Telegram Designers
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Feature suggestions for Telegram from designers all over the world. If you want to contribute, send your UI mockups to @design_bot
We’ve selected the 15 winners of the March design competition. The order in the list below is not important as none of the 15 designs seemed significantly better than the rest.


We will be publishing the designs submitted in the following days, starting with the winners’ works.

Each of the winners will receive $1,000 from Telegram. Congratulations!
Media is too big
Another winner is @pvashenko. Due to a technical issue, Pavel was not mentioned among the winners published above. To make up for our oversight, we award him with $2000. Congratulations!
Another winner of the design competition is @idanial. Although suggesting new features was not required by the contest rules, we liked @idanial's unconventional approach to the task:
Great redesign suggestion by @ivanliana, who is also a winner in the Telegram design competition: