bit faster, than the stable one.