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Раскрываем секретные проекты DARPA, ЦРУ, IARPA и DNI. Вся информация задокументирована.
The Things We Don't Say Out Loud.
Uncovering Secret Projects of DARPA, CIA, IARPA, and DNI: All Information Documented
Another DARPA project that raises many questions is the "gene drive" project, also known as "genetic extinction technology."

The DARPA gene drive project was launched in 2016 by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States Department of Defense. The project aims to develop gene drive technologies to combat the spread of mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria and Zika.

The use of genetic extinction technologies as a biological weapon is the stuff of nightmares, but known research is entirely focused on pest control and eradication.

How it Works

Advanced gene-editing tools, such as CRISPR-Cas9, work by using synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA) to cut strands of DNA, and then insert, alter, or remove targeted traits. They can, for example, skew the sex ratio in mosquitoes to effectively crash malaria-transmitting populations.

What Has Been Done

Gene drive research was initiated by Imperial College London professor Andrea Crisanti, who confirmed he was hired by DARPA on a $2.5 million contract to identify and disable such drives.

Under the DARPA gene drive project, the following has been accomplished:

Development of a gene drive that can be delivered to mosquitoes via genetically modified males.

Demonstration that the gene drive can effectively spread through pest populations.

Investigation of the potential environmental impact of gene drives.

What Will Be Done and Is in Development

Future plans and developments for the DARPA gene drive project include:

Development of more efficient and safer gene drive systems.

Studying the potential risks and benefits of using gene drives to combat mosquito-borne diseases.

Development of methods to control the spread of gene drives in the environment.

Exploring the ethical and societal implications of using gene drives.

Currently, research is underway on the following aspects of gene drives:

New gene drive mechanisms: Exploring new ways to propagate desired genes in populations, such as using catalytic RNAs and proteins.

Targeted gene drive systems: Developing new technologies to direct gene drives at specific species or populations to minimize potential impact on non-target organisms.

Gene drive self-limiting systems: Studying ways to limit the spread of gene drives in populations, if needed.

Gene drive delivery technologies: Developing new methods to deliver gene drives to target organism populations, such as using genetically modified insects or nanoparticles.

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DARPA has published some interesting projects for the year 2025. Here are a few of them:

Project ECOLE (Environment-Driven Conceptual Learning): This project involves AI agents capable of continuous learning based on textual and visual data. An intriguing aspect is their ability to assess the novelty of information fragments, allowing them to separate new data from previously encountered content. The system aims to assist people in performing analytical tasks across various agencies, including the Department of Defense (DoD).
Project AIR (AI Reinforcements): Focused on autonomous execution of combat tasks by multiple units of military equipment. In 2024, the program will concentrate on developing artificial intelligence algorithms and integrating them with testing platforms based on the F-16.
Project ASIMOV (Autonomy Standards and Ideals with Military Operational Values): This initiative aims to establish criteria and benchmarks for evaluating the capabilities of future autonomous military systems.
Project TIAMAT (Transfer from Imprecise and Abstract Models to Autonomous Technologies): The goal here is to bridge the gap between training autonomous systems using simulations and real-world scenarios.
We’ll continue exploring these projects and keep you informed!
CARCOSA is a program of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) aimed at developing advanced cyber technologies to support military operations. Its goal is to help frontline fighters cope with data overload by collecting, sorting, and visualizing the flow of information from the battlefield.

CARCOSA is an AI-driven aggregator that is intended to provide enhanced situational awareness of the combat space. It supports the Army's "Cyberspace and Electromagnetic Activities" (CEMA) concept, providing commanders with technical assistance in cyber operations and electronic warfare.

The full name is the Cyber-Augmented Reality and Cyber-Operations Suite for Augmented Intelligence. "Augmented reality" refers to technology that overlays digital data on the real world, such as the Apple Vision Pro headset.

DARPA has awarded contracts worth tens of millions of dollars to companies including Two Six Labs, Chameleon Consulting, Raytheon, to develop various aspects of CARCOSA. The program aims to create machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to analyze vast amounts of data and aid decision-making in combat.

According to the 2025 fiscal year budget request, CARCOSA is DARPA's largest program in "augmented intelligence cyber operations" with requested funding of $41.5 million.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence in the U.S. has invested $22 million of taxpayer money into an ambitious project called "SMART ePANTS" (Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems), aimed at developing clothing capable of recording audio and video, as well as tracking geolocation data. This project is being carried out by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), the intelligence community's secretive counterpart to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
IARPA has awarded contracts totaling over $22 million to five organizations: defense contractors Nautilus Defense and Leidos, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SRI International, and Areté. The project, slated for three and a half years, aims to create shirts, pants, socks, and underwear that are washable and equipped with means to record audio, video, and geolocation data.

According to IARPA's* claims, such "smart" clothing could assist personnel and first responders in dangerous, high-stress environments like crime scenes or arms control inspections without impeding their ability to operate freely. However, experts like Annie Jacobsen, author of a book on DARPA, warn that such technologies could open the door to new forms of government biometric surveillance and invasions of privacy.

SMART ePANTS is not the intelligence community's first attempt at developing high-tech "smart" clothing. In 2013, Admiral William McRaven introduced the concept of the TALOS exoskeleton, a sort of "supersuit" inspired by science fiction movies. However, that project failed to produce a demonstrable prototype, yet still cost $80 million.

Despite IARPA's assertions about strictly adhering to civil liberties and privacy protocols, experts fear that such technologies could give the government excessive control and access to personal information. Moreover, private companies like Meta (formerly Facebook) are also showing interest in developing "smart" clothing, further fueling concerns over data privacy.

*The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)
is a research agency under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in the United States. It was established in 2006 as a counterpart to DARPA, but focused on the intelligence community.

Key facts about the relationship between IARPA and the CIA:

IARPA is not part of the CIA's structure, but reports directly to the ODNI. However, the CIA, like the other 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, can sponsor and commission IARPA projects.
IARPA funds and coordinates research aimed at addressing complex problems faced by the intelligence community, including the CIA. This can include research in areas such as data analysis, machine translation, event forecasting, and more.
Many IARPA projects are classified because they are related to intelligence activities. It is likely that some of them were initiated by the CIA and aimed at expanding the agency's capabilities. However, the details of such projects are not disclosed.
Unlike the CIA, IARPA is not involved in operational activities or espionage. Its focus is on fundamental and applied research that could potentially benefit intelligence efforts in the long run.
CIA employees and those from other intelligence agencies may be temporarily involved in working on IARPA projects as subject matter experts in their respective fields.

Thus, although IARPA is not organizationally subordinate to the CIA, there is a close relationship between them. The CIA can act as a sponsor and customer for IARPA research and use its results in its activities.

Several interesting projects that IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity) is currently conducting or has recently led include:

Project SCIL (Scientific Advances to Continuous Insider Threat Evaluation): This project focuses on developing methods for continuous detection of potential insider threats within organizations based on analyzing employee behavior.
SHARP Program (Strengthening Human Adaptive Reasoning and Problem-Solving): Research aimed at enhancing human adaptive thinking and problem-solving abilities using cognitive training and neurostimulation.
MOSAIC Program (Multimodal Objective Sensing to Assess Individuals with Context): The development of methods for multimodal assessment of individuals’ psychological states and intentions based on physiological and behavioral markers.
MAEGLIN Program (Machine Augmented Engineered Generalizable Learning and Inference): Creating machine learning methods that allow rapid training of AI with new skills and adaptation to new tasks using limited data.
HAYSTAC Program (Human AI Symbiosis for Tactical Autonomy Concept): Research focused on creating tactical autonomous systems that effectively interact with human operators.

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DARPA's Ice Control for Cold Environments (ICE) Program. The following information is taken from the official DARPA document:

"The warming of the arctic has opened access to new trade routes and necessitated an expanded
operational area where the U.S. military must counter peer adversaries seeking to exploit emerging
theaters in ECW areas. Significant physiological and material barriers exist to establishing and
maintaining a force capable of sustained operations in ice-prone environments. Many of these
challenges are a consequence of the physical properties of ice such as ice crystal formation,
recrystallization, and propagation, as well as the impact these phenomena have on the surrounding
operational environment and force readiness. Ice control capabilities could include, but are not
limited to, the prevention of frostbite injuries, reduction of ice accretion on vehicles, vessels, and
aircraft, decreased damage to infrastructure, maintaining aqueous solutions (potable water,
medicines), solving transportation and logistics challenges (ice bridges, roads, runways), and
enabling field operations.
The dynamic formation and dissolution of ice is a ubiquitous process with wide-ranging effects on
both natural and built environments, including creating structural challenges to both living and
non-living systems and materials due to the growth and expansion of ice crystals. To cope with
these challenges, organisms that inhabit environments prone to ice formation have evolved unique
biological adaptations to mitigate, and in some instances exploit, the physical properties of ice in
order to survive and flourish in harsh conditions. The ICE program seeks to utilize diverse and
ingenious biological solutions to operating in extreme environmental conditions."


The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has initiated a Request for Information (RFI) on "Molecular Information Storage II" (MIST II), aimed at exploring cutting-edge methods for long-term data storage using DNA as an information carrier. Within this initiative, IARPA seeks to address several key challenges:
Scaling up the synthesis and sequencing of oligonucleotides to hundreds of billions of sequences in parallel, with a minimum length of 150 nucleotides. This will enable the realization of DNA data archives at the terabyte and exabyte scale.
Creating an optimal environment for archiving data on DNA, providing random access, protection against physical degradation and unauthorized access, as well as guaranteed retrieval of 100% of the information with 100% accuracy.

According to expert estimates, by 2027 the global market for DNA data storage will reach $1.5 billion, reflecting the growing interest in this revolutionary field. Indeed, the potential of DNA as a data carrier is truly unprecedented.
In 2022, the parallel recording of 8.4 million unique oligonucleotide sequences up to 170 bases long has already been demonstrated. Commercial companies are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the development of DNA archives, with a single industry player raising $200 million in just its Series C funding round.

However, to fully realize the possibilities of DNA storage, several technological challenges need to be addressed. In addition to scaling up synthesis and sequencing, it is necessary to establish processes to ensure the functionality of the archives: random access, protection against degradation and unauthorized access, while guaranteeing the retrieval of all data.
DNA has unprecedented stability, allowing information to be stored for hundreds and thousands of years at room temperature and normal humidity levels. According to IARPA estimates, the storage density of DNA can surpass modern storage media by orders of magnitude while achieving substantial energy savings.

The development of scalable, accessible, and secure DNA storage technologies will open up virtually unlimited opportunities for humanity to preserve its information heritage for the long term. IARPA aims to transform the data storage industry by enabling the creation of DNA archives that are unprecedented in scale and longevity.

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DARPA's Space-WATCH Program:


Space-WATCH is a program developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that aims to:

Provide continuous, real-time tracking of all objects in low Earth orbit (LEO).
Promptly notify operators of anomalous events, allowing them to plan and take appropriate action.

Key Features:

Leverages a vast network of low-cost sensors: These sensors are onboard commercial and government satellites in LEO and continuously detect and track nearby objects, identify anomalies or unexpected events/movements, and promptly provide relevant details to ground-based operators.
Employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques: These techniques process and validate sensor data, generate a comprehensive situational awareness picture of LEO/pLEO, identify and rapidly assess events, promptly notify operators of critical situations, determine mission types and identify threats, contextualize interactions between objects, and assess collision risks.

Program Structure:

TA1: Wide-area tracking layer with sensors hosted on commercial satellites.
TA2: Real-time automated data fusion capability to process and validate data from TA1.
Working Group: Develops a dynamically priced "data-as-a-service" model to incentivize TA1 performers to sell collected data to the government.

This solicitation focuses on TA2:

Development of applications for data fusion and processing of sensor data from DaaSPO ("data-as-a-service" products) of TA1 performers.

Additional Benefits:

Space-WATCH will facilitate the creation of a "data-as-a-service" model to incentivize non-government sensor data collection.
It will integrate with a dynamic "data-as-a-service" pricing model.
The program utilizes an operator feedback loop for algorithm improvement.

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The United States is Developing a Lunar Colonization Program with DARPA's Help

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is supporting a future vision where NASA, international governments, and commercial industry can rapidly scale up lunar exploration and commerce. This would be enabled by deploying an integrated and efficiently combined lunar infrastructure framework.

The current paradigm requires each lunar lander or activity to independently support all required resources like power, communications, and data storage. An integrated framework would upend this paradigm.

DARPA has released a Request for Information (RFI) to gather expertise that can contribute to determining commercial use cases and driving forces for a future lunar economy. Select expertise may feed into DARPA's LunA-10 (10-Year Lunar Architecture) capability study.

The LunA-10 study aims to develop technical solutions and analysis to catalyze a future lunar economy rapidly. To complement this, DARPA seeks participation from various entities whose insights are crucial for identifying commercial use cases and driving forces for a stable, self-sustaining lunar economy.

Examples of relevant expertise include financial analysts, lunar economists, space insurance companies, experts in ethical/legal/societal implications (ELSI), space policy experts, and space law experts focused on commerce and treaty compliance. Another key category is lunar economy "users" with unique infrastructure needs that must be supported. DARPA wants to understand these needs for developing analytical frameworks under LunA-10.

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Million DARPA Gambit: Raytheon's Rotating Detonation Engine Revolutionizes Air

DARPA aims to develop revolutionary rather than evolutionary improvements in propulsion technology.

Current propulsion technologies such as rockets, ramjets, and gas turbine engines have limitations in maximum range, speed, and/or affordability, hindering their ability to strike time-critical targets at a campaign scale from standoff ranges. The Gambit program focuses on developing RDEs as a new class of propulsion to enable standoff strikes against time-critical targets from 4th generation fighters.

RDEs burn fuel-air mixtures in an annular combustion chamber using a rotating detonation wave. This allows RDEs to be more compact and operable at lower speeds compared to conventional ramjets. The compactness of RDE combustors enables weapons with such engines to carry more fuel. Additionally, the low-speed operability of RDEs allows them to transition from low-efficiency rocket-boosting to high-efficiency air-breathing propulsion earlier in the flight trajectory. As a result, RDEs require less rocket boosting, freeing up more volume for fuel. Collectively, these factors provide RDEs with significantly longer ranges than conventional ramjets, enabling their employment at standoff distances. A further advantage is the absence of moving parts in the flowpath, allowing RDEs to be manufactured more affordably compared to complex turbine engines.

Title: Revolutionizing Target Detection and Tracking Capabilities through Disruptive Antenna Technologies

Bringing Classified Innovation to Defense and Government Systems (BRIDGES) - Next Generation Antennas

Potential Project Participants:

BAE Systems Jacksonville Ship Repair
Northrop Grumman
BAE Systems
Cubic Corporation
Systems & Technology Research
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin Corporation

DARPA is seeking innovative and disruptive ideas for antenna design, materials, manufacturing, or signal processing techniques that can offer significantly improved performance and/or substantial reductions in size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) compared to the current state-of-the-art. The goal is to develop revolutionary capabilities for persistent, high-quality target detection and tracking using low-cost, low-power sensors, providing strategic advantage to the United States.

DARPA is interested in developing new, innovative methods and technologies to detect and track elusive targets of interest. The ability to detect, track, and maintain target tracking across different sensors operating in various domains (e.g., air, land, space) is crucial. Although current sensing systems are highly capable, they still have limitations that prevent the Department of Defense (DoD) from deploying them for persistent, high-quality sensing at low cost and low power consumption.

To address these challenges, DARPA seeks innovators capable of providing disruptive ideas in antenna design, materials, manufacturing processes, or signal processing methods that can offer significantly enhanced performance and/or substantial reductions in size, weight, power consumption, and cost compared to the current state-of-the-art. Applications across all physical phenomena and domains will be considered, with priority given to technologies capable of operating in the air and space domains.

Breakthrough in Magnetic Navigation: DARPA Seeks Innovative Solutions for GPS-Denied Environments

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to seek new approaches and technologies for magnetic navigation in scenarios and environments where GPS is unavailable, for various application conditions.
The goal of this RFI is to better understand the state of the art (SOA) and emerging technologies available to meet the requirements of magnetic navigation in high-noise conditions.
Magnetometers can measure the combination of Earth's core magnetic field, space weather effects, human-made infrastructure, and relatively small variations in Earth's magnetic field due to mineral deposits and other geographical features of the Earth's crust. Comparing this last measurement with a stored local map allows for accurate position determination relative to Earth's reference frame, but is limited by platform noise and the quality of available maps.

DARPA assumes that this navigation approach has the following constraints:

The platform must move relative to the Earth's crust
The platform requires a magnetic navigation unit and a local inertial navigation system (INS)
Magnetic maps are created based on surveys performed at fixed altitudes
If the platform is on the ground, local magnetic sources will disrupt navigation
DARPA seeks innovative ideas to address the technical challenges described in the section below. Responses are welcome from all capable sources, including, but not limited to, private or public companies, individuals, universities, university-affiliated research centers, non-profit research institutions, and U.S. government-sponsored laboratories.

DARPA is interested in the following types of innovations:

Hardware - compact, highly sensitive, highly accurate, highly stable, and rugged magnetometers and other sensors for detecting Earth's magnetic field for navigation purposes.
Software - algorithms for real-time position and attitude determination, platform calibration, map matching, and fusion with existing onboard navigation suites.
System integration - methods for dealing with platform noise and ensuring sensor integration onboard the platform.
It is necessary to compare the current and potential future performance of the innovative approach with the state of the art, including an analysis of constraints and limitations.

Approaches that are already well-studied in published literature or provide only incremental benefits are not of interest to DARPA. Methods for creating magnetic maps are not within the scope of this RFI.

Potential partners for this project include:

Battelle Memorial Institute
Data Machines
BAE Systems
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Northrop Grumman
Systems & Technology Research
Lockheed Martin

liberty lifter.pdf
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DARPA Launches Liberty Lifter Program: Revolutionizing Maritime Logistics with Low-Cost Wing-in-Ground Effect Vehicles

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative proposals for the development of low-cost wing-in-ground effect (WIG) vehicles capable of performing strategic and tactical maritime transportation.

The Liberty Lifter program aims to demonstrate a breakthrough in operational logistics by designing, building, and flight testing a long-range, low-cost experimental aircraft (X-Plane) with the following key characteristics:

Fast and flexible strategic transportation of large payloads
Efficient flight in wing-in-ground effect mode, extending range
Sustained flight at medium altitudes (above 10,000 feet)
Seaplane capabilities for reliable on-water operations
Low-cost design and construction philosophy
The program consists of three main phases:

Key objectives, approaches, and requirements of the program:

Extended maritime operations in challenging conditions (up to sea state 5)
Low production costs through material selection and design simplification
Payload capacity of at least 90 tons, including armored vehicles and containers
Application of high-performance computing and multidisciplinary optimization in design
Ensuring airworthiness and seaworthiness of the experimental WIG vehicle

Contractor of the project: Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation

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Revolutionary Drug Delivery Platforms to Protect Warfighters

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is launching the "Hermes" program, which aims to develop new transformative systemic delivery platforms for therapeutic payloads in the body. This research focuses on overcoming the current challenges in delivering biologic drugs to various cell and tissue types simultaneously.

Key breakthrough technologies DARPA is exploring:

Development of novel encapsulation and delivery systems for large therapeutic payloads, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and small molecules, with minimal toxicity and immunogenicity.

Creation of versatile platforms capable of efficient systemic biodistribution and intracellular delivery to multiple cell and tissue types simultaneously to combat various biological threats.

Implementation of advanced screening pipelines, reporter systems, and assessment methods to track biodistribution, endosomal release, and functional expression of therapeutic payloads in vivo.

DARPA's goal is to overcome the existing limitations in biologic drug delivery and create adaptable platforms for the rapid deployment of medical countermeasures that provide protection for service members against a wide range of biological threats.

Artificial Intelligence for Missile Defense Management with Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Weapons

The U.S. Department of Defense has initiated a program to develop advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) tools for enhancing the missile defense management system. The project aims to integrate real-time information from various sensors and available weapon systems under changing weather conditions.

These AI/ML tools are intended to serve as a decision support system for commanders, enabling them to quickly and effectively select weapons and control fire for protection within a specific scenario. The task is significantly complicated by the forthcoming introduction of new directed energy weapons (DEWs), also known as non-kinetic weapons (laser, radio frequency, etc.), into the missile defense arsenal. DEWs will complement existing kinetic weapons and expand defense capabilities, but will require commanders to consider many new factors when choosing optimal armaments depending on the type and number of threats, as well as meteorological conditions that affect the effectiveness of non-kinetic weapons.

To address this challenge, the AI/ML tools being developed must provide commanders and staff with a high level of situational awareness by visualizing information about available sensors and weapons, the battlefield situation, and the progress of combat missions in an understandable and user-friendly format. A key function of the system will be the continuous real-time assessment of the operational situation, the effectiveness of various weapon systems, and data from sensors to determine the possibility of neutralizing threats with particular weapons as quickly as possible and to formulate recommendations for further selection of means of destruction.

The project envisions three phases of implementation (under SBIR Phase I/II):

Phase I - development of a conceptual design for AI/ML tools with descriptions of proposed algorithms, learning methodology, user interface for commanders, and system functionality. A reference mission scenario from the customer may be used.
Phase II - creation, testing, and description of an AI/ML tool prototype based on the groundwork from the first phase.
Phase III - implementation of the finished prototype into the actual missile defense system.
Thus, this R&D project aims to qualitatively improve the efficiency of the missile defense management system through advanced AI technologies capable of aggregating and analyzing real-time data from distributed sensors and weapon systems, continuously assessing the rapidly changing situation, and providing commanders with comprehensive information for prompt critical decision-making on selecting optimal weapons in the face of new threats and challenges.


Battle Management/Command and Control, and Communications (BM/C3), Environmental Assessment https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA213942
Battle Management: DOD and Air Force Continue to Define Joint Command and Control Efforts https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105495
Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) https://missilethreat.csis.org/defsys/c2bmc

Protecting Military Facilities from Massive UAV Attacks: US Bets on Adaptive Interception Systems

The US Department of Defense has launched a program to develop an advanced Counter-Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS) as part of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Direct to Phase II project. The project aims to create a comprehensive solution capable of detecting, identifying, tracking, and neutralizing multiple UAVs weighing up to 100lbs and traveling at speeds up to 100knots, operating autonomously and in a coordinated manner beyond the perimeter of military facilities while minimizing collateral damage and impact on infrastructure.

Modern tactics for deploying UAVs, including covert flights, massive attacks, complex diversionary maneuvers, and swarm behavior controlled by humans or AI, are constantly evolving, posing new challenges to existing C-UAS systems. Many solutions are vulnerable to the enemy's adaptive tactics, allowing them to successfully carry out missions to disrupt military operations and destroy equipment and personnel. The proposed system must effectively counter UAVs regardless of their speed, altitude, flight path, use of Position, Navigation, Timing (PNT), and swarm coordination algorithms.

A potential solution may include aerial and ground-based sensors for detection, as well as ground and air-based effectors for target interception. The key focus of the project is to ensure a flexible and adaptive impact on enemy UAVs, preventing them from successfully adjusting their tactics during an attack by changing speed, altitude, or autonomy algorithms.

The SBIR Direct to Phase II project assumes that by the start of the second phase, the participant already has a concept or prototype of a basic solution developed through internal investments. In Phase II, it is necessary to create a system capable of detecting, identifying, tracking, and neutralizing up to 15 highly dynamic UAVs within a radius of up to 10 km, allowing integration with external modules if necessary. The system should operate in the most autonomous mode possible with the ability for manual control, minimize the number of required ground/air assets, ensure target interception with minimal collateral damage, withstand 2-3 consecutive attacks without a long reload cycle, and inform operators about the status of target engagement.

The final result of Phase II should be the refinement of the C-UAS system concept during flight tests and demonstration to the customer. In Phase III, the solution is expected to be implemented both for the protection of military airfields and national airspace, as well as for the management of commercial drone fleets and awareness of their traffic.


Army Planning Demo of Systems to Counter Group 3 UAS, https://www.defensedaily.com/army-planning-demo-of-systems-to-counter-group-3-uas/army/;
Pentagons Counter Drone Boss tackles rising threat
Layered Defense is the best option

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Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) (FY24 Budget Request: $11.6M)

The U.S. Navy's Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) program, falling under the "Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation" (RDT&E) category with the designation 0604636N, aims to protect critical Navy assets from threats posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including surveillance, espionage, and hostile actions. The budget request for the fiscal year 2024 is $11.6 million.

The main objective of the program is to create an integrated Family of Systems (FoS) with advanced target recognition and engagement capabilities that meet the requirements of the fleet. To achieve this, plans include refining materiel solutions, conducting threat assessments, identifying and developing advanced target recognition and engagement technologies, and creating prototypes for integration into the C-UAS FoS.

Furthermore, the program seeks to improve interoperability between shore-based and shipboard C-UAS systems, as well as develop additional detection and deterrence capabilities in partnership with the Joint C-UAS Office.

Within the PE 0604636N program, Project 2073 focuses on the DRAKE 2.0 C-UAS Afloat system – an electronic warfare (EW) system designed to protect naval ship formations. DRAKE 2.0 is intended for detecting, identifying, tracking, and engaging small UAVs (sUAS) that pose a threat to naval forces.

Specific project goals include upgrading the DRAKE system with improved radios, processors, and displays for more effective countering of modern commercial sUAS. There are also plans to integrate the DRAKE system with shipboard command and control (C2) systems to optimize antennas used in C-sUAS missions, enhancing ships' situational awareness and effectiveness in countering UAV threats.

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Advanced Technologies for Enhancing the Efficiency and Accuracy of USSOCOM's Geospatial Surveys

USSOCOM is launching an innovative digital transformation project for its Integrated Survey Program (ISP). This ambitious project aims to modernize the existing geospatial survey system by incorporating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision. The project's goal is to increase the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of geospatial data collection, processing, and dissemination to support special operations forces.

Key project highlights:

Development and integration of new functional capabilities and enhancements using mobile data collection technologies.
Migration of authoritative SOF data into non-proprietary formats to ensure compatibility and accessibility.
Implementation of 3D modeling for Areas of Interest (AOI) and building interiors with high levels of detail and accuracy.
Optimization of 2D/3D dataset compression and transmission for efficient operation in limited network bandwidth environments.
Utilization of 5G-enabled cloud computing for rapid processing of survey data into 3D models and 2D floor plans.
Development of an intuitive user interface for visualization and interaction with geo-referenced 3D models.
Adaptation of data formats for seamless dissemination to mobile devices and low-bandwidth environments.
Deployment of a mobile data collection solution using small form factor hardware and a specialized application with AI/ML capabilities.
Integration with existing USSOCOM enterprise services and DevSecOps pipelines to ensure secure and efficient development.
Continuous systems software engineering and sustainment to ensure long-term system sustainability and adaptability.
Stringent cybersecurity measures and system accreditation processes to protect sensitive data and infrastructure.

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Towards the NextRS Y-Plane Hypersonic Aircraft: Overcoming Material and Structural Limitations

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and its Aerospace Projects Office (APO) are requesting information on aircraft structural technologies and material deficiencies related to the design and development of reusable, lightweight, thermally controlled airframe structures. This information could potentially support the development of new DARPA programs.
aims to bridge the gap between the current state-of-the-art in reusable hypersonic vehicles and the level of technical maturity required to initiate the design of the advanced NextRS Y-Plane aircraft by the end of this decade.
Recent developments in hypersonic weapons have led to a resurgence of structural concepts and the development of materials capable of withstanding the hypersonic environment and weapon operational cycles. Progress has been made in thermal protection systems, "hot" structures, and additively manufactured structures. Research is being conducted on composite materials such as carbon-carbon, infused carbon-carbon, or ceramic matrix composites.
However, these achievements are insufficient for creating hypersonic aircraft structures that need to be reusable over longer operational timelines, have efficient weight on large surfaces/airframes, and be primarily designed for thermal loads rather than mechanical loads.
is interested in what might hinder the development and construction of a reusable, lightweight, thermally controlled metallic airframe and skin for a hypersonic aircraft in the near future. Aspects such as resource assessment, weight efficiency, thermal management, and the use of metallic materials are being considered.